Dinner With Drake
Didn't take notes, so this is vague.
I think Ma and I were in some city--maybe like the one in "Wait, You're Not Phil Collins!"--and for some reason we were going to go pay a visit to...Drake, one of the characters in my fantasy serial Manitou Island. O_o In that story, Drake was fourteen years old and a geeky annoying little squirt; in the in-progress sequel, he doesn't appear until near the very end, because he's now fifteen and hit his growth spurt so he's a lot taller, with a deeper voice, and not quite so geeky, though still somewhat goofy. You know that awkward phase guys go through. Drake went through that right after Manitou Island ended, thank God.
Well, for some reason he was now a real person, and Ma and I were going to go visit him. Throughout this dream it's like it was both real and yet roleplayed by me (typical), and I seemed to alternate between being myself and playing Charmian, the female lead in the same serial (also a fourteen year old, then a fifteen year old). Since females hit puberty sooner than males, she stays basically the same in both stories--she's already more mature than Drake in the first one--but that also means that when he finally appears in the sequel, she seems on the surface to be younger than he is, since in the first story she's about five-three and he's maybe five-two, then in the sequel she's still five-three and Drake is...God knows what Drake is, but it's TALL. Well, I'm assuming most people reading this have been there and done that so you know what I mean. We were going to pay Drake a visit.
Apparently he lived in this really nice apartment or something in this city. I don't recall seeing the city since my memory picks up with us already in the building and on our way up in an elevator or something. I have to guess at some parts of this as like I said it's very vague, so some of this is assuming. I think this was an elevator and it may have had openings on two sides so when it stopped on a floor, you could step out in either direction. It seemed to be a very small cramped elevator, like a little closet. I think Ma got in first, then me, and we stood in it as it went up; then it opened and I started to step out the door on my side, only to almost step into somebody's bathroom!! It was a very small bathroom with a shower but no tub--like a half bathroom. In fact that seemed to be all there was to it, the standing shower, and there were at least a couple of women/females in there, washing and dressing and primping themselves and such; I think they were startled by me abruptly setting foot in the room, but they weren't offended or anything. I very quickly stepped back into the elevator, offering profuse apologies, and must have turned and gone out the other way as I was then with Ma again and I groused, "The next time, I'm getting in first!"
(That part could in fact be backwards. If I had gotten in the elevator first, then obviously I would have said, "The next time, I'm getting in SECOND!")
Well, I think we got off in this hallway and went walking toward a door we knew to be Drake's. I was excited to get to see him. Remember that I seemed to be myself, then I seemed to be playing the part of Charmian--more playing her than actually being her, because I was thinking up the words I should say and how I should act. I guess we knocked on his door--hazy--and Drake himself opened it, surprised to see us. I did not actually see him but I did imagine what he would look like, and it was basically the way the mature Drake is supposed to look in Return To Manitou Island--tall, lanky, with kind of floppy tousled light brown hair. IMO Drake is most likely cute in a goofy innocent way, but so far the way I have created him, he's not really a character I'd in any way be attracted to. Yet in this dream it's like I had this HUGE instant crush on him. As Charmian, I launched myself forward and threw my arms around him in delight.
"DRAKE!" I cried. "I can't BELIEVE it's you! It's SO great to see you!!"
Yeah, I guess it had been a while or something... o_O Maybe I was pretending Charmian hadn't expected to see such a change in him. (In my fiction, she saw him grow up, so it would have been no surprise.) Ma just kind of came in behind me, all neutral and uninvolved. Drake himself was startled by my reaction and kind of stammered his hellos in an awkward way, yet I refused to let him go, I was so giddy. Now at this point, I was also roleplaying him, putting words in his mouth and making him talk, and at first he was talking in a higher voice, maybe my regular voice, but then I thought, "No, Drake's almost an adult now; he has a deeper voice than that." So I modified it and made it deeper.
