I Love Kuwabara
This dream is actually from yesterday's nap. I did have at least one more, but it was very odd and convoluted and I'm not sure how I'd outline it. This was more like a fragment but it at least made sense, even if it was still weird.
In it, I seemed to be in a class of some sort; I was seated at a table, a long table used in classes, I think. To my left sat...Kuwabara, the red-headed gang leader from Yu-Yu Hakusho (an anime). O_o I have the feeling I was meant to be Kayko, the female student of the series who is close to the main character, Yusuke. Yusuke himself might have been seated to my right. Now this is damn strange because, even though I record the show (who knows if I might want to watch it SOMEDAY?) and have seen some episodes, I don't much care for it, and I find most of the characters ugly and unappealing. So that's why the rest of this dream was even weirder.
I can't recall what was actually said, if anything, but Kuwabara turned to me and gave a huge smile--teeth showing, squinty eyes, everything. I shyly smiled back before glancing down to look at the table or at my schoolwork or whatever. A thought flashed in my head: Kuwabara is not attractive. Really, I find him quite ugly--he's got this weird lumpy face, an awful voice (in the American version of the cartoon), and this hairstyle that could have come from the Fifties! Yet right after thinking this, I thought about how he was a pretty nice guy; despite his tendency for getting into trouble and being involved in frequent fights, he does have a sense of honor, and tries to protect girls and the defenseless. And so, despite his ugly appearance, I had a feeling that he wouldn't be so bad to have as a boyfriend. In fact, I felt I might even have a slight crush on him! A SLIGHT crush.
This seemed very significant in the dream, as I placed almost no importance whatsoever on his looks (whereas in real life, as much as I hate to admit it, physical appeal WOULD be at least somewhat important), and almost all importance on his personality and values. Interesting. Even though I didn't say anything, somebody now pointed out what I had been thinking--maybe it was Yusuke, or whoever was seated to my left. They kind of poked at Kuwabara and joked about how I had a crush on him. I think Kuwabara was surprised to hear this, but also immensely pleased because it was obvious HE had a thing for ME, too. (Which was why he had smiled at me in the first place, even if he'd felt he had little chance with me.) I felt very awkward but also flattered.
The other person then mentioned in a kind of sly murmur that I liked having my shoulders/neck area rubbed, or something, as that was my erogenous zone. o_o;;; Now, truthfully, I cannot know what my erogenous zone, if I even have one, is. I've just never gone looking for it, honestly. Still, there IS something about the nape area. *shrug* Who knows. Anyway, in my dream Kuwabara picked up on this hint and I think he rubbed the back of my neck as if just massaging me. I don't think I remember actually feeling his fingers on me, but I did feel a tingling (a physical reaction to the massaging) in the nape area and I liked it. I got this kind of funny, giddy feeling and wished that we really WERE girlfriend and boyfriend. Well, at least the person I was now attracted to was a human, this time! >_<
That's about all of the dream that I remember. There wasn't much to it, but what there was left an impression on me. Interesting that I should find myself so attracted to somebody who in appearance is really quite repulsive.
2003 Dreams