Warping Floors
This is a very old recurring nightmare theme of mine. I can't pinpoint any specific dream, but the image itself popped up enough. Basically, I would go walking around in the upstairs of some building--usually our house, probably my brother's old bedroom--and as I walked around I would notice that the floors were all warped, for some reason. Just these wooden floorboards CURVING and TILTING every which way, including WAY, WAY down at the corner, usually with gaps between the planks. As I walked the warping would seem to grow worse until I threatened to lose my balance and go plunging off the side to the ground far below. It's like the house was open, sort of, and I would put my arms out to try to keep my balance, and the mere act of walking around upstairs would fill me with horrible anxiety and fear. I would feel as if my support were about to give out any minute, and I hated this feeling.
Though I no longer really dream about the warping floors, I believe I've had similar dreams in more recent times, though not frequently. In one of my 1996 dreams on audiocassette there's reference to me walking over a wooden dock in which the slats are gaping and crooked and that sounds as if it could be a throwback to this old dream. I believe any dream in which I have difficulty walking across an unstable surface could be related to this theme, though those older dreams seemed even more terrifying.
Early Dreams