I can't recall the specifics of everything we said, but basically he welcomed us there and I was very happy to see him. And I had such a big crush on him! In my story Charmian and Drake do NOT have crushes on each other, despite what some readers might think; there's one tense scene where Drake accidentally falls on top of Charmian and they stare each other in the eyes for a moment, but then she promptly knees him in the groin, and it's over. ^_^ And she has a new male lead in the sequel, whom she DOES have a crush on. So the weird way I was feeling about Drake all throughout this dream was quite odd, both for me AND for Charmian. Until this dream I never had any reason to be attracted to Drake whatsoever!
I only just realized this, but he seemed to be living on his own, despite his age in the current story being only fifteen. Hm. Maybe he was older here. Anyway, I guess he invited us in (belatedly, as it was), and offered to make us something to eat. I can't remember what it was but it was some sort of funky ethnic dish. He listed three ingredients--two things I either didn't mind or liked (maybe meats or something), and then mushrooms--mushrooms was the last ingredient, and the only one I recall specifically. I HATE cooked mushrooms! >_< But I did not want to be rude to him, since he had put up with my obnoxiousness with an awful lot of grace so far. I thought, maybe I can just kind of pick them out as I eat; besides, the rest of the dish sounded pretty good. So instead of asking him to please hold the mushrooms, I agreed, and Ma did as well. I felt a little bad for possibly making Drake feel put upon, obligated to feed us when we were unexpected visitors, but he was just so nice that I wanted to join him for dinner. Besides, he had offered, and turning him down would be rude by now.
I can't describe his apartment but it was very nice. Kind of modern, yet cozy. Perhaps the carpeting was kind of taupe or camel colored; I think the walls were white but the lighting was low, like from table lamps, and warm yellow, so some of the place was thrown into shadow and I liked it. At some point we walked past some sort of display or decoration on our left, next to the wall; I know that it had to do with water somehow, like an aquarium or fish tank, only I seem to also think it resembled a coffeepot. I think it was a novelty light or display; you know, like a lava lamp or a little TV with fish swimming in it. Something like that. I paused to look at this in curiosity and I was really interested in it; I believe I touched it or picked up the coffeepot-like part. I was careful with it though because it wasn't mine and I didn't want to break it. We continued on our way into a dining area or den or something. None of the rooms were spacious; all seemed a little cramped, and maybe at odd angles like the walls were funny, and there were shelves and furniture to sit on like little couches and beanbag chairs maybe and there was very little room but I liked it. Drake went to go make us dinner as we settled into the den or whatever it was.
However, before he could, something happened and maybe somebody showed up with some sort of generic, more mundane food than Drake had planned for us, like pizza or fried chicken or something. I don't know who this was or if it was even a person but I started eating this new food item before Drake even had a chance to say anything. He looked at me like, "Oh," and then half-suggested, half-stated that he would stop preparing dinner for us since we now had something else to eat. He wasn't angry, just kind of puzzled that we had agreed for him to make us dinner yet now here I was, eating this other food without even telling him first. He took it much better than I thought he should have, and I felt guilty for doing that to him--barging into his place, demanding food, then turning my back on it and making him feel useless. Granted, he didn't seem to take it very poorly at all, but I still felt bad. Very rude of me! :(
Real-life associations--not too long ago I was typing up some facts about the Manitou Island sequel and these included Drake's part in it. I mentioned how, during the writing of the first story, I had people telling me how irritating Drake was, and somebody even cheered when he seemed to meet with a gruesome end. Then during the current story, I've had people asking me where he is and when he will show up again. This switch in opinion has puzzled me somewhat but not enough to warrant much attention. Drake is not a favorite character of mine and I don't even have reason to have a crush on him since he's not my type (even if he were old enough! o_o; ), so why I should dream of going to visit him, I have no clue. I did not see the city at all but for some reason it makes me think vaguely of that in my earlier dream, "Wait, You're Not Phil Collins!", in which I failed to get an autograph from Dog the bounty hunter.
2004 Dreams