This is from yesterday (18th) so I don't remember it well.
This seemed to be part of a bigger dream. I was upstairs in my brother Eric's old room, heading toward where the bed would be. Only instead of that, in my dream it was a mattress bunk built right into the wall, suspended by two supports of some kind, like chains or bars--it didn't have supports beneath it, that I can recall. Also, it seemed to be at an angle to the wall, so the wall must have been sloping inwards toward me (wider at the bottom, narrower at the top). In real life the ceiling slopes upward toward a sort of peak, but not the walls, and this wall would've been perpendicular to those parts of the ceiling anyway. I don't recall if the bunk had a window over it (the bed has a window over/beside it in real life--when I say "over," I mean in the wall above it, not the ceiling).
"I never noticed that before," I murmured, looking at this interesting bunk. "I should come up here and sleep sometime." Then I thought, why not now? There was some kind of dissonance here, like I wouldn't be able to sleep here because maybe my brother was still present? (In real life he has lived out of state for years.) But I was interested in that bunk. I should state that the walls of the room seemed dark and drab; the basic layout aside from what I've already mentioned was similar, and the bunk's basic position was the same. The lights seemed to be off and there was dim white daylight coming in. I looked up over my head and there was a skylight in the ceiling above me; I can't remember if the ceiling was still sloped to a peak like in real life, though if it was this window was set between the two parts of the ceiling somehow, in the middle, as it was flat I think. (I have written down in my notes "peaked skylight," so I don't know, maybe it was peaked like the ceiling? :/ ) I guess this is where the light was coming from as it was overcast outside and as I looked up I could see thunderclouds moving in from my left when I was facing the bunk, so that would seem to be approximately east, I believe. They were just peeking from around the side of the window and I felt intrigued. A big thunderstorm was moving in! The clouds weren't incredibly ominous yet, but I didn't want to miss this storm. I thought, "I can get a GREAT view of it up here!" and decided to stay and watch it progress through the skylight.
Then for some reason I changed my mind. I hurried to go downstairs instead, feeling anxious that I might miss the best view of the storm, which I guess would not be from the skylight after all. Maybe I intended to go outside? I get the feeling, although I never saw it, that our house was located in an entirely different location, like in the middle of or on the edge of a large field of swaying brownish grass, like prairie, though that might just be me. I think at least Ma was home, and I think of a kitchen, so maybe she was cooking. (In real life Ma does not do the cooking.)
This may have been related to one of the other dreams of this night.
Wait, You're Not Phil Collins!
I was downtown in some sort of city; it looked nothing like Cheboygan, though I seemed to know it at least somewhat. It was nighttime and the streetlights were on; people were wandering around doing things. It may have been cold as people may have been wearing coats but I'm not sure. Ma was around and I seemed to be wandering all over looking for different things, maybe interesting stores. I didn't feel lost or anxious or anything, more curious I suppose. The city was a nice one with trees every so often, not like a big ugly industrial city. I kept walking around all these different sidestreets. There didn't seem to be any traffic nearby.
At some point I crossed this blond guy who I know only as "Dog"--he's the star of an upcoming A&E reality TV series called Dog The Bounty Hunter, and he's this tough bounty hunter who has a cute family. *rolls eyes* I hate reality TV and of course this series has me cringing already. But so far this is the second dream of mine that "Dog" has shown up in (I never took note of the other one and so forgot it). I have no clue why. He was just wandering around doing his own thing, too.
