Book Fair, Red-Hot Kitty, & Undies From Mom
I believe these are all from the same dream but the few vague images I do remember are so confused and scattered. :/ I'll just put them in the best order that makes sense, since I'm not sure of the proper order.
I guess I was going to some important event with Ma. It was summer as it was hot and sunny outside and we were driving north up the highway, toward town. I get the feeling the thing that we were going to was supposed to be my high school reunion or something, though neither one of us was dressed up; in fact I think we were in summer clothes. The car seemed very open and spacious and I think I was not buckled in my seat as I seemed to be moving around; I think she had a hatchback or something, with the trunk just behind the seat, rather than an enclosed trunk, since maybe I was even back there at some point. (I think of that coarse scrubby carpeting you find on the bottom of trunks like that for some reason.) And I had also brought...Pepper along for some reason. Yes, she was alive in this dream. But I don't think she looked like Pepper. I don't remember WHAT she looked like, just that she was present. We were driving along and I was trying to keep an eye on the cat as we went. I didn't feel nervous or upset but I did feel tense. I get the feeling I had brought Pepper along to spare her from something else--maybe I'd caught her running around outside and had brought her along to keep track of her so she wouldn't run away? Ma and I might have debated about this a bit but both of us were rather restrained and she was neutral so there was no real arguing.
Scene shift. We were now at whatever this event was. There were lots of people around my age there, and I feel they were students I knew throughout school. I didn't really interact with any of them but I didn't feel horribly anxious either. We were in some kind of big old building like a library, with at least two stories, an upper and lower level, I believe; carpeting, big tall shelves maybe, dark colors with light shining in the windows. The kind of place that I like. This is very confusing as I have no real clue WHAT was going on, just that something was. Lots of people walking around talking and doing different things. In the midst of it all I found some big tables standing in the middle of one room, with raised edges all along them. Stacked within the tables, spines upward, were all sorts of used books. I believe I glanced at these as I went past and at first thought, "They're probably all stupid books like old romance novels," but after a bit of wandering I decided I'd go check them out again the first chance I got. What the heck, it's not like I had anything better to do. Everyone else could chatter, I could go and browse the books. Everybody would be happy.
At some point in here I went looking for Ma because I thought we should leave early, or at least go get Pepper--because we had left her in the car. It was like we had come in here for only a few moments, but already Ma was distracted talking to somebody (maybe there were some people her age present?), and I was interested in the books. But the thought of Pepper in the hot car made me feel guilty. I located Ma and tried telling her about the situation--"We should get going. She's going to fry up in that car if we leave her there long"--but Ma just waved it off. It's like I had trouble talking to her, like she wasn't listening, which is possible. I think she was busy talking to somebody else.
"We won't be here too long," she said. "She'll be okay."
For some reason in my dream this mildly placated me, and I went to look at the books again. In real life I would NEVER leave a pet in a car in weather like this for more than a few minutes, and I KNOW we were going to be here longer than that! But in the dream, somehow, I felt we weren't going to be there THAT long. Pepper would be okay so long as we didn't really overstay our visit. I just had to be careful not to forget about her. :/
I believe I went back to the book tables to look through them. They were all used, but it was also like being in a library. I think they were for sale or for the taking; probably the former, else I would have raided the tables. ^_^ Sadly, I can't remember a single title that was present. Nothing really seemed to jump out at me, but maybe I just never got a good enough look.
More scene shifts as I wandered around. I get the feeling I kept going from one room to another, back and forth, from lower level to upper level and down again, lots of pointless motion. I think I was in the upper level (maybe where the books were?), then I went downstairs, then I wanted to go back upstairs, but I couldn't use a normal old stairway, if there were any--I had to climb up this funky contraption which made it VERY difficult to get from one level to another. It was sort of like a big pole or tower with metal bars inset...very difficult to describe. The metal bars remind me of turnstiles, and of those little metal gates you have to unlock and push aside to get through. Just these little barred gatelike things, grayish colored, maybe consisting of three horizontal bars rounded and joined together at the outer edge. Somehow these were set into this tall polelike thing (maybe brown and shiny with a hollowed-out section for the bars?), and going upward consisted of me pulling out/opening one section of bars, then either using that or another set of bars behind it to pull myself up the pole. There were several sets of bars going up along the way and I had to just keep pulling out and using these to pull myself up. Bad enough for someone who's acrophobic, especially since my hands, used for grabbing, would always be busy pulling out the bars; but even worse, the pole WOBBLED somewhat, and the bars seemed kind of loose too--they wiggled a bit in their slots. Ugh.
Although I'd obviously gone up and down several times already, for some reason this time I had to ask some guy nearby--I think of John S., a cousin of mine who was an older student when I was in high school--how the thing worked so I could get back up. He might have shown me, then I pulled out the bottom set of bars and started climbing. I think I had trouble pulling them out properly and I felt frustrated that I might be holding up somebody else who wanted to use the thing. I went up this thing, unfolding the bars as I went, and yes, I was afraid of falling!! How tedious; stairs would have been much easier!
