Around & Around We Go
All I remember is running up and down stairs. Over and over, around and around and around. Mostly down but a little bit of up. I was with some other people (they were ahead of and/or behind me--I ran alone) in some kind of big downtown building, maybe a nice hotel; it was nighttime and much of the place was dark or in shadow. Mysterious, the way I like it. The stairs were of dark handsome wood (solid steps) and were in these stairwells that seemed to go around and around in a square pattern, turning at 90 degrees. They were not steep but there sure were a lot of them.
I seemed to be the father of one of my characters--an Ameni Chronicles character?--or maybe Sgt. Mark Kincaid?--and I was either chasing or being chased by someone, or else both, because there were several people or groups of people involved. It was all quite exciting. I was tense but not afraid; I rather liked this. I kept running and running and running, turning at angles, fleeing into alternate stairways and landings, ducking behind corners, trying to avoid detection and to surprise others. It was very complex. I kept running down down down, then came to a landing or something and went up a little bit, but it was mostly down. I feel I was way up high in this building so I would have been headed toward the ground rather than a basement, I think.
Unfortunately that's really all I recall of the entire dream. Just lots of running down the stairs. :/
2005 Dreams