Free Ferry Ride!
Just a tiny tad from a bigger dream. At one point I recall being in some kind of store with long shelves spanning across this room (it seemed to be all old washed-out-looking wood, grayish-brown); the shelves were like for magazines or books, to be set upright with their covers showing. Long low building like for tourist gifts. I think I was there with my parents. I was browsing or something and I noticed something on one of the shelves; it was for a contest and the prize was free ferry tickets to Mackinac Island! Considering that ferry tickets from ANY of the three ferry companies cost over $15 each, I liked this idea.
"Free ferry tickets!" I thought. "If I won those, then I could go to the island TWICE this summer!"--meaning, I would pay my own way once (with my mother coming along with me), and then I could go AGAIN, for free! (I'm guessing there were at least two tickets to win, as I do not ever go to the island alone, yet I felt no anxiety of being on my own--I must have planned the other ticket to go to Ma.)
I briefly considered entering to win the tickets--which means the contest must have been either simple, or something I felt I was good at, since I do not enter contests unless there's a HUGE chance I'll win (which is almost never!). I think I decided not to--but only because at least one trip to the island was guaranteed already. I was not in a bad mood. I was quite cheery and hoped that at least somebody else would enjoy their free ride.
(There was more to the dream, but that's all I recall and all I wished to share anyway. :P )
2005 Dreams