I didn't take very good notes at all for any of my dreams of yesterday so these are vague. Sorry! :(
For some reason the one that sticks with me the most--even though I recall only a scene by now--was the first one. I'm not even sure what context it took place in, but I discovered--maybe on watching a TV program, or by being there--that it did not snow in Australia. There was no such thing as natural snow there. Interesting. And so as compensation, people would use these special machines to SPRAY fake snow over the land!
I stood by in this setting that made me think of the field beside my Grandma B.'s house as a man with a big hoselike thing sprayed fake snow over these bushes and grass and such. The hose he used was a rubber or cloth one, ribbed, and very big, maybe with a diameter of four to six inches. It was at least several feet long and he was holding onto it, spraying the snow over this plant life; it gathered in stringy, gloppy patches. It didn't look like real snow, either; it wasn't PURE white, but more of a kind of grayish or pinkish-white or something, and looked more like wet foam with how it splattered across the bushes. (It was overcast outside, maybe dusty on the ground, but I clearly remember the "snow" hitting some kind of dark green bushlike stuff.) I put out my hand and scooped a little bit onto my fingers and tasted it and...it was SWEET! Like candy! ^_^ Not only was the snow fake, but it was EDIBLE. To compensate for not having any natural snow during their winters, the Australians made do with fake edible candy snow foam! *LOL*
Robot CSI
The only notes I took for this dream were "robot, CSI, power out, breaking." And I am afraid those notes are not nearly good enough--I can't remember the dream at all! *cries* I only remember pretty much what the notes mention--there was something about some robots, at least one or two--androids, robots that look like humans. I seem to vaguely recall them walking in a hallway though I'm not sure. This had SOMETHING to do with the television show CSI--maybe they were on it, or the CSIs were investigating them. By now I'm not even sure if the "power out, breaking" notes are for the same dream or not! I know that the power flickered and temporarily went out or threatened to stay out sometime in my dream, as it reminded me of how the power company has been calling us daily in real life, but what this has to do with the robots...? And "breaking"? I think I had to break something, and it had to do with the power...but by now I have no idea what it was! :(
Sorry about all of that! I'll take better notes next time, I hope! >_<
Crime & The Amish
This is another vague dream for which I did not take enough notes to remember it clearly.
I believe it was supposed to be an episode of Law & Order, probably the series Special Victims Unit as it dealt with a sex crime. It was unusual in that the victims--a woman and her young daughter, I believe--were Amish. (I realize there is not a huge Amish population in New York, if there are even any there, but remember this was a dream.) I don't know who reported it...but I seem to remember the two victims had been terribly hurt as well as raped. I think the perpetrator tried to murder them. Their bodies were found and they were lying somewhere; it seemed to be in a building, maybe grayish--a storage place? It didn't look Amish, whatever it was. Maybe they had been moved by the authorities to be examined elsewhere. Anyway, I'm just now remembering deep knife wounds so I believe that at least one of them had had her throat cut; possibly there were other knife wounds and mutilation, also. I just remember lots of blood, though it didn't seem to be dark; maybe it was bright red blood. It was also more slippery and stringy rather than sticky and pooling. The police showed up and started talking over the bodies when one of them moved and possibly murmured. The victim with the slashed throat (I can't recall if it was the adult or the girl--maybe the girl?) was still alive! After a moment they realized that the other one was alive also--amazing! They immediately started some emergency efforts to help keep them alive, and perhaps started questioning them to find out who had done this to them. I think the women were more surprised than traumatized or anything, as if not quite aware of what was going on.
I can't recall the ages of the two but I THINK the girl might have been around eleven or twelve--but then again, she could have been a teenager. Maybe it was even an adult woman and an older woman. I just know one was younger than the other, probably her daughter. And one of them had long, straight, light brown hair.
The police were concerned that the fact that the victims were Amish might impede the investigation some. I think the scene shifted to the inside of an Amish building--a barn?--I remember it was spacious, with a high ceiling--maybe rafters--and possibly hay or something on the floor, which is what makes me think barn. There were two Amish men here being interviewed by the police. (I can't remember specifically seeing the police, nor which characters they were--maybe Detective Tutuola (Ice-T) was present somewhere?) I think one of the Amish was an old man; they seemed surprised by what had happened, but were being as helpful as they could. I looked at them and noticed that they had...very big heads. I mean, INCREDIBLY big! Their heads were so long they took up maybe a quarter or a third of their height! They had high foreheads and they were also somewhat misshapen, like squarish. I have written down "rattlesnake," so maybe that had something to do with it--perhaps these men had been bitten by a rattlesnake and so their heads were swelling up? They didn't seem very concerned about this--I sensed it wasn't lifethreatening, just ugly looking (and physically impossible, in real life)--so I just sat and stared at them in awe. Perhaps their heads were even getting bigger as I watched. (I did not feel like this was on TV; it's kind of like I was in it, but not part of it.)
I realize this dream was very odd and didn't make much sense. As I said--better notes next time!
2003 Dreams