The Card Of Kinna Urashina
This is a very vague dream, from my regular sleep yesterday, that I would not bother recounting if it weren't for the name I remembered.
All I remember is messing with my radio/CD/tape player in my bedroom, and playing with some odd cards. I sat on my bed facing my west window, the radio in front of me and slightly to my right (it faced the left side, not me, which is odd), and it seemed to be nighttime or else late. My light was on and I feel I was not alone even though I never remember seeing anyone else. I can't remember what I was listening to but my station, which in real life is 106.7, began to act up or something, so I think I tried to change it to another station--probably 105.9 or 107.7. I was having trouble getting it to the right spot though. Whatever I was doing, I then tried to get it back to 106.7 or whatever it was, but it seemed like every time I set it, as soon as I pulled away it would go up or down one point. I seem to remember .1, so maybe it was actually at 106.1. Even though the real-life frequency is 106.7, in the dream it was only one point off (which would make the dream station 106.0 or 106.2). Again, I can't be sure of the numbers--just that it was one point off and I think when I pulled away from the radio that number ended in .1.
That wasn't right. I leaned toward it and set it again, but as soon as I pulled away, again, it lost or gained a point and got staticky. Nuts! I seem to remember that the music program Open House Party with John Garabedian was on--a program which in real life plays on 105.9--and I wanted to hear it but it kept fuzzing out. Every time I set the station it would lose or gain a point and mess it all up! I kept fiddling with it and it kept acting up of its own accord and it was really peeving me. It was like the thing was possessed or something. >:/
I'm not sure; maybe I finally got it to stay on my station? In any event, I think this was the same dream as I still sat on my bed. I now had some odd cards with me and seemed to be with one or two other people I knew--friends--Mya?--Russell?--I'm not sure, but they were poring over these cards too. They were not regular playing cards but were much akin to the game cards in an anime like Yu-Gi-Oh! or something. Blech. I don't even watch the cartoon but it's hard to not know about it, at least. Anyway, there were some different cards and each one featured a different magical creature associated with a particular color. I think some of the creatures, and some of the colors, were the same, but they were used in different combinations. I think of an anime called Knights Of The Zodiac so maybe these cards were supposed to be associated with that or something. On each card was a picture of the creature--there seemed to be a wizard or sorcerer character on the cards too--perhaps the creature was an incarnation of him, or a force he summoned--unsure. Perhaps these wizards were the "knights" I thought of. Anyway each creature and/or wizard had a name and color (I can't be sure which of them the name applied to--the wizard or the creature), and they were addressed by these terms. The colors I remember seeing were like black, red, and yellow, but they used fancy terms for them; so, for example, if there was a red dragon, its title might be something like "Knight(?) _____ (fill in fantasy-sounding name) of the Scarlet Dragon," or maybe "Scarlet Dragon Knight(?) _____," or some variant. I can't be positive on how the titles went; just that they POSITIVELY included the color and a fancy name, and MIGHT have included a status title (knight?--lord?) and the creature's type. I do believe there were dragons in the deck; I can't be sure of the other creatures but they might have included phoenixes, unicorns, and the like. Likewise there were probably more colors than just red, black, and yellow but those are the ones I seem to remember seeing most, and though I don't remember specific color names either, they seemed to use fancy variants, like for example ebony instead of black, scarlet or crimson instead of red, etc.
WELL...I'm not sure what we were doing with these cards, exactly, but we seemed rather interested. Maybe we were trading or something. I think I was just browsing through them. Each wizard or creature had a funny Japanese-sounding name as well, which was part of their title. I pulled out one card that I believe had a yellow dragon on it--the cards were fancy and in bold colors, maybe embossed and with a matte finish, and the dragon seemed long and sinuous, maybe with only forelegs and no hindlegs. I can't for the life of me recall what word they used in place of yellow...I don't believe it was gold or maize. :/ Some flowery word that you don't use often. I did catch the knight's(?)/creature's name, however, right before I woke up. I heard some of the other names as well but did not remember them.
As soon as I awoke to the alarm clock, I got up and wrote the name down on a piece of paper in my room so I would not forget it. I can't be POSITIVE it's 100% correct--I could have gotten a few letters wrong, or messed up part of it--but the name I wrote down was something much like "Kinna Urashina." The character featured on the card I had last looked at before awakening was something similar to "Yellow Dragon Knight Kinna Urashina." (KIN-uh oo-ruh-SHEE-nuh.)
Aside from the word "Kinna"'s resemblance to the word "Kinnie" (the nickname of a police character, Kincaid, in some of my stories), I can see nothing familiar or triggering about the name, and I don't recall ever hearing/seeing it before. I'm by NO means a fan of anime card fighting games or their TV spinoffs even though I've heard of some of them. I was born in the Year of the Dragon, but the color yellow holds no real significance for me aside from that I don't care for it much. In the dream I did not select this card for any particular reason; it just happened to be the last one I pulled before awakening, thus the one I remembered clearest. I'm going to have to do an online search for the words "Kinna Urashina," but I doubt I will come across anything meaningful. :/
UPDATE: I have since looked up "Kinna Urashina," "Kinna," and "Urashina" at Google. "Kinna Urashina" brings no hits; "Kinna" brings hits to what look to be European sites (Swedish?), but I cannot understand the language. "Urashina," however, brings back some interesting results; apparently, "Urashina Taro" (or the more common spelling "Urashima Taro") is a name in a Japanese folktale about a man who rode a sea turtle and after opening a box aged remarkably. I have yet to read the legend in its entirety, but it appears to be well known--in Japan. How I could have picked up this name I have no clue, as I have never to my knowledge heard it in waking life, I have not read this legend in any books, and while interested in mythology, I do not and have not browsed any Japanese mythology sites. There's a chance I could have glanced over the name while in search of something else, but based on what sites I regularly visit this is doubtful. Where the name came from in my dream, and why it popped up, remains a mystery.
2003 Dreams