Yokas, The Addict
The dreams I had during my sleep yesterday were all very fragmented, more like unrelated images all scattered together rather than actual dreams. I'll try to describe the separate parts I can remember, even though they might have been part of the same whole.
I remember one tiny fragment concerning the character Faith Yokas from Third Watch. She was with her partner, Bosco, in some kind of building; I'm not sure where (maybe the "museum" from "Beneath Mackinac Island"). I don't know what was going on, but somehow Yokas acquired a crack pipe/bong (it looked like a bong and sounded like one but in the dream I think it was supposed to be crack) and started frantically inhaling from it. I've never done drugs or seen them done except on TV so I'm not sure how a bong works, but it made the slurping noise, and I saw this thick smoky substance emit from the top; I think that's what she was sucking into her lungs. It was odd and almost solid, like melting ice cream; it was kind of whitish/cream colored with little dark (brown?) specks in it. Bosco saw her doing this and was shocked; Yokas was addicted to whatever this drug was! He started threatening her, trying to talk her out of doing it, but she was very anxious and on edge (more like the way an amphetamine user would react, I think, rather than somebody smoking weed) and needed her fix. I sensed she had not quite willingly walked into this lifestyle, but now that she was stuck on it she was stuck on it. Bosco did not approve whatsoever.
This dream might or might not have been related to "Beneath Mackinac Island."
Beneath Mackinac Island
I was going to brush off yesterday's dreams but this one really left an impression on me as possible fodder for a story, so here goes. It's very faded and confused.
From what I can remember, I was looking at some information that had to do with Mackinac Island. I heard of two locations there, I think, which had been in the old version of the guidebook, but at least one of them had since been dropped. (In real life something similar to this is true. Some locations/sites listed in the old Fifties version of the guidebook are no longer listed in the new ones, and so I'm assuming those sites are inaccessible to tourists. They are mainly natural formations, caves, and such; Mackinac Island, Michigan, is littered with caves, sea stacks, etc.) The names of both locations were quite similar, both short and sort of exotic sounding. The only word I can think of which was remotely like them is "Tiara," I think. Neither name WAS "Tiara," but both names were at least slightly similar to that word, at least in spelling and formation.
I was intrigued by these locations. I think maybe I'd heard of one but the other one was a mystery. I went to a search engine (Google?) and typed them in, along with "mackinac island," to try to find information. Only for some reason I think I used the image search instead of the regular web search. I wanted to see what the locations looked like. I found out that the location since dropped from the guidebook was a sea cave right on the shore of the island! This surprised me as I knew of no underwater caves there, but there it was, plain as day. There was some sort of story about some people--female students?--who had come to the island in a boat and had either found or sailed into the cave; I think they were the ones who had (re?)discovered it. It was located right in the docking area where the ferries stop to let off and pick up tourists, so I assumed it had been dropped from the guidebook because it was in such a crowded, restricted area it would be dangerous to just go looking for it; perhaps the docks and such had even been built over and around it. Interesting!
As I looked at some pictures of this and the other location (I can't remember what the other location was supposed to be, but it didn't interest me as much), it was like the dream shifted so instead of looking at online images, I was now in a sort of museum that had been built literally around the sea cave, to allow for tourists to wander right in and either view it through glass walls or to walk through it. (It reminded me of those huge aquariums where you walk through glass hallways and can view fish all around you--the museum was both separate from, yet part of, the cave, both manmade and yet almost organic in its unobtrusiveness.) The hallways were rather plain and dim and the building was kind of cluttered in little rooms, like the backrooms of an old museum; there was a female curator or tour guide who was getting ready to lead a tour or some such, and was walking around preparing things. I wandered into a different hall and where an image might have been before, now instead of a wall or picture I saw huge stalactites and stalagmites like in the Carlsbad Caverns or something, lit up in different colors. I knew this was one part of the underground/underwater cave, even though sea caves don't really resemble that (from what pictures I have seen of the sea caves of Lake Superior, they're usually made of stone and are hollowed out by the action of the water--no stalactites or stalagmites). I was very curious to see the rest of the cave; at first it had been just a smallish thing, but now it seemed so huge! It was hard to believe I'd never even known of its existence before, but now I was very excited to get a look at it. An actual underwater cave on Mackinac Island! Awesome!
