Rainy Day Bed
This dream is from my regular sleep of a couple of days ago, I believe.
In real life as I slept, the weather got INCREDIBLY rainy. I woke up and went to look out the front porch window and saw gushes of rain spraying off the roof to hit the porch; something came off the roof along with the water. Thunder was booming and everything. I went back to bed and when I awoke later on I couldn't tell if that had really happened or if I had dreamed it (it was hot and sunny when I awoke), but as I was told there really was a huge downpour that day, I believe it did happen. It was realistic, at least, even down to the cat trying to reach the knob of the door I stood in front of as I looked outside.
After I went back to sleep, I think, was when I had a dream which grew out of this incident. All I remember is that I realized I had left my window open during the storm. This window is directly behind and above the head of my bed, so I went into my room to see what had happened. Sure enough, my bed was SOAKED through and through. I'm not sure if my blinds were down or not, but it was dim blue in my room and most of the light was centered around that one window; the others must have still been covered. The light shone on my bed and I went over to it, not turning on the lights, and started picking up the blanket or sheet and trying to shake the water out of it. It was so dripping wet. I felt stupid for having left my window open directly over my bed during such a storm!
I grabbed my little rotating fan and turned it on, then started waving it slowly back and forth over the bedcovering. I remember I saw the water drying in patches, and I was amazed that it was drying out so fast.
Chim-Chiminy, Chim-Chiminy, Chim-Chim-Cheree...
This dream was from my nap of a couple of days ago.
I can't remember how it started, but I was suddenly with a group of people and I...wanted to climb up a chimney. o_O There was this whitish-colored chimney, its stack inside this house or room of some sort; it was square/rectangular, possibly brick, and I wanted to crawl inside. I don't know what my motives were at first, but later on they became clear. I got down on hands and knees and put my head into the little hole at the bottom--there was this little rectangular opening at floor level. Maybe I could fit like my head and part of my shoulders in, but it was so low and cramped that in real life I'd NEVER make it through. I may be short, but I'm definitely not the smallest person there is; my hips, for example, are very wide. :( I started shuffling down closer to the ground and had a fear of