Mother Cosmas
Very vague; I'll just give the basic impression since I took no notes and it was muddled. I THINK we found out that our male cat, Cosmas, had had kittens--or else he was now female and had had kittens--or else he was the father. Somehow, Cosmas was involved, and there were kittens. It was daytime and I think Ma and Dad and I, and maybe some other people, were walking around the house. And there were ALL SORTS of black-and-white cats around. Basically, I kept confusing these other cats for Cosmas. I saw one which I thought was him, then there was another beside it; they were sitting under a chair or something. Then I noticed this first cat had long fluffy fur (Coz is a shorthair but that never figured into my thoughts), and it was mostly black with some white on the muzzle and body, and I thought, "No, that's not him. He's more white than black." Then at another point I spotted a (female?) cat and thought it was him, I was just about sure, but then I noticed this cat had a black pattern on the head which extended over the eyes. "No, this isn't him," I thought. "Coz has just a black cap on his head!" Which is kind of true; in real life he has a black cap on his head and it has a point in back, like he's wearing a little hairpiece. He has no black around his eyes.
I at last hit on this realization--"Coz has a black cap atop his head!"--and started looking around accordingly, not allowing myself to be distracted by all these other black-and-white cats. I believe I almost thought one cat with a black cap was him, but the cap wasn't the same. I think at last I found him. It was much easier than I'd thought. Then I think I wanted to find the kittens; this is confusing, because it's kind of like he was the mother, or father, yet he also wasn't involved; very muddled. I know I located the mother cat nursing her kittens underneath the chair near the upstairs stairwell. (The layout of the house was somewhat different.) There was a cute little litter of them. I believe they were all black and white. I'm not sure what I did then, if I wanted to pick one up but did not want to disturb the mother, or what. She had this kind of unconcerned look on her face so I knew I hadn't upset her merely by looking in on her. The other people came over and stooped down to look at the cats and kittens as well. I think then it was like the kittens were a little older and I wanted to hold them and play with them. There were more details and things to this dream but I can't recall them.
Kristeva's Brother
This was more of an idea I got from a dream, but an interesting one, so I wanted to take note of it.
In my fictional writing I have a character named Detective Max Kristeva, who was sexually abused by his father for several years when he was a boy. In my real-life stories Kristeva has an older sister named Chrissie, and that's all. For some reason in my dream I hit upon the idea of giving Kristeva a brother as well--or rather, a half-brother. The way I figured it, his father had somehow had relations with another woman--I'm not clear whether it was just an affair, or with a woman who was involved in the same "cult" he was in--and a son had been born of this. He was about Kristeva's age, and had grown up somewhere different, I assume in the care of his mother. There was also something about the military involved; I think this half-brother was in the armed forces, and maybe fighting in Iraq or something, but was coming home. Not sure.
I really liked this idea of giving Max a long-lost half-brother, and played over different thoughts in my mind--how they would discover each other, how they would relate, what they would think once they learned each other's history. I had the impression this half-brother would be sympathetic to Kristeva's own past even if he had not gone through the same things. Basically, he was more interested in locating his other existing siblings than in contacting his real father; maybe he knew already that his father was a louse. I think I vaguely pictured this brother as being kind of bigger and sturdier in build than Max is, maybe with light brown hair, well muscled but not some kind of lunk; I think of an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit I saw in the past few days in which this borderline mother had been terrorizing her sons with her paranoia of the outside world, and there turned out to be this "lost" oldest son who showed up to defend his younger brother; maybe Max's brother looked kind of like him. I think I then wondered if maybe there were more than just this one other sibling, like other brothers or sisters Kristeva had never known about.
I never conveyed any impression that Kristeva or Chrissie were shocked or surprised by this, oddly enough; they seemed to take it rather neutrally, though they did appreciate getting to know this other sibling once they met. They were all a bit standoffish or reserved, but basically got along--at least, much better than Kristeva gets along with his other relatives, besides Chrissie and his mother, in my writing. (Pretty much everybody in his family aside from those two thinks he's a nutcase and a troublemaker.)
At one point I seemed to be walking in on H. Road, beside my house, and it was hot and sunny outside; I think the road was as it used to be, unpaved and dusty. I was just turning in on this on foot and pretending kind of that I was Max's half-brother on my way home and going to meet with him. This idea was a very intriguing one to me, and I took note of this vague dream impression because on awaking, I still think it's an interesting possibility for my stories, to give Max another sympathetic sibling. I'm not decided yet though.
2004 Dreams