Shooting Stars
Darn it! This dream was VERY clear right after I had it (an hour before waking up), and still clear even after I woke up for good, so I thought I would not have to take notes. And so it's now faded. -_-
Basically, I was at home with Dad, and Ma was probably around somewhere. We were in the living room--Dad and me, at least. Night was falling. At first Dad might have been up and maybe out of the room and he was exclaiming about his scissors, wondering where they had gone. I think I saw a pair in the living room but I don't know if they were his or mine. I knew I had not taken his scissors so I said something like, "Hey, I didn't take them! I use my OWN pair!" There was the insinuation that perhaps Ma had taken them. Dad wasn't angry, just wondering where they had gone.
He then came into the living room and we both sat down on the couch. I think maybe at first I was standing up, or else I got up again because the sun was setting and I wanted to see if the sky would do anything interesting. It was growing deep pink in the west and I said, "Ooooo, look at that!" I looked out the window at the unusual color. The trees seemed to be bare but I do not feel it was winter, since there didn't seem to be snow; maybe late spring or late fall. The sky was growing dark except for the glowing patch of pink in the west, I think, and this strange coloration awed me.
I think I returned to sit down on the couch and Dad was sitting to my right. We were still looking out the window, but now it's like the window included the ceiling over our heads--we could see "through" this to the sky above. (In real life there's another story, the upstairs, up there.) Now this part was very clear but I'm hazy on it by now. I saw some lights moving across the sky from west to east and wondered what they were. I think at first I said, "Look, a plane," because that's what it looked like, but then I saw another light behind it, and another behind THAT, and they were all traveling in a curving arc/line. They weren't just little white lights either; there was something different about them. Like maybe little sets of lights rather than just single lights; I seem to recall the plane had a red light on it too. Unsure.
Well, this line of lights traveling in the sky puzzled me. It seemed to be nighttime now since the sky was dark and stars were showing up. Dad watched the light and I think he too was somewhat puzzled as to what it was. "It's a plane," I said again, because I was pretty sure that the first one was a plane. But the two behind it were supposed to be meteorites/shooting stars, and I think maybe the plane kept on going and they shot in another direction; like I said, I've grown hazy. :(
This part of the dream was more involved and more detailed but I'm afraid that's grown vague by now. Pretty much I saw more shooting stars moving across the sky--much slower than shooting stars are, because they were just kind of traveling, not really shooting. I just kept seeing more and more. "Oh, wow!" I exclaimed at last. "I didn't know we were supposed to have a meteor shower!" Because that's pretty much what it was, by now. I sensed that maybe Dad had known, but I hadn't. I was delighted watching all these shooting stars moving across the sky.
I sat right next to Dad, my leg probably touching his; I wondered if I should sit so close, but I felt safe and happy, like a little kid. It's almost like we were on this couch with no house surrounding it anymore, for how great our view of the sky was; not even tree branches obscuring it. At some point I became aware of the sky growing VERY dark, not even the stationary stars showing up anymore; it seemed kind of mottled, and became very dark like a blanket had been tossed over it; I felt a little anxious with it being so dark. But I remembered the shooting stars, and knew that Dad was right there, and I was not terribly anxious for long.
That's pretty much all I remember of that dream.
Real-life associations: Dad does not have a special pair of scissors that he keeps watch over; but in real life, Ma is often asking who made off with her scissors (and it usually isn't either of us). Dad's actions regarding scissors sounded more like something Ma would do. The final scene of the night sky reminds me very vaguely of my "darkness falling" dreams, but aside from that there is no real comparison. I can think of no real-life sky/shooting star connection, but I do find it interesting that I should dream of sky phenomena, right the day after I came up with a new scenario for a Native American Ojibwa character in my writing, Geezhigo-Quae or Sky Woman (an important figure in the creation myth), and just a few days after writing up a scenario about a new character of mine, named Half Sky. Coincidence?
2005 Dreams