Black & Blue
This is just an image from several nights ago; I forgot to take note of it then.
Basically, I was startled to see that my lower legs, in particular the outside of my left leg, were just completely BLACK AND BLUE from bruises. I mean BRIGHT blue and purple, running all the way down my leg. The outside of my left leg was the one I was looking at especially. I could not believe how badly I was bruised! I was showing them to Ma and exclaiming over them in consternation. Where could I have gotten such hideous bruising?? I was just mystified. :/
This probably tied in to real life, as recently I keep discovering bruises littering my arms, and I do not know how they get there. Ma says it's because I take a lot of aspirin, but I take only two a day, IF that many at all, plus I don't go hitting my arms against things on accident that much. She said that doesn't matter and that if you take enough aspirin just TOUCHING your arms can bruise them, but I find that hard to believe. I bruise easily from the looks of it but this recurring proliferation of bruises on my arms is just puzzling.
Open Port
This was part of a bigger dream from my regular sleep, but I took no notes, so I can give only a general idea of what happened and stuck with me the most.
I was...somewhere...and it was suddenly important for me to locate some sort of hidden doorway or passage in this guy's private room. I guess we were on a ship in port or docked or something. This guy was important, maybe handsome and with a British accent; he wasn't a bad guy, I don't think, but there was something ominous or forbidding about him; maybe an Animus figure. I had a feeling of awe about him, especially since I wanted to locate this hidden door without drawing his attention. I think some people had been explaining this whole deal and I ran off in the middle of it to find the door for myself, even though that hadn't been the plan--for some reason I wanted to be the one to do it. I dashed down some passageways and at last came to what I assumed were his private quarters--this medium-sized room all in darker colors, like brown or wood, I think. I've never been a passenger on a ship aside from a little ferry so all I can say is it LOOKED like what I'd assume a room on a ship might look like. I was confused at first since I wasn't sure if it was his room, but I guessed that it was, and went inside.
"I have to be careful," I thought. "I can't let him know I'm in here! But I have to be fast!" I really did NOT want to get caught, for some reason. :/ I made a beeline for the opposite side of the room and I think it was hidden, though it seemed to be in plain sight; maybe I saw something else first, then located the door behind it? In any case I found a little square doorway, like a hatch, set low in the wall, and knew I'd found the hidden passage. "This is it!" I exclaimed, and pulled it open.
Now this is also confusing, because it was like locating a hidden tunnel or room, but it was also like I never left the room I was in. The hidden doorway/passage changed into just a hidden opening, I guess. And now it was higher up, because when I opened it and leaned out, it was not a passageway but an opening either to a window or overlooking the deck of the ship. I got a sudden thought of "shipyard," and knew that that was what this looked out over, and that this was important, that I locate the easiest access to the shipyard we were in. I do not recall what the significance of this was, but it was important. :/ I opened this hatch and stuck my head and elbows out and now it's like I was leaning on a windowsill overlooking the shipyard and I could see either a wooden dock below or some other ships docked nearby, or both. The water was below and slightly ahead (something else--the deck?--was right below the window, like I was looking out a porthole or something) and it was sunny outside. I looked at the dark water rippling and suddenly noticed that...there was a toy sitting in the window/porthole, just to my right. I picked it up. It was my old "Tigger" toy (not THE Tigger, just an old toy tiger I named Tigger), and he was wet. I tried to brush the water from him and held him in my hand.
I got a creeped-out feeling now because--the guy whose room I was trespassing in came in behind me!! I sensed he was not ANGRY or anything--in fact I think he was amused. But I was so startled that he'd KNOWN I was in here that I froze and could not turn to look at him. Instead I pretended to be too busy with Tigger, and acted somewhat nonchalant as if I had known he'd known, all along. There was something in here about another Tigger, I think, maybe out in the shipyard, and this had something to do with the Tigger I now held and the significance of me saving him from the porthole. This was all very important but I just do not recall what it all meant.
The "second Tigger" reference reminds me of a couple of old nightmares of mine (see "Too Many Kittens" and "Tigger, Trapped In Ice"), and my ominous feelings toward this faceless man remind me of how I feel toward threatening male presences in some other dreams of mine (e. g., "Tehuti Vs. The Creepy Knife Guy!", but "Eyes For The Witch King" in particular)--hence my associating him possibly with my Animus. I think I was drawn to him, but at the same time I had this almost irrational anxiety of him--like my fear of being discovered in his room even though I knew he would not be angry. Hard to explain, I guess.
2004 Dreams