All The Horses That Came Before
Just one image I remember still from a dream I had yesterday (really the day before yesterday, since I'm nocturnal).
I was sitting on my bed paging through one of my dream sketchbooks like the ones I kept back from 1996-7, though I do not remember if it was supposed to be one of THOSE actual books, or a more recent one I'd been keeping. In real life I have not kept any since--there are four composition books I kept as sketchbooks back then--but I kind of feel this one might have been a "new" one. I was just looking at the drawings I'd made and now I'm pretty sure it was a more recent book, one I haven't kept in real life, because I came to a set of drawings I'd made about recent dreams. And I paused and frowned in puzzlement, then started paging through even more. These pages were filled with drawings of...horses. All kinds of horses--realistic brown ones, and strangely colored bright ones, like from fantasy. Regular ones and ones rearing up on their hind legs, maybe out of clouds. I especially remember one fantasylike horse with impossibly colored fur--purple?--maybe rearing up out of a cloudbank. I flipped back and forth through the pages. There were a few drawings of other things in between these, but the great bulk of drawings I had done in the past few weeks or months were of horses. There had to have been at least a dozen such drawings.
"They're all of horses. I keep dreaming of horses," I murmured to myself in puzzlement, browsing these drawings. And I knew that the horse must therefore hold some great significance for me, otherwise why would I be dreaming of it so very much, especially lately? But beyond that, I didn't really figure anything out.
Upon awakening this dream made me think of my old dream "The Mad Horse & The Bear," a dream in which a horse played an important role--as an antagonist, fighting against a bear who was my friend. I did not get that feeling from the "dream horses" in this dream (so that would be, dream within a dream!--yikes!), but for some reason that was what I thought of. I don't think I thought of it back then but right now it also reminds me of "Square Clouds & Purple Horses," and of the dreams I used to have of stampeding horses, or horses as sexual creatures.
Too Much Salt In My Ice Cream!
Again, just a scene I remember from a longer dream I had last night. A bunch of stuff was going on and I believe I ate dinner, but then I still had room for dessert, which turned out to be a box of nice coffee-flavored ice cream we had. I know it sounds kind of gross but there really is such a thing; it's like mocha. What's odd is it was in a square cardboard box, whereas in real life I try to avoid that kind of container if possible. And I haven't gotten ice cream in a long while. It seemed to be evening, maybe summer; Ma was involved. Maybe she was the one who had bought it.
Anyway, I took this box of ice cream into the living room and sat down on the couch, facing the picture window, and began to eat out of the box with a spoon. It's like I had unfolded the box partway and was scraping hunks of ice cream out and then scraping bits of it off the sides, something I would not do in real life since I'm so anal about what I eat! It was really weird how the box seemed deconstructed somehow. :/ I had to be careful not to spill it or let it melt over the couch. I took a few small bites, and it tasted mostly good, but then I didn't much care for it because...it had too much SALT in it!! >:P
Ick! That's right! It was SALTY! Not horribly horribly salty, but just this annoying aftertaste of salt. In ice cream! COFFEE-flavored ice cream! It seemed weird at first but then again they DO put salt in just about everything, even just a tiny amount, but these guys had gone overboard. I continued eating but I must have made a face; this ice cream was not really hitting the spot! "They put too much salt in it," I murmured, rather obviously. I scraped some darker ice cream off the side of the box (the main part of the ice cream was light brown, kind of golden cocoa colored, as it should be) to eat it, then dug the spoon into the main block of it...I was also rather surprised by the texture, since I had expected it to be smooth but hard, like Breyers* ice cream, yet it was soft and fluffy. I did keep eating it, but eh, it was not nearly as good as it should have been. :/
The flavor of the ice cream really struck me in the dream. And upon awakening, it still does. I've always been able to taste things in my dreams (recall "One-Star Restaurant," my dream of eating bad food in a Chinese restaurant), but this was so very distinctive as to be almost real. Strange.
2005 Dreams