Showroom Toilet
This is an old dream fragment which to this day I consider one of my funniest sleeping moments.
A common recurring theme of mine is of me having to go to the bathroom, but there is always something impeding me. There is ALWAYS something wrong with the public bathrooms! Either the stall walls will be too short, or there won't be any doors, or the toilets will be overflowing and horribly unsanitary, or people will be coming in there with me to talk as I try to use the toilet, or whatever. Usually the idea I get is of a lack of privacy, and as an already anxious person, I find this DREADFUL. I can't count how many times I've dreamed of needing to use bathrooms and toilets that just had no privacy whatsoever.
This little fragment, however, by far takes the cake.
Basically I was with my family in some sort of department store, and I needed to use the bathroom. And...the only toilet available...was this luxury model, on DISPLAY! Way up on this PEDESTAL with LIGHTS shining down on it!! It was way up there like a throne that EVERYONE could see! In the dream, of course, this made me feel very frustrated and upset...but now all I can do is laugh. I think in the dream I might have tried to climb up to it--even more frustrating, as I'm afraid of heights--but I just find it incredibly funny that the only toilet I could use was this fancy DISPLAY model that was practically screaming LOOK AT ME!! Is the meaning of this dream obvious or what? ^_^
Early Dreams