Baby Savior
I did not take note of this dream after I awoke as I felt it wasn't important or interesting enough to keep track of. After looking back on it a bit, however, it strikes me as possibly important so here I go with what little I remember.
Basically, I was at some kind of party or gathering with a lot of other people. I don't know the location but perhaps it was at a camp; we were in some large house/building with a big kitchen for preparing lots of food, and a dining hall and smaller rooms, etc. The lighting was either natural or kind of dim and yellowish/orangish all throughout; it was rather cluttered because of all the people, and kind of rustic. I believe food was being prepared and we were getting ready to watch TV. For some reason everybody was excited about this and awaiting it as they all talked and chattered and laughed. I think we were supposed to be younger, like maybe teenagers.
I remember one person in particular, a large black woman; not hugely fat, but a little chubby, and definitely big boned. She made me think of Desirae (an ex-friend) both in appearance and temperament, but she didn't look exactly like her. We did not directly interact; I more observed and moved around the house than anything. I was hungry and wanted something to eat, plus I too was awaiting the TV show--I believe it was going to be Dragon Ball Z. I think I also might have wanted to record it. Maybe it was a new episode, what with how much anticipation was in the air, even though Cartoon Network has already aired every episode of that program and there are no new ones left. *shrug* I guess we were all fans of it or something. That's kind of why I get the camp feeling; maybe it was a convention? I know it was a gathering, and I felt that outside this building was woods and such, like at a camp, though I never saw it. I believe it was daytime anyway.
Most of the details of what was going on around me are vague by now; I do know I ended up going into this one room that was not presently occupied, though people had been in it earlier. To the left, in the same wall that the entrance door was in (that is, behind another door to the right of the one I used to enter the room), was a bathroom. I really needed to number two all of a sudden. o_o; I needed privacy to do it, so I came in here to use the bathroom.
I turned to my left to reach it; I think there might have been a round/oval table in the middle of the room, taking up most of the space, and shelves and such on display on the opposite side of the room from the entrance. Maybe a window or two. Very cluttered and hard to move around in. And what should I find right in front of the bathroom door but a baby's crib! It had been placed maybe six inches to a foot away and the bathroom door was cracked open, but the crib was blocking it from opening further. Inside it, a little baby lay sleeping. It was an odd baby in that it seemed far too small to be human, and it was WAY much cuter than real-life babies, almost cartoony. I think it had something on its head like an odd hat, maybe clear and kind of like vinyl or something. Somebody had placed the baby here to get it away from all the noise, but now it was blocking the bathroom I needed to use!
:/ What to do? In real life, I have a strong aversion to babies and children, and usually keep away from them or get other people to handle them. I acted much differently in the dream. I REALLY wanted to use the bathroom, but on the other hand I did not want to disturb the baby. I knew I had to move it, and to do so carefully. I looked around the room and noticed another crib sitting in the right corner, almost opposite the bathroom door--and instantly thought, "The baby will be much safer over there. It won't be blocking the door and people won't run into it!" I KNEW just by looking at it that the baby should have been put in the second crib in the first place; by leaving it in front of the bathroom door, no matter how noble the intentions, somebody had placed it in some small amount of danger. The poor thing! I would remedy the situation.
I went to the crib and very carefully reached down into it, picking up the little baby. I tried hard not to awaken it as I wasn't sure how to calm it back down, but I failed; it started to stir and whine. I hurried to give it my finger to suck on and it kind of bit onto it with its gums. It pinched somewhat--I said, "Ow ow ow ow ow..." and tried to pull it loose a little bit--but for the most part I put up with it and turned to hurry over to the second crib. This crib, as I said, sat in the corner of the room, like at a right angle to it so its ends touched both walls with a space behind it. I think there were shelves and things hanging around it, above it and to the side. All cluttered with knick-knacks and such. I put the little baby in the second crib; its eyes were open now and it wasn't crying, and it was just so adorable. These big cartoony eyes full of wonder. I wanted to make up for disrupting its nap, and to keep it from crying further, so I started looking around for toys and things to divert its attention. There seemed to be plenty of things to choose from on this shelf over its head.