I went into another hallway, sans cave, and in a sort of little room spotted some metal shelves to my right (I'd turned around a bit as if to double back). On these shelves I spotted all sorts of little plastic (?) containers for holding artifacts and stuff, like things you would find in a natural or paleontological museum. From the looks of it most of the items were eggs of different sorts, some of them in nests or nesting material. They were just sitting in these containers, gathering dust. I was curious but the curator/tour guide came along and politely guided me away from the room. I think it was off limits, though I didn't get an annoyed feeling from her. Maybe I could look at it later.
The dream shifted again and I now ended up in a sort of bookstore/giftshop offshoot of the museum. Throughout this dream I feel I might have been wearing a winter coat and there were some other people (students?) around my age in the shop, who might have been part of my group. It was quite cluttered in here, with narrow aisles, and rather hard to navigate. I started looking at the things on the shelves and spotted some books at the other side of the room. Oo! Those instantly drew my attention; I LOVE books about Mackinac Island, especially the natural formations and native legends. (I don't care much for ones about modern island history or its historic landmarks like the fort and Grand Hotel. I'm just not interested in that.) I absolutely HAD to browse them. I got to the shelf with a little difficulty, as people would get in my way, and started looking around. There were at least two separate shelves; one seemed dedicated to mostly children's books, and though I glanced through them, none held my interest; not informative enough. I turned my attention back to the adult shelf and wanted to look through those books but I'm not sure if I got the chance. There were other things I wanted to look at in here too, though I can't recall exactly what they were. I don't believe I ever got to get a good look at the books. Darn it!
This dream might or might not have been related to "Yokas, The Addict."
I'm Never Inviting You Back Again!
This was quite a stressful dream. My memory picked up with me going to the front window and peering outside, kind of crouching down to look out the bottom right-side window. I spotted a large grayish tabby cat wandering up the road to stop at the corner, sitting down at the intersection as if to watch the cars go by. It was such a big, friendly-looking cat that I instantly wanted to gain its attention.
The window was open (it was overcast outside), so I started making kissing noises. The cat heard me; I felt it would not respond, but it got up and came toward the house. My spirits rose, but I made certain to grab onto our own cat, Cosmas, and hold him tightly in case he decided to freak out (he's quite the fraidy cat). I didn't know how the cats would react to each other so as the big tabby came up to the window (I don't know how it reached it, but somehow it did, like all it had to do was walk up and peer in) I held Cosmas firmly. I felt he had more of a chance of freaking out as the tabby seemed quite laid back, but I tried to be careful with both of them.
I sensed Coz was anxious, but he didn't really do anything. I even pulled him toward the window so he and the tabby could sniff at each other. "See? Get to know one another!" I exclaimed. I don't know if I let Coz go so he could run off into the house or if I kept hold of him, but I think I let the tabby in or it let itself in...I don't know how. I get the feeling it kind of walked through the window screen. o_o I was a little reluctant about its entering the house, as I was still not sure how it and Cosmas would get along, but it seemed friendly enough; if I was careful with the two of them, I was sure things would be fine. The cat was friendly enough at first, all right, but then things started to change.
The dream gets hazy here, but as time went on the big tabby grew pushier and more aggressive. At first it was not really threatening, just demanding, as if it wanted my attention or something; I think it kept climbing on me or grabbing me or jumping on me. But this grew to such an extent that I began to feel threatened by its behavior; maybe I was afraid for Cosmas, as, if this cat wanted MY attention so badly, it would not like me paying attention to my own cat at its expense! It got to the point where I was grabbing onto the large cat and practically fighting it off, struggling to keep hold of it and to keep it at arms' length at the same time. DAMN this thing was strong! I must have been making a lot of noise, for Dad came into the room.
"What's going on?" he demanded.
"I let this cat in and now I can't get it to LEAVE!" I yelled between clenched teeth. Have you ever tried to shove a cat in a carrier? You know how it's like all their muscles just turn into steel bands? Well, that's what this was like; I really had to struggle to keep hold of it and to keep it from getting at me or at Cosmas, wherever he was. I was running into things and knocking things over and everything.
