Inuyasha: The Action Figure!
Just a vague snippet from a big confused series of dreams I had last night that I've forgotten most of.
In one part a teenage (?) girl was set on developing some action figures based on the anime Inuyasha. I don't know why; perhaps as a school project? I got the feeling she liked the series (why else come up with action figures for it?), but rather than acting excited she seemed dead set on this project, resolved, quite serious. I think she was either outlining her idea or asking for permission to follow through on it, or some such.
The scene abruptly cut to one of Inuyasha himself (a white-haired dog demon) and the old priestess character Lady Kaede, both sitting side by side on what might have been my bed. o_o I think Inuyasha was on the right. He was complaining already.
"Why does she want to make action figures of me?" he groused. "The LAST thing people need is more action figures of me! I already have like FOUR different action figures out there! I really don't need any more!"
"Ye aren't taking into account the other two they've produced in foreign countries," Kaede added. "There are ones ye don't even know about yet."
NOW...I might be getting the numbers there wrong. All I know is the total of existing Inuyasha action figures seemed to be six, or at least, that might have been the total of figures Inuyasha knew about. The number six figured in there somehow. Inuyasha was just disgusted that so much time and energy was being spent on producing action figures of himself, as if he felt somebody else would have been more deserving; and Kaede mentioned that there were even MORE action figures in existence, in foreign markets, that he wasn't even aware of yet. In his usual way, Inuyasha was complaining loudly about the situation rather than acting embarrassed, as I felt he really was.
On waking I just found the dream rather funny, two anime characters offering commentary on the decision of a teenaged fan to produce action figures of one of them. Weird.
2004 Dreams