Fasten Your Safety Belts, It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night!
I remember only a few fragments from what was potentially one larger dream. Standing alone they don't make much sense, but here goes.
For some reason I was in the China 1 (See "Escape From China One") parking lot, near Glen's. It was nighttime or else coming on nighttime; I feel the sky was dark but maybe with a bit of light still in it. Perhaps the parking lot lights helped. And there was some kind of biiiiiig tall...THING...parked here. I think it was meant to be some kind of airplane, but all I really remember is this TALL metal stairway leading way up. I was with some people...I think Dad was one of them at one point, and there was at least one other adult male who was a passenger, and possibly a third who owned or piloted the thing. I don't think it was mandatory that I get on this thing--in fact, I don't think I was meant to board at all--but I wanted to, maybe because Dad was leaving on it? I'm terrified of heights but I overcame this somewhat in the dream and climbed up the big metal stairway (when I say metal I mean the steps were that metal grille type, I believe). This thing corresponded to the little staircase you use to board or get off of a plane. But of course this was WAY higher, like a regular-sized stairway leading from one floor of a building to the next. I was very anxious as I ascended but I told myself to get over it because I wanted to go along too.
Dad kind of fades from the dream here. Now there was the pilot, the male passenger, and myself. The male passenger might have taken Dad's place; he was kind of chubby and with dark unkempt hair, maybe wearing a white T-shirt. I don't remember seeing the pilot, though I feel he was of course to my left, in the pilot's seat. The passenger was to my left also...I seemed to be either hovering outside the "cockpit," or maybe there were three seats across? I can't explain it. It's almost like I was just a ghost watching this rather than taking part in it, as the two didn't even pay attention to me. I saw the passenger start to buckle himself in and I tried to follow suit, suddenly feeling anxious again though not as much as I would in real life. This thing was kind of like a fair ride now though it was still a flying machine of some sort. I don't think either of us got the chance to buckle in completely before it took off from the ground, slowly rising into the air. We were already way above ground as the main body of this thing could only be reached by the stairway--perhaps it was on stilts? To buckle yourself in safely, there was like a regular seatbelt, I think, plus a harness, or maybe seatbelt/harness combo plus something else involving metal bars like on a fair ride. All I know is there were two different things you had to use to lock yourself in safely. I think the passenger only managed to get his harness or seatbelt on so while he would stay in his seat while in motion, if the thing turned sideways or upside-down he could slide out. Again there's some confusion here as this seemed to be MY problem as well, but I know that he was better belted in than I was. All I can say is neither of us was properly locked in when it took off, yet he seemed to be more locked in than I was.
There was a big metal bar to my right and I grabbed hold of this with my right arm, hooking my elbow around it. I held onto this tightly as we rose. I think this bar might have been part of the gear that was meant to lock me into my seat, although it was up above me and was horizontal, like those bars that helicopters use to land on (sorry that I don't know what they're called), only obviously in the wrong place! While this was going on the passenger finally got himself fully belted in, I think, but I was still struggling to do so. I never got the feeling of actually sitting in a seat; it's like I was outside and hanging onto this thing, almost (only without much of a feeling of gravity), though I do seem to recall trying to slip a harness over my shoulders. I had a great fear of falling a few times (we didn't seem to go far, just hovering above the parking lot), but not nearly as great as in real life. I was having a lot of trouble with the harness system and these two guys weren't helping me any. >_<
I think this dream might have continued into "In-Sinew-Ation," if they were in fact in this order.
I think this dream might have continued from "Fasten Your Safety Belts, It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night!", if they were in fact in this order.
This is quite vague. I don't even know where I was. I'm guessing it was a hotel or motel or something, based on how the atmosphere felt; I was away from home, possibly on an important mission or something. All the details are very vague. I was with a male who might have been Trunks from the anime Dragon Ball Z; perhaps I was supposed to be his sister Bulla? o_o All I know is I was a lot more outgoing and confident and "tough" than I really am so I feel I was playing a part. It was nighttime and we were at some...place...I'm guessing this is a continuation of "Fasten Your Safety Belts, It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night!", as it was a strange location, and maybe we were flown there. I even feel that we were on a high upper level of whatever it was; maybe a penthouse? I get the sense of the furnishings being nice, at least. I wasn't at the homesick stage yet, as I was still curious about our new surroundings and was busy exploring them. I think we yammered at each other as we looked around; then Trunks or whoever he was went to do something in another room and I ended up in a bathroom or bedroom or something, near a mirror.
I might have been myself now, as I got caught up in looking at my leg for some reason. (I'm very self-conscious of how my body looks, especially my legs and such. I'm overweight and have bad posture.) Maybe I was inspecting my pants or shorts or whatever, but I was acting like I had found something wrong and was really looking at it. The mirror seemed to be a full length and it stood in front of me. I think the floor was of bumpy but glossy tiles, kind of offwhite, and there was this bright circle of light around me, but outside of that, beyond the mirror and such, it got all dim like the rest of the lights in the place were off--almost like a spotlight was shining on me from above. There might have been clothing piled around outside the ring of light. Quite weird.
