Invasion Of Privacy
I'm not sure if this was all one dream or not. It was from my regular sleep.
Yesterday in real life, I tried to go for a walk down the tracks but the mosquitoes were so thick I had to head back early. On my way back up the road a pickup truck drove past me and when I came over the hill I noticed it parked ahead at the corner. It stayed there the entire time I walked, and I had to pass right by it to cross the street to my house. Even after I went inside I noticed it still parked there; I believe there was someone inside because I think I had seen an arm sticking out the window when I passed. I locked all the doors and pulled all the blinds down and got a knife just in case whoever it was decided to try to come to the house. I then stripped because even with as short a way as I had walked, my clothing was soaked with sweat, and I had to put it on the fan and get a towel instead; I confess, if my clothing is wet I see nothing wrong with being naked in my own house, so long as I'm the only one here! o_o; I continued peeking out the windows, however, and the truck remained in its place. I really have the distinct feeling this person had seen me walking down the road and had stopped for the express purpose of watching me go by. Perhaps when I went into my house and after a while of waiting, he(?) lost interest and drove off, because after about another fifteen minutes of me hiding in the house, the truck disappeared. (I didn't see which way it went.)
There had been some reports of a guy trying to abduct girls in the area where I walk around a while back, so I was suspicious. I think this worked its way into my dream.
In the dream, if this was indeed how it started, I was at home and I was naked. It was daytime and I'm not sure WHY I was naked, just that I was. I seemed to be alone so it was all right. The windows weren't properly covered, though, and at one point I walked by one of the front windows, I think, and may have noticed a police car outside. I say "may," because I don't remember seeing the car; I DO, however, remember seeing the police officer. He was kind of overweight, maybe tallish, with light brown, mussed hair; not cute, kind of shlubby. He wasn't wearing a police cap and probably had on a short-sleeved shirt. I'm not sure which station he was with--county, city, or state--but he may have been wearing a darker color, which would rule out county. (Then again, if he had a car it might have been light, which would rule out city and state! So you can see I'm not quite sure.) He was standing either in the yard or in the road and he spotted me as I stood by the window--NAKED!! I felt instantly embarrassed and dashed away from the window. I noticed he had had a puzzled look on his face when he saw me, probably wondering why I was wandering around unclothed like that! I prayed for him to go away, but he started coming toward the house. How embarrassing!
I think I ran around trying to find a place to hide. I hated the thought that I might be in trouble. Now I believe Dad was home, but for some reason I still was not embarrassed about my nudity; maybe I had put on some clothes by now. I was more upset that the cop was coming to the house; this was similar to my "watchers" dreams, where people are peering in my windows at me and I feel threatened because I have no privacy and I don't want to confront them. I like cops, but I was so humiliated that this one had seen me naked.
He came to the house and Dad probably answered the door. The policeman commenced asking if something was going on because he'd seen a naked woman in the window. It turned out he was concerned about me; he thought that there might have been an assault in progress, and that was why I was running around the house unclothed--he felt I might be the victim. I was so embarrassed that I'd caused the poor guy so much concern! I'm not sure if I interacted with him or not, or if it was just Dad, nor what exactly Dad said to him (why was DAD not surprised that I had been caught naked??--this dream is confusing), but somehow the situation was cleared up. I think the policeman might have suggested that I cover up the windows properly if I was going to do that; if he did, I promised to be more careful, although with a great amount of shame and embarrassment. He then went on his way. I much appreciated that he'd been concerned enough about me to stop in and see if I was all right, but gah, what an awful first impression to make!
I don't know if this part came after that part, or if it came before or was an entirely different dream; but there was an additional part with Dad and Ma (she was now present) and myself eating. There was lots of good food. Evening seemed to be coming on and I was in the kitchen, getting what I wanted to eat. I can't remember the main course but I distinctly remember having my tea pitcher and getting soup from it. Eggdrop soup, like from the Chinese restaurant! I remember some of it splashing on or over the lid and I was mildly annoyed and licked it off, pouring myself some. I think tea was in the container with the soup but they were separate somehow; perhaps I was annoyed because in spilling some of the soup I might have mixed the two up a bit? I'm not sure. It was very weird. I poured myself some of this, and maybe some tea, and got whatever else was for the main course, and exited the kitchen. I think Ma was curious about what I had to eat and I may have offered to get her some soup, too. It was all very confused and a bit hectic but I was glad that we were all together and eating dinner at home, because this is not something we usually do.
2003 Dreams