The Tornado Killer
This is a very old nightmare of mine.
I can't remember exactly how it went, but I used to frequently dream about tornadoes when I was little, as we live in the end of Tornado Alley and get frequent tornado warnings in the summer. I used to always grow very anxious and panicky whenever the little tornado icon appeared on the TV screen, and once I even gathered all my stuffed toys and hid them under my bed, then joined them for a time, as I was so upset! We even had regular "tornado drills" in elementary school, in which we would squat down along the walls with books covering our heads. Kind of stupid, if you ask me, but that's how it was...
This dream differed from my regular tornado dreams in that the tornado was not the only bad element involved. I guess a tornado had touched down in our area in the dream, had wrought its destruction, and then moved on. People were now coming out to assess the damage. For some reason I found myself walking down the road leading out to Aloha State Park, where my schoolbus route used to take me, and the scene here was not a pleasant one.
Bodies littered the road. This would have been bad enough if the tornado had been responsible, but it wasn't. Somehow I--and whoever might have been with me--learned that, even as this natural phenomenon was whirling through the area, a serial killer was on the move as well. He had the very strange MO of using the tornado as his cover! So as it went spinning through, he moved through as well, and had slaughtered these people now lying in the road. How weird!
I remember just walking along in a daze, staring at all the bodies. I don't recall it being extremely graphic, but it was scary enough, for someone as afraid of tornadoes as I was back then. For some reason I also remember an old schoolmate, Trisha C....I think she was sitting on a covered porch nearby, and as I passed her she just stared back, mute. I think she was in shock. We were never friends--in fact she sometimes teased me--but I think I felt sorry for her.
To this day the image of me just wandering this long road covered with scattered bodies still lingers with me. I never did find out what became of the killer. :/
Early Dreams