After parting ways with him (we didn't interact or anything), I somehow remembered that it was Dog who had written the Phil Collins songs from the Disney Tarzan soundtrack! And that had me so jazzed! I love the Tarzan soundtrack and I love Phil Collins's music! Greatly excited, I ran to find Ma and babbled to her all about this. I felt VERY impressed by Dog all of a sudden. Ma didn't seem to care much. I really, really wanted to go and meet Dog and talk to him about his involvement in Phil Collins's music but I was far too shy to talk to him. I think I/we passed by him again and he might have been standing on the sidewalk talking with some kids or signing autographs or something; he was just a regular guy, like he appears in the real-life ads. I/we walked by and I was tempted to stop and say hello and talk to him, but felt too embarrassed, and so kept on walking. "Oh well," I thought, and tried to brush off my disappointment in myself. I wasn't terribly upset, but still, it would have been nice to talk to the guy who wrote such great songs as "Two Worlds" and "You'll Be In My Heart." :/
At some point in here I at last realized...hold on a minute...wasn't it Phil Collins himself who wrote those songs? o_o Yes, it was. Phil does write most of his own songs. So what was the deal with Dog writing them? Even if Dog wrote them, he was not the person who sang them, and the singer was who mattered! So that made me feel less disappointed to not meet him since it was actually Phil Collins I would have preferred to meet! But again at some point it's like I equated the two of them with each other, as if they WERE the same person, and it made some sort of sense, but this dream is already very jumbled so I have no real clue what it all meant. Ma and I might have then gone shopping or something.
This dream might have been related to or part of one of the others from this night.
Ma and I, and maybe some other people, were in some sort of fancy store that sold little things like figurines and maybe jewelry and such; you know, more expensive, unique items. There were lots of glass display cases. The lighting was warm and yellow and there was this well-dressed but rather snooty older (forties?) lady in charge. Maybe she had a black dress. I went to one shelf and picked up or looked at...something, I don't remember what--possibly a little figurine. I seem to think maybe I was looking for owl-related items, so perhaps I found a little owl. If so I most likely looked at it rather than showed interest in buying it since this store seemed WAY too expensive for us. In real life not long back I saw cute little owl figurines in a specialty store, and though they were carved out of Petoskey stone, I didn't think they'd be TOO bad. The price on this little dinky thing was very steep though, like $40 or something! So I felt very stupid and immediately turned my nose on it. No thank you! I think I got a similar feeling in this dream.
Ma reached onto the shelf to my left I think and pulled down a little figurine herself. It was similar to a netsuke but seemed to be made out of two materials, like wood and ivory--part of it was the yellow-white of ivory, and part of it was a dark polished wooden color. It was some sort of small animal but I can't remember what--like a snail, or a little bird; if it was a snail, its shell may have been the wooden part. She was very interested in getting this particular item for some reason and I knew it held some significance for her, like a favorite animal or something. I watched her turn away with it and wondered what the price would be.
Now this is confusing. This figurine had had a certain price, which was high, but now for some reason the price was to be lowered. Like there was a sale, or a clearance, or they were selling out of some other item, so the price on this had changed and would be more affordable for us. The snobby lady was explaining it in this snobby way, like "Yes...well...you see, the price has been lowered..." She blithered and blithered about all this stuff concerning the price change yet we both followed what she was saying and we somehow knew what the final price should be. But then the lady gave the total and I realized she was trying to rip us off! The final price was HIGHER than it should have been, according to all her blithering about what the new price should be. It wasn't like we felt the price should be lower--according to her OWN explanation it should have been lower, yet here she was telling us a totally different price! I don't get the feeling it was a HUGE difference in prices but still, a ripoff is a ripoff and this was definitely a ripoff! >:/
The woman just stated it in a snooty way as if she did not think we would even notice. I leaned toward Ma, who seemed very neutral and unconcerned and even ready to go along with the woman, and murmured, "She's trying to rip you off." Ma's lack of reaction had been such that I was a bit surprised when she nodded and agreed with me.
"Yeah, she is," she murmured back, still seeming not too concerned. But I stopped steaming so much. I knew Ma wouldn't allow herself to be ripped off by this snobby lady. We might not have been rich or sophisticated, but we WERE smart enough to know a con job when we saw one! Immediately we were both on our guard against this woman, and very suspicious of her.
I can't remember what happened; perhaps we took it up with the lady herself and demanded that she lower the price back to what she herself insinuated it should be. I get the feeling we would have succeeded if that's what we did, since I feel the woman really had expected us to be too stupid to see the difference, so she probably would not put up much of a fight once we called her on it.
This dream might have been part of or related to one of the others of this night.
2004 Dreams