Wee Wits
I DID take notes on these, for a change, yet apparently they're not very good because it's hard for me to remember it anyway! Grrr. >_<
Well...I don't even know if this was all the same dream or not, nor of what the order was, but here goes. In one part I was apparently in some kind of school only we were all eating lunch outside, at night. It seemed vaguely like we would have been to the left of Black River Elementary School, only the long lunch tables were parallel to its side wall so my back was to it and the road would have been to my left. I think the tables were shiny white. It was night out but there were some lights on and I think we were all supposed to be little kids. I had to sit near this group of kids (a lot of this I'm guessing at because my memory is poor) and they were of course making fun of me. The leader was a snotty little boy; we were all much too sarcastic and witty for our age so it was like being in a movie. He sat to my left and since I was on my own and not interacting with them, he of course found reason to mock me for that. I can't remember how, but I found some way to make fun of them in return, with some sort of dry comment; my refusal to get upset angered them, and I think they left. At least, I have written down "leave" so it was either them or me; can't remember which. I'll assume it was them since there was a bit more with me at the table. I apparently asked a girl student near me some sort of question, to which she shrugged because she didn't know the answer. I accepted that, and then put my head down on the table as if to sleep. I think of my pink sweater I wore all the time in elementary school so maybe I was wearing that and saw it when I put my head on my arms. I wanted people to think I was dozing. I acted very neutral and unconcerned throughout this part of the dream.
This may have been part of or related to "Port-A Rooms."
This may have been part of or related to "Wee Wits."
If this was not part of the next dream/segment, there was something about these little toy "rooms" (for want of a better word--I couldn't think clearly while writing this down) being very popular. They were just these little plastic containers, kind of, which you could carry around...they had a floor/ground segment, and a translucent/frosted, semicircular, flexible plastic "wall" wrapping around about half of the ground and leaving the front and top open. Little scenes were arranged inside these things to resemble rooms in houses--so it was like carrying a dollhouse around, except it was just one room. I think there was a handle attached to the wall to carry them around easily. It seemed like lots of people had one of these, and I was curious about them. I don't know where I was when I saw these--inside the school in "Wee Wits"?--but it did seem to be inside somewhere.
This may have been part of or related to "The Pit & The Centrifuge."
The Pit & The Centrifuge
This may have been part of or related to "Port-A-Rooms."
I walked out of somewhere and into a busy street. It was narrow and very crowded with all sorts of activity; the width of the street, and the closeness of the buildings, was such that it was surprising that any sunlight reached the ground at all, the buildings loomed so close. It was almost like being in a foreign country but I knew I was on Mackinac Island. There were no cars that I recall, and some horses/carriages, and perhaps some bikes though I don't recall specifically seeing any; most people were walking. I think the street was cobblestone and it was shiny and wet from a recent rain or some such. The stones were dark.
I think Ma was with me or else some distance behind me; I seemed to be on my own, yet I felt she wasn't too far away. I had to carefully wind my way around people to avoid running into anything. I don't remember sidewalks, if there were any. At some point I came across this square hole in the street, maybe two by two feet wide, and halted to peer down into it. It went WAY down, probably fifteen feet or more, and was perfectly square with muddy water at the very bottom; I don't think it (the water) was deep but if I fell in, there'd be no way for me to get out without help. "How come they don't have a cover over this?" I wondered in disbelief--just this big gaping hole right in the middle of a hectic street! I had come so close to falling right in! I felt I was standing far too close for comfort, considering the chaos going on around me, and so tried to take a step back. And nearly got run over by a horse carriage.
I immediately halted where I was, hole on one side, horse carriage on the other. It was kind of like a carriage but also kind of like just a horse, I'm not sure. The guy in charge of it in any case was a foreigner--probably Indian, but maybe Latino--dark skin, wiry steel-wool hair and mustache, lean creased face--like a thinner version of Dennis Farina, kind of, and with an accent. He started yelling but not angrily; he halted his horse--I think it was white--and kind of moved it or turned it aside so I could get by without falling into the hole. How nice of him. The horse's tail end was right near me, to my left (the "sidewalk" or whatever was close upon my right, since I was on the right side of the road), and the guy waved me forward. But I felt he had the right of way and so held my place, and I believe I let him pass instead. Then I went on my way, grateful that at least he hadn't yelled at me for nearly causing an accident.
I was now with a small tour group, Ma included, and a woman in charge. We were just kind of wandering around and after a while I realized that we didn't even have to stay with our tour group, we could basically go wherever we wanted--cool! But I guess I had nothing to do because I kind of leisurely followed them. We went inside a building and started walking past these "stalls," for want of a better word...it was supposed to be stables. But the stables were like these "pens"...not even like that. This is hard to describe. Basically there was this big section in the middle of this room which was squared off by wooden beams and seemed solid, or else filled in, up to near the top, where it was partitioned into "pens" in which the animals were kept. These pens were up at about chest level, yet only several inches deep, and maybe a foot or so wide. Tiny things. I think they were filled with hay, and the creatures being kept in them alternated between being camels, lions/tigers, and maybe sheep; very strange. They seemed to be mostly mothers with their young. I have written down "toy one" and I seem to recall at first a lot or all of them seemed to be toys, but then they were supposed to be real; I think I petted a toy one or else just looked at it more closely as we passed. I remember one of them having big lazy eyes. At first they were like camels or toy camels--remember, none of them were fullsize, but much smaller, like toys. I looked at these as we passed and then they seemed to be more like lions or tigers (I think they were sheeplike in that they were all penned in). We passed through the narrow space on the left side of these pens, going toward the back of the building; everything seemed to be of old grayish wood.
