Cat Police & Breakfast With Denis Leary
I don't know how or when or even where I was, but somehow, Ma informed me that the police were investigating me for beating our cat, Cosmas. ! "What?" I cried in disbelief. How could anyone think I had been beating my CAT?
Well...apparently, somebody had seen me outside with him. In real life I take him outside for a few minutes every morning and he rolls around on the pavement, and sometimes I nudge him with my foot, just in fun, and tussle him around a bit. But never BEATING! I guess, though, this witness had seen me nudge him and had thought I was kicking and hitting him, and so had called the police to look in on it. Ma informed me in an unconcerned voice that the police were not taking the complaint very seriously because they had driven by and watched me as I played with Coz and it was clear that was all I was doing, playing. So it was highly likely I was not going to get into any kind of trouble. Still, the mere fact that I was the subject of an ongoing investigation, no matter how trivial, really bothered me! This could be a smear on my record even if I WAS innocent!
(No, there was never any wondering, "Why are the police investigating this...?")
I kept trying to pump Ma for information but she was very vague and not really listening. Darn it! My reputation was at stake!
There was some sort of weird dream shift here and I don't know what happened, but then Ma and I and at least two other people--one of whom was the actor Denis Leary--were entering this restaurant. I seem to remember us walking this wooden walkway, and all the inside of the restaurant was in a dull gray-brown tone, like weather-worn wood. I believe a waitress in a frilly skirt greeted us, a cheery girl with a high-pitched voice and braids or pigtails or something; really cliche. It must have been morning because we were shown to our tables and we ordered breakfast. Ma ended up seated with whoever the other person/people were; for some reason I think of Bud from JAG, so it might have been him, but I'm not sure. I was seated across a big space with Denis Leary; my back was to the "front" of the restaurant so the place we entered, I think, would've been to my left and behind me. (We were nearer the front of the restaurant.) Ma and the other person/people were far to my left, like across an aisle or something. We were seated at little round tables, maybe covered with cloths. We were brought our food and I had eggs overeasy and two slices of buttered toast. I don't remember what Denis was eating.
I glanced over at Ma and the other(s) and suddenly felt kind of left out and lonely--why was she sitting way over THERE, without me? :( "How did you end up way over there, and me over here?" I called out, in this half-joking voice, trying to hide my hurt. She just kind of looked at me but didn't answer.
I turned back to my food and started eating. I remember the yolk of the egg(s) and it was really good--I seemed to be picking it apart and eating it with my FINGERS! The whole time I giggled in this really ditzy, I-must-be-high way, occasionally saying something insanely stupid but mostly just giggling, at Denis Leary. Throughout this whole dream he was VERY calm and VERY patient. He did not snipe or snap at me once, nor even say anything sarcastic like he usually does. I get the feeling he was kind of looking at me like, "Uh-huh," but he put up with me. I was impressed with this even in the dream because I've always gotten the impression that he's kind of a jerk. :/ He was taciturn but friendly enough in my dream. I can't remember a thing I said, only that I kept giggling like I was on drugs and I wondered what he would think of me for that.
I finished off my toast first, but then looked at my eggs and realized I did not have any sides--apparently the toast I had just eaten hadn't really counted as a side, and now that I realized I didn't HAVE any, I wanted some! But when Denis had ordered he had specified that we get no sides with our breakfast! This miffed me since I was hungry and really wanted some toast and bacon to go with my eggs. I looked up at Denis and said, "The next time, I'M ordering, and I'm going to order TOAST!"
The eggs were pretty good, though.
Well...the dream shifted again and maybe Ma and I, at least, ended up in her car, driving somewhere, or maybe back at home; I don't know. But again I was pressing her for information about the police investigation for animal cruelty. I wanted to know WHO had leveled this charge against me, for one thing! And was she so sure the cops weren't really after me? She just kept wandering off in a world of her own and I was growing very frustrated. Did she not care?? "I just bet it was some stupid TEENAGER!" I snapped, thinking of the kids who live next door--they're always watching or looking over here, so I just bet that one of them had reported me. The idiots! Thinking I had been beating my cat when I was just playing with him! Then I remembered something regarding Ma telling me the cops had driven by and spied on me a bit to see if the accusation were true. "OhhhHHHH!" I exclaimed, my voice rising. "When they drove by the house that one time--THAT must have been when they did it!" I think I had to exclaim this again; I don't know why. Ma looked at me and asked me what I was talking about.
I started to describe to her something that had actually happened in real life. Perhaps a few weeks ago, when I was outside with Cosmas, I noticed a state police car pull up and park at the end of our driveway, on the side of the road. It stayed there for a short while as I wandered around our property. Then after some time it drove ahead a little bit and parked a little further up the highway, closer to the sideroad, and again stopped for a while. I continued walking around with the cat. Eventually the car left, and to this day I have no clue what that cop was doing.
Well, this memory worked its way into my dream and I just KNEW that when that happened, the cop had been watching me play with the cat, and must have decided I was not a threat as he went on his way. Still, the whole situation really bothered me and I hated that I was the only one upset by it! I wanted to clear everything up once and for all!
Real-life associations: I really have wondered at times, if the neighbors ever see me tussling with the cat and think I might be hurting him. Occasionally I have to yell to get his attention when he goes running for the woods, or I have to pick up a big stick to flush him out of undergrowth or something, and there's always a little part of me that worries that they'll think I'm beating him with it! So far, no cops have stopped by to question me, though. o_o
I'm constantly wary of the neighbors I assumed were spying on me in the dream, because they have such a good view of our property from their own yard, and they always seem to be coming and going so there's no privacy...it makes me very nervous. On one occasion two teen girls who were raking their yard around our mailbox (it's on their side of the road) seemed VERY invested in our mailbox, and one even came over and rang our doorbell for some reason but we didn't answer. On another occasion the man of the house yelled, "Hey! Hey, you! Hey!" when I went to check our mail and I pretended like I didn't hear him and retreated back inside. I just WISH they would stay in their own house, put a big solid fence around their yard, and leave me alone. >_< I feel constantly watched just because they are there.
Yesterday or the day before I read a tiny blurb in a magazine about Denis Leary's new series, Rescue Me, and it featured a picture of him dressed as a firefighter. I assume that's where he came from, though I don't know why him in particular. And the police association of the car driving by has already been given.
2004 Dreams