Another scene shift. Now I appeared to be outside whatever building this was, and it was nighttime. If I had to choose a physical location I was in, I would say it was the far back part of the elementary school playground, near where the forts and tetherball used to be. I was looking up at this tall rising structure in front and slightly to the left of me. (If this WERE the playground, the school would've been behind and slightly to my right.) I knew that this structure was supposed to be like an outside view of the pole I had had to navigate inside the building (even though what I had seen WAS the outside of it, before), but now it looked just like a tall palm tree, with some kind of orangish light dimly illuminating its trunk. (The sky was dark and smoky/cloudy looking and it was night, no stars.) I even remember thinking to myself how the pole looked just like a palm tree. I don't recall seeing its fronds though. It seemed to kind of curve/lean to the left, away from me.
Another scene shift. Now I was at home once more and it again seemed to be daytime. I'm not positive this was the same dream but I'll list it as such. I think Dad was seated on his end of the couch, watching TV, and the cat--which seemed to now be a combination of both Pepper AND our current cat, Cosmas--was lying curled up on the left side of the footstool. It still seemed to be summer. And instead of being black like Pepper was, or black and white like Coz, this cat was BRIGHT REDDISH-ORANGE. Not even the regular orange of a tabby, but REALLY reddish and bright. I won't say red only because it wasn't apple red, either. Just this weird, fiery orangy color with lots of darker, minute stripes. Maybe the cat had turned this color from being in the hot car? o_o
Somehow I knew this coat color was only temporary, in any case. I believe the cat was supposed to be Coz, and thus was male, but his temperament was much more like Pepper's. (Coz is easily frightened, and standoffish, but rather laid back and very affectionate when happy--he'll purr loudly and roll around, but acts like he hates it when being held or hugged. Pepper just didn't like strangers, was often grouchy, and had a bad temper, but loved being held and petted, and would often nap on people. The cat in this dream had a rather "superior" attitude that was kind of like a mix of Coz's standoffishness and Pepper's moodiness.) He gave me this aloof look as I went to fetch the camera. He was just lying there, all bright orange, and I wanted to take a picture of him with that strange color. I returned and aimed the camera at him and I had to keep aiming and correcting my view and focus as I couldn't seem to get it right and he kept moving. I think I waved my hand at him or snapped my fingers to try to catch his attention, and I finally snapped a picture, but as soon as I did he moved his head upwards and I knew he ruined the shot. Agghh!! >_< I got the feeling he did that on PURPOSE.
I lowered the camera--it was a digital, maybe our Canon--and groused, "You ruined that because you didn't want your picture taken! You're such a little snot!" I held up the camera and muttered, "I'll have to try again"...but by now the cat's bright reddish-orange coat had faded somewhat so it was more of a regular orange, and I was no longer nearly as interested in taking his photo. So I just said forget it and turned away. I think Dad was watching us this whole time.
One more scene shift. Now I was in my bedroom and it once more seemed to be night. My light was on and Ma came to my door and stood in the doorway. "I got something for you," she announced, and I knew that she'd purchased something at the book fair or reunion or whatever it was or at some other location not present in the dream; whatever it was I get the feeling it was either very far away, or something that happened only once a year or something. Anyway, Ma held up what she'd bought me and...it appeared to be a set of lingerie or something!! :O Now, it didn't look quite so frilly and sexual as lingerie, so maybe it was a bathing suit, or just summer clothing, or underclothes...my reaction to it was not the reaction I would have to being shown some undergarments (I can't even discuss bras or anything with Dad around; though I can discuss them with Ma, I can't let her see me wearing them), so I suppose it was like a combination of underclothes and something you could wear in public. Not sure. There was a top which consisted of a bralike thing--wide white straps, smallish white cups which were more like half cups--and there was a bikinilike bottom. But there were some other things included too, which I can't remember--they didn't seem as out of place as gloves or boots, but it was like a whole outfit, in small revealing pieces. All in this sturdy white material, not quite coarse but maybe a little wrinkled (purposefully). It would have looked rather cute, on some skinny curvy anime babe or something. However I did not feel as insulted by this gift as I would be in real life. In real life I would never fit into such a thing, and even if I did, I would not be caught dead wearing it!
But Ma had bought this for me as a gift. She stood here holding it up--it seemed to be on a hanger, but so that each piece showed separately as if being held up in front of a live model--and I looked it over. I noticed the small size of the bra cups, maybe like a size A or B; in real life I myself am a D cup, and I can't even WEAR cups since I'm always popping out, no matter how much room there is. >_< But I didn't get angry in the dream. I just said, "What if it doesn't fit?" I knew she'd bought it under circumstances which would make it very difficult, if not impossible, to return, so that concerned me.
Ma looked the outfit over. "Just make sure to keep the tags," she said. I got the feeling she'd find a way to return it if I couldn't make any use of it. It was a very weird gift, and one which I would loathe in real life, but even though I didn't gush enthusiasm in the dream--we all acted very neutral the entire time--still, I felt it was a thoughtful gesture. *shrug*
2004 Dreams