UFO Moon
At last, another UFO dream! It was by pure accident that I even remembered I had this.
The details are vague by now. I seemed to be in my bedroom or the living room and it was either nighttime or very early morning, yet at least Ma was awake and up, and maybe Dad too; perhaps my brother was even present. I looked through one of the windows and was very impressed by how HUGE the moon was--it was full or gibbous, and much bigger and brighter than it ever would be in this part of the world. It was perhaps as big as a saucer. The trees didn't seem to be full of leaves as I think at one point I saw the moon through the branches of one, yet I can't be sure; perhaps it was just the angle of things, the way the sky always seems less obstructed in my dreams even though in real life our house is nearly surrounded by trees.
Awed, I went to look out a different window. Yep, the moon was still there, and still gigantic. So gorgeous. I tried to call it to someone else's attention, perhaps Ma's--I think I was in the living room now looking out the porch or front window and waving her toward it. "Come here and look at this moon! Isn't it huge?" Unlike in most of my sky phenomena dreams where the moon appears out of proportion or else multiplies, or when other numerous planets, shooting stars, and/or comets appear, I was not in the least bit afraid or anxious; rather I was impressed by its beauty. I think Ma came to look; she wasn't really as interested as I was, but she agreed that it was much bigger than usual. I should add that the moon was in the west, slightly to my left, which would mean slightly southwest, and high up in the sky. The sky itself seemed to be deep blue rather than black, so perhaps it was dusk.
For some reason the thought of the 1969 moon landing seemed to pop into my head, though the order of this might be different. It seemed like at some point in the dream I was reading something about the moon landing and how they had left all their things there at the site--the landing pod or whatever, the flag, their footprints and everything else, although in the dream I feel like there was something more left there, like a beacon or a small structure, meant to be visible to telescopes or something. I guess this item was not visible all the time or had not been visible until now, and I think I read something about it coming into view soon. I'm not sure how this went but it was at least something vaguely like that--some item or structure on the moon which was not ordinarily visible, but which we should be able to see if we tried. Interesting! I remembered this article or whatever it was and decided to see if I could spot this item on the surface of the moon--it was certainly big enough to be worth a shot, anyway!
I went into the living room again if I had left it and peered up hard at the moon. It's kind of like it was moving, spinning, maybe leaving its dark side behind even though it seemed to be full or gibbous at all times, though I seem to recall a shadow passing away and something coming into view. At first it was very vague and I can't even describe what I saw, but I know I saw something up there, and I got excited--"I can see it! The moon landing site, that thing they left behind!" Like I said, maybe it was a beacon set to go off, and I was very interested in what would happen if I kept watching. What would it do, send off a light? Move? Make some kind of sign? Very intriguing!
Well, I seemed to lose sight of the landing site as something else caught my attention. At first it was just a little red light, I think, and I thought it was coming from the moon, but then I noticed it seemed to be off in space below the moon. It was moving and flashing steadily and I puzzled over it, then figured it must be a satellite or a plane--likely a satellite, maybe one taking photos of the moon. I pointed it out to Ma or somebody when they joined me, and now a little white light appeared to the side of the red light. They kept flashing and moving and I nodded. "Look, a satellite."
Then a second white light appeared on the opposite side of the red light and they continued moving in unison. I still thought it was just a satellite or whatever, until the pattern of lights kind of expanded (as if stretching out horizontally to put bigger spaces between them, then started moving about in an odd manner. They seemed to spread or grow closer and then where there had been only empty space before, a shape started filling in around and between them, and JUST as I started thinking, "That's going to look like a flying saucer"--that's exactly what happened--the shape solidified and formed this silvery, rounded-edged disklike shape into which were set the three flashing lights. I stared up at this thing and at first I seemed to think it was just an anomaly or something interesting--"Look, it's a UFO!"--but then I seemed to realize that yes, this was an unidentified flying object--a potentially alien one, at that. It continued zigzagging in a graceful manner, moving about in the sky, and then moved closer, growing bigger in the sky beneath the moon. My eyes widened on watching it. I was VERY awed now!
The strangest thing about this dream is that, unlike in just about EVERY other UFO dream I've had--most of which turn out to be fake UFOs or more terrestrial objects anyway--I did not feel fear or anxiety. I just felt impressed and intrigued and even happy to see it. For while I've always wanted to see a really anomalous UFO (I'm a big believer in alien visitations, yet also a very huge skeptic in most accounts of such things--if somebody I know where to tell me about something like this, my first reaction would be to think, "Yeah, right"), it's also been a huge fear of mine. I remember standing out at the bus stop one morning and seeing an eerie flashing red light and being overcome by dread until...I heard the distant plane engines... >_< So seeing a UFO, even in my dreams, has always been a sort of mixed blessing thing for me. Yet this time around, I wasn't afraid at all. I was even somewhat gleeful to get such a close look at one. Very odd. :/
The only real-life tie-in I can think of to this dream is that the day before having it, I browsed an online article I had saved about Native American rock art, and there was a VERY brief mention of the study of more modern graffiti, one piece of which commemorated the 1969 moon landing.
2004 Dreams