My Mother's Doppelganger
This is an old dream whose date I do not remember. I also don't remember many of the details by now.
I was with my mother, and she was driving her car--which I seem to remember was the flesh-colored Chevette--over some sort of strange land bridge. This seemed to be in the area of the highway bridge just across from the old railroad bridge, not far from our home, only maybe facing perpendicular to that. It was massively tall, going WAY up in the air, and very narrow with these steep earthen sides that just plunged DOWN. I seem to remember it was over water. It was just a road atop this very narrow, very steep strip of earth. No supports or rock or anything. Very troublesome, for an acrophobe like me. Yet I didn't seem to focus on it very much.
I sat in the backseat, as I used to do for quite a while even when the front passenger seat was empty. As Ma drove along I noticed a car coming toward us on the other side of the road. Something about it puzzled me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. As it got closer I noticed that the car looked...familiar, somehow. It finally swept right past us, the driver not even glancing our way, and it was only after it was gone that I saw Ma look up at me in the rearview mirror with a puzzled expression on her face. She'd noticed the other car too, and it had also struck some chord with her, which she couldn't place.
"Ma," I said in dread, as I had recognized the face of the driver as they'd passed--I'd gotten a perfect look at it. "That was YOU!"
I saw her brow furrow in the mirror. I was filled with this intense fear. Part of me wanted to glance back at the passed car, just out of habit, but the other part of me was so terrified that if I looked back, I would see something awful...like the future...a gruesome one...and so I could not bring myself to look back.
That was how that dream ended, thank God...
Early Dreams