First I think I gave it something, but it didn't seem good or interesting enough. I think there might have been a mobile or something dangling overhead and I tapped it so it moved, but I wanted to give the baby an actual toy. Then I found a stuffed bird toy sitting nearby. It was kind of like a Big Bird/Muppet-type thing...long thin body, long long thin legs and arms, maybe a longish neck, and a small head with big round heavy-lidded eyes and "feathers" all over its head and body made from looped yarn or something, like terrycloth only longer and thicker. I think it had some silver on it, maybe its legs or beak, and its body was rather rainbow colored, in stripes. It wasn't like a bright solid rainbow; it was kind of iridescent/pastel like; hard to explain. I just remember silver and rainbow colors. It had these long floppy arms and legs and looked like a very good toy for a baby. I took this bird toy and set it in the crib next to the baby, nudging it close so the little thing would notice it and hold onto it. The baby seemed satisfied, so I turned and left the room, confident that someone would come along and take care of it properly soon enough. I don't remember ever going to the bathroom as I had planned to do.
I returned to whatever this gathering was, and found that some food had been made available...I was in a bigger room with a big, high, wooden table or island that seemed fit for chopping things on. I can't remember all the food but I somehow got my hands on some chicken nuggets. I wanted more food, but it was crowded and busy and I decided I would get some more after finishing these. I also got some sort of reddish sauce to dip them in. It wasn't my favorite kind, but oh well, I was hungry. I nudged my way around the people to find a place to eat my food, dipped a nugget in the sauce, and started chewing. It wasn't the tastiest thing in the world :/ but like I said, I would have eaten almost anything by then.
Meanwhile all the loitering and such went on around me; maybe the program started and we were going to watch it. The big black girl was nearby and I wondered what other kinds of food I would get to eat. I think somebody spoke to me as I was eating but I'm not sure who they were, nor what they said.
It grows hazy here, but I was interrupted in the middle of eating my nuggets--I think I ate only that one, or part of it. >:/ For some reason I returned to the little back room where I had left the baby. I had really thought someone--possibly its real caretaker, as I never thought of parents--would come and take care of it as they were supposed to. Whoever had left it in front of the bathroom door like that should have returned to see to it! But when I went in, I believe the room was still empty, and the baby was still in its crib in the corner. I felt very anxious and uneasy and angry with its caretaker for abandoning it. I glanced over at its crib to see how it was doing and my alarm grew.
I can't really describe it; all I know is something was wrong. It looked kind of like something had fallen from the shelf or ceiling and landed in/over the crib, like a big, almost missile- or pyramid-shaped piece of plastic; it was kind of triangular, like an arrowhead, but rounded a bit, smooth, shiny, and maybe minty green. It had landed on its point right in the middle of the crib, from the looks of it! I was so terrified that the poor baby had been impaled or crushed right where I'd left it! With a gasp I rushed to the crib and found that the object, whatever it was, had not actually landed on the baby; I guess I removed it, or it disappeared; but now I saw that the crib, which must have been solid like a box by this point, was filled with some sort of clear gel-like liquid, and the baby was drowning in it!
I was so appalled! This clear jelly-like stuff was just surrounding this little baby...like the very tip of its face, its nose, was still protruding from the surface, but its little mouth was moving and I could tell it was in distress. It wasn't crying, but it might have been murmuring in fear and waving its little arms. In horror I reached into the crib and started to lift the baby out, or else I somehow found a way to drain this fluid from the crib. What I remember is the baby's face somehow rising clear of the jelly, its mouth opening to take a deep breath, and then...it smiled at me. A relieved, happy smile. I smiled back, relieved myself that I'd just barely managed to save it from certain death. And that was when I was awakened.
Like I said, when I awoke the dream didn't seem important or memorable enough to take note of, but after thinking about it for a while--about my completely out-of-character concern for the baby in the dream, my initiative in taking care of it when it had been abandoned, and how happy and relieved and grateful I felt when it smiled at me--I'm starting to believe it has some possible significance. I feel concern when babies are in trouble, yes, but for the most part I keep away from them; they are crying, messy, noisy, bothersome things. The baby in my dream, on the other hand, was unusually calm, clean, and aware, and I felt such a deep feeling of compassion toward it, even in my careful choice of the appropriate toy, that I now find my behavior in the dream strange.
2003 Dreams