I suddenly noticed as I was looking at my knee--I think it was my left leg--that the tendons in my foot were REALLY sticking out when I flexed it the right way. I mean, you could literally see EVERY ONE of them rising above the arch of my foot! One for each toe, forming little valleys between them, jutting out like taut cords. Freaky!
I relaxed my foot and they went away. Then I think I flexed my entire leg and sure enough, TENDONS all along the thing! My leg looked all corded--it was like a dissection cadaver's leg, with all the tendons plainly visible, except covered by skin. I was more awed by this than freaked out or disgusted. I kept flexing and relaxing my leg in puzzlement. "Wow," I murmured, also viewing this in the mirror. I wondered if I'd lost a huge amount of weight recently, given how emaciated the exposed tendons made my leg look whenever I flexed it! Sure it looked incredibly bizarre, but I dared to hope that maybe I was thinner, and this was a good sign rather than a bad one.
This dream may or may not have been related to "Run Through The Native Land."
Run Through The Native Land
This dream may or may not have been related to "In-Sinew-Ation."
This is barely even a dream, just some vague images and emotional memories. Which is sad, as I think it might have been an interesting dream had I merely remembered more. :(
I feel I was following somebody down a road or path which corresponded to H. Road, a dead-end across the street from my house. The layout was of course different. Lots more trees. I believe it was early autumn as they were just starting to change colors. It was overcast, looking ready to rain, but I really liked the atmosphere because of the trees. Somebody went down this road, which might have been a trail instead, and I followed, having to run, I think, to keep or catch up. I felt determined for some reason, as if I were competing for something.
I think we--whoever the person/people I was following were (it was either a single male or a group of maybe two or three, possibly of both sexes)--ended up in some swampland-type area, though the path was still clear, there were still trees...swampland around my area in real life isn't the kind of swamp you typically think of when you hear the word. Basically it's wet, boggy woods. Lots of the woods around our house turn "swampy" after heavy meltage and rains in the spring. I think that's what we had here, except it was autumn. Most of this pursuit was vague. I clearly remember coming across an alternate trail at one point; the party ahead of me continued heading generally west (if the path followed the same route as H. Road), but I stopped when I saw another trail/road heading northwest. They were both dirt roads, not as wide and flat as H. Road is, bounded by grass and trees on both sides. This path branching off to the right didn't deviate TOO far from the first; in fact, I sensed it eventually met up with it again ahead somewhere. I considered sprinting down this path and heading off the other(s), but then for some reason abandoned that idea and continued the way I was going. I can't quite describe this alternate trail...although I seem to remember it branching out from the main road (not positive), I do NOT want to call it a fork. It's almost like it was its own separate trail, even if they did meet at some point. Sorry I can't explain it properly.
There was more running/chasing. At another point I came to part of the path, or of another path, that led over a river or something. There seemed to be lots of streams/rivers out here. Not big, but this one was maybe as wide across as one or two highways--not the dinky little stream you'd expect to find in the woods. The path formed a sort of bridge or platform over the water and I stopped to look out over it; the water was high, maybe up to the platform itself--it's almost like they were one, but I was not anxious (I'm afraid of water in real life). Even with as wide as this "river" was, I don't remember there being a lot of sky visible above, yet neither were the trees exceptionally tall; again, sorry I can't explain it. Lots of dark forest green with traces of rust or orange here and there. The water itself was dark forest green and while I think it was moving quickly as river water does, it also seemed very placid and smooth. I felt very calmed looking at it and wanted to stay there or explore some more paths over the other rivers/streams, but I knew I couldn't; I had to keep running.
Somewhere in here I got the vague feeling that this land we were running across was native land--it had belonged, or still did belong, to the Native American Indians, at least at some point in the past. (The Ojibwa and Ottawa tribes and their relations used to live in this area long ago; the very name of my hometown and county, Cheboygan, is the native word for "going through" or "The Passing-Through Place.") It felt almost sacred, even though I'm not native. Even with all our running around on this land I felt we were showing it respect merely by the attitudes we had; we were in some sort of chase or competition, yet we weren't letting petty grudges get in the way; this whole time I truly DID feel it was some sort of game. I almost felt like I could have been native myself, like I belonged here, and so did those I was chasing (for all I know, I believe they were whites like myself, at least one male around my age with them--I sense he was the primary one I was pursuing, for whatever reason). It was almost a feeling of, this land had belonged and in a way still did belong to someone else who'd been here before us, but as long as we acted properly, we were not trespassing and we were welcome here. I might have wondered if I would meet any of the people who had once owned or were descended from the original inhabitants of this place, which is kind of odd, as logic says they were probably long dead or gone.
It's nearly impossible for me to describe the feelings I had while running through this woodland/swampland area; even the above seems inadequate somehow.
2004 Dreams