I looked at these animals with much curiosity, then looked at the lady leading us--I think she was a little plump, with a short light brown hairdo, and very pleasant looking, like a housewife--and smiled, saying, "I watch this one on the webcam every day," pointing at one mother animal with her offspring. The webcam in question was related to one or two that I visit in real life every day; one is of Main Street, Mackinac Island, and the other is of horse stables, and the camera is situated in one stall with a mother horse and her foal (it alternates between different horses--one recent one has a colt, one has a filly).
The woman smiled in return and said, "People like that (watching the webcam, that is)."
We entered a big room off of the back and I'm afraid it gets vague here. I can't even remember what we were supposed to be doing! It was big and white, vaguely like a gymnasium, only I think the ceiling was too low. Off to my left and kind of behind me was some sort of giant "centrifuge," as I called it in my dream; it was this big thing with colors on it, maybe round colored windows, and it kept spinning around slowly, maybe kind of tilting as it did, like a giant top slowing to a stop. I do not know what its purpose was as I didn't even learn of it in the dream. Maybe the woman tour guide was talking. At some point it was revealed somehow that I had been given some money as a gift--maybe I discovered it just by pulling it out of my pockets--and I held up two bills, looking at them as I talked to Ma, and then I blinked and looked at them more carefully. The first was a $3 bill, and the second I believe was a $13 bill. ^_^ At first I had a dream memory of the government in fact starting to issue $3 bills for some bizarre reason, but then I think I either brushed that off as false information, or assumed this was not one such bill, but rather a fake. They felt like real money but I scoffed at them and looked at Ma, saying in a sarcastic voice something vaguely like, "Oh, yeah, wonderful for them(?) to give me this." I was more amused by such stupid denominations, than anything. In addition I think the money had names or images listed on it and among those were the names Chibiabos and Cerberus, among others...these two being characters from Native American Ojibwa and Greek mythology, respectively. Chibiabos is the name of trickster/culture hero Manabozho's brother, Wabasso (White Rabbit), who fell through the ice and was killed by evil manitous (spirits); he died and became Chibiabos, "Ghost of Rabbit" and guide of the dead, and was also associated with the wolf. Cerberus is of course the three-headed dog who guards the underworld in Greek mythology. I saw these names and/or images of these mythological figures on the money and there were other names too but I can't recall them.
For some reason I guess we then left; I think Ma had to go to the bank or something, and now we seemed to be at home, getting ready to leave. It was sunny out and summer though I was inside the utility room. Ma went out but I was having a lot of trouble getting on my sandals, which I think were really HER sandals, since they didn't feel like mine (she has sandals made of some kind of coarse peatlike material, whereas mine are always rubber). I think I had also taken off all my clothes or else my shirt, and had to go get on another one; it's like the sandals didn't want to go on my feet. I kept sticking my foot in one impatiently. At some point I remembered I had no money for my lunch! (This may have tied in here with "Wee Wits" and the outdoors lunch.) There was a feeling of having already shown up at lunch or school with no money, and I might have to call her on the phone :( but then I was here with her on our way out and I said, "Oh! I need some money for lunch."
I needed a certain amount to get what I wanted to eat, and I think Ma asked, "How much?"
And immediately my mind went all foggy. I think it was slightly over $3, but I was going to ask for $5 just in case, but...I could not answer her question at all! I just kind of hazed out and stared at her stupidly. "How much do you need?" she echoed herself, growing a little peeved.
All I could do was stand there and go, "Uhh..." I don't know if or how I told her how much money I needed. I have written down "out door," so maybe we then left. I just went totally stupid there and had no clue what to say. :/
This might have been part of or related to "With The Help Of Nevada!"
With The Help Of Nevada!
This might have been part of or related to "The Pit & The Centrifuge."
I have written down "Nevada movie, kid gets revenge w/ help of state/casinos/history/etc." This was a vague part somewhere in one of these dreams (maybe part of "Wee Wits"?) in which I was looking at something in a magazine or on a card, maybe, and it was about a movie (set in or about Nevada?) with a kind of geeky boy in the lead role. I think he was teased and so he was setting out to get revenge (in a comedic way, of course, since it was a funny movie), and on this thing I was looking at there was a listing of the different, sometimes surprising, things/groups that were going to wittingly or unwittingly assist him. Among these were "the state," "casinos," and "history." I think I was surprised to see "casinos" on the list because I hadn't expected them to help, yet they were; that was nice. (Oddly I think it was Indian casinos referred to, NOT Las Vegas casinos.) But that was so vague that that's all I have left of it.
2005 Dreams