Wanted: Rick Springfield
I was in the bathroom taking a bath and either watching a TV show or listening to a radio program, though I believe it was the former, even though I don't seem to remember distinct images. I just know that the themesong of this particular show was Richard Marx's "Children Of The Night," and since I like that song I was singing along to it. I was leaning closer to the left ("window" side) of the tub, on the edge of it. I remember that parts of the song had to be cut out since it was so long and I was thinking, "Aha! There's a part they edited out!" It's kind of confusing because I was also associating this song with Phil Collins and thinking how great it was that whoever made this show had chosen such a great artist's work for their themesong. I was in a good mood. As for the show itself, I have no clue what it was, though maybe because of the song it had something to do with runaway and abused kids. *shrug* They may have shown part of a video with Richard Marx singing the song itself but I don't know.
I seemed to get out of the tub though I don't recall; maybe I was in it. I just know that I was then washing my hair. This is strange because I do NOT wash my hair when I take a bath--I take a bath early in the morning on Sunday, whereas I wash my hair every day immediately after I get up at night (I'm nocturnal). But here I was still in the midst of a bath, I think, washing my hair at a weird time of the day. I still remember the specific feeling of rubbing the Pantene shampoo into my hair and then attempting to rinse it (I wash my hair with my head hanging upside-down under the tap since I can't stand using the shower), but the rinsing didn't seem to be going well. I think I was actually scooping soapy water from the tub to do this, rather than using the tap. I did seem to be standing up outside the tub but I'm not sure. I rinsed it a couple of times and thought, "Did I do that thoroughly? What if it's still soapy?" Then I decided not to let that bother me since I hadn't conditioned it yet; I guess I was going to rinse it thoroughly after that instead. Although I DO do that in real life--save the really thorough rinsing until after I'm done conditioning--in the dream it seemed like this wasn't typical behavior for me, yet it didn't make me anxious like such things would in real life. (I'm VERY anal about my hair. >_< ) I believe Dad came into the bathroom at some point because I was kind of embarrassed, but not nearly as much as I would be--maybe I was only embarrassed about my hair? Was I naked? No clue. I took good notes, but I don't remember this as well as I did earlier.
Anyway, I guess I finished everything I was doing in the bathroom and headed out into the living room. Dad was home, for certain; somebody else seemed to be there, maybe Ma, and perhaps even my brother Eric or other relatives. I suddenly thought of my uncle Rocky though maybe that's just me. It seemed to be early evening as the sun was setting and there were long shadows and rays of sunlight cast across the lawn. It looked nice outside. Either the room was moderately well lit or a light was on, and there was much discussion, Dad leading it. I think I caught the tail-end of something on the news mentioning the pop singer Rick Springfield and it caught my interest; either that or Dad brought it up himself. In any case he told me that Rick Springfield and some man named Ira something had been charged with murder!!
:O I LIKE Rick Springfield! I absolutely love his Karma album, and if my fictional character Damien sings like anybody, it's most like Rick Springfield in his earlier days. It couldn't be true! Yet Dad continued outlining what had happened so far...he wasn't smug exactly, but very matter of fact, like he was gossiping--"I heard it here, so I know it's true." I can't recall the specifics but both Rick and some guy named Ira were supposedly involved in the murder of another man; I think Ira had been caught and arrested or something (I vaguely pictured some very unkempt, kind of overweight Latino-looking guy being apprehended, maybe after a brief struggle), but Rick himself had fled to Mexico! How could he!! I was so desperate to believe he was innocent. I remember slumping back against the wall near the kitchen door and saying, "Rick...!" as I slid to the floor. Then I made sure to say, "Rick Springfield!"...because my dad's name happens to be Rick, too. >_<
Too many Ricks in this dream, I know.
I felt rather melodramatic doing that, but I really was that upset. Poor Rick! He had to be innocent! Just caught up in a bad situation, was all. I decided to suspend belief in his complicity until all the facts were known. As Dad was talking I noticed some guy on a smallish motorbike turning in on the side road and then he somehow ended up in our yard, just outside our windows; we had a better-than-possible view, as he was right up in the windows, which in real life are too high for a view like that. I felt kind of offended at first that he was on our property--I'm very territorial--but decided not to care about it too much since I was more concerned about Rick Springfield! Once I'd overcome my initial shock I started talking with Dad while the others listened. Dad started talking about something again, maybe giving more details, but then we both saw this guy on his motorbike...it was a small thing, maybe like a dirtbike, and the guy now looked kind of like an ex-hippie or...the closest person I can give as an example of what he looked like is Tommy Chong from Cheech & Chong. Like an old stoner or something...longish dark scraggly graying hair, hangdog face, really thin, mustache and maybe a beard. He was parked right outside our north windows and he was trying to get his bike started again so he could drive off. As soon as Dad saw him he started yelling angrily, though I get the feeling he was still talking about Rick Springfield's case, just yelling as he did so. But he was yelling because of this biker guy trespassing on our property. I found that odd since Dad usually ignores trespassers and gets ticked off when *I* get upset about them. Weird that for once I had chosen to ignore the trespasser, and Dad had chosen to get mad!
I don't think the biker guy really took any notice of him, as we seemed to lose interest in him anyway, or maybe he finally got his little bike started and left. Anyway I turned to Dad and started offering details on something that had happened earlier with Rick Springfield, I think. There had been some sort of previous or outstanding charge concerning him being in a dead man's apartment and I believe the police wanted to question him about that as a potential suspect. However, that might have been part of the current situation concerning him and this Ira person; I can't be positive. Whatever it was, I spoke of this previous incident as if merely offering up more facts for consideration; and though they weren't facts in Rick's favor, at least I was trying to present the fullest picture possible of what was going on. I think I had read of this previous incident somewhere (Entertainment Weekly?) and had just remembered it now, and was wondering what would become of it. Dad seemed more in favor of the idea that Rick Springfield was guilty, and I was definitely more in favor of the idea that he was innocent; yet both of us were acting very oddly "Libra" like about the whole thing, keeping level heads and insisting that the facts speak for themselves. Nobody else ever seemed to really join in the conversation; I believe they were just listening on in curiosity.
I can think of absolutely no recent real-life events that could have influenced this dream, whatsoever. I didn't even listen to Rick Springfield or Richard Marx the night before. o_o
2004 Dreams