"What did you let it IN for?!" Dad exclaimed in a mixture of exasperation and disbelief, coming in to come to my aid.
"It seemed FRIENDLY at first!" I shouted. "I didn't think it would get like THIS!!"
In my head I was thinking, For God's sake, can't you see I need help? QUIT ASKING QUESTIONS AND JUST HELP ME ALREADY!
Dad came over and I believe he may have grabbed hold of the cat now. I don't know how we did it but we somehow forced the tabby back outside, maybe through the porch door, and though it seemed to want back in, there was no way I was going to invite it in again! Nowhere throughout the dream do I believe it bit or clawed me, at least maliciously, but it was like an overbearing person who has the potential for violence; no matter how friendly it seemed, I wasn't going to make that mistake twice, and I gave it a venomous look to prove it!
Tom Berenger, You've Been Pranked!
I believe this was the last dream I had yesterday before waking up, and it was very confused and vague and even what I remember is very difficult to explain...basically, what I remember is somebody was pulling a prank that involved cars. The prank first centered on my mom's car, I believe. She was pulling out into the side road to drive to work or something (it was kind of overcast but growing light out and the road seemed shiny, as if it had just rained), and the prank involved airbrushing over something on her back bumper. It was something of significance like the license plate, but it wasn't the license plate; it was something which stuck out from the car, like the muffler or a flame. I think it at least resembled a flame in appearance, like one coming from a blow torch, or perhaps even a fox's tail--red and bushy? Anyway, this thing projected from the back of every car and was meant to be there for legal reasons; if your car didn't display it properly you could be pulled over and ticketed, I guess. Well, as Ma pulled out and drove by it's like some guys invisibly sneaked up to her car (I don't know how they camouflaged themselves, but I don't recall seeing them) and took an airbrush to paint over this projection. Now this is the part that's hard to explain. As it projected FROM the car, and wasn't actually built into it or maybe even not a part of it (it might have just kind of followed the car, like a flame, as I said), it's not like they could just paint over the car itself to hide this thing from troopers. The airbrushing involved literally spraying over this item to render it invisible to the naked eye.
How to explain this better...? Have you ever seen a Looney Tune or other cartoon where a character has invisible ink or something, and they pour it over themselves, and it literally turns them, a three-dimensional being, invisible? Well, it was kind of like that. Though this thing was projecting from the car and was three dimensional, if they airbrushed it all over it would vanish from sight even though it was still there. Thus it would look like the car was driving around without this thing, whatever it was. Meanwhile, vision of the car itself, even the part this thing stuck out from, and vision of anything behind this object would be as clear and unimpeded as anything. Physically impossible, I know, but that's how it went. It actually looked like this thing vanished as they painted over it.
Well, they did this to Ma at first, I believe, as I watched; I don't know what happened exactly, but maybe they told her what they'd done, and laughed about it. If so I think Ma seemed confused or puzzled, not quite getting it, but I don't believe she got in trouble as I THINK they told her about it before she drove very far.
Well, Tom Berenger was not quite as fortunate!
Yes, Tom Berenger, the actor, again. *shrug* The scene shifted and now it made me think of a show like Jackass or a practical jokes thing, and these guys were pulling the same prank on Tom Berenger's vehicle. I believe he was driving a mobile home, and they airbrushed over this thing sticking off of the back as he went. The highway patrol spotted him as he drove by and as they did not see this necessary projection, they pulled him over for not properly displaying it. Tom Berenger was utterly baffled to find this thing "missing"--he knew it had been there before, where had it gone? It looked as if he were merely a tourist going on vacation somewhere, rather than an action hero, and I felt bad for him being so confused by this joke. I felt it was quite rude of these guys to pull a prank on him like that, now that he was in trouble with the law and was probably going to get a ticket. I think maybe somebody came out and tried to explain things, but it was quite difficult to understand. Poor Tom Berenger was the most confused of all. He had just been going on vacation or something, only to be pulled over for breaking the law, and he had no clue what was going on!
2003 Dreams