Russell's House
Didn't take notes, and don't remember well--wasn't even going to take note of it. But I have some spare time and a few mental images left, so here goes.
Somehow, I ended up at what was supposed to be the house of Russell E., an old friend and classmate from elementary school. He works at Wal-Mart in town now and we occasionally greet each other but we haven't been in any sort of real contact since probably seventh grade. He's a nice guy, very tall and with a distinctive voice. In real life he used to live right down the road from me but I have no clue where he lives now.
Well, in my dream it's kind of like I was on my way home from school, or going for a walk or something, and I might have met up with Russell, or just gone there myself, but in any case I ended up at his house. It was set way back in the woods, at the end of this really LONG road or driveway. It was a dirt road/driveway, narrow like a footpath. The trees were not hugely dense like a forest but there were open spots. It was sunny, and it got more open the further out I went, maybe like there was a swamp or wetland or meadow out there. I went into Russell's house and he had family there--maybe parents, siblings, or something; I seem to recall a little girl, like a toddler. I don't know where Russell was but I really had to use the bathroom and so I think I asked; I ended up going into this bathroom but there was something wrong with it at first, like it wasn't private or it was somebody else's room or something. I think I was partly visible but not too much, yet when I tried to urinate I could not do it! Performance anxiety! >_< I don't get like this in real life, though I would probably just REFUSE to use the bathroom if I felt it wasn't private enough. Anyway I tried and tried and it did not want to come out no matter how badly I had to go! I don't remember how that part was resolved.
There was more that had to do with me in Russell's house, interacting with the other people there, before for some reason I decided to either go outside or leave. I left the house and started walking back up the path. It was so sunny and there were stands of trees, maybe cedar, and the ground was all green and maybe mossy; I feel this territory was supposed to be in the west (west of where I really live, that is). If it was, then I would have been heading east now. I think the dirt road/drive came out onto the highway we live on, only I was further north, like down the street. I seemed to be doing something as I walked, maybe eating or something; I looked at a peaceful little set of trees to my right, and saw how the path wound around them and there was moss and grass beneath them, and I thought of how peaceful it would be to come out here into the woods and just read or sit or something, for no reason but to do so. What a nice thought! I even paused to mull over whether this would be a good spot or not. It would almost be like sitting alone on Mackinac Island, I guess. :)
Well, I had to get home, so I decided to hold off on that for now, and kept walking. I knew I was going to be coming back at some point and then I thought, "Will I even recognize the way back when I come?" I stopped and turned around to look at the trail. I recognized how it had looked on the way there, but it looked different now. It even split in two and I looked from one trail to the other. I believe the one on my right was the one I had just come from, and the proper one. I then shook off my confusion, said, "Yeah, that looks like the right path," and went on my way.
This was a VERY odd reaction, considering that that trail didn't look at ALL like the one I'd originally taken...but in the dream I didn't want to think or worry about it too much, so I said that was the right one, and so I knew it was so, no matter how unfamiliar it looked. And merely doing that seemed to make it so. I knew to take that way if and when I came back, so I was not so worried anymore. I anticipated the thought of returning to sit among the trees and just relax, but there was a feeling of me having to really go (home?) just then, so it would have to wait.
No real-life associations I'm aware of. Russell E.?? No clue why he'd show up! :/
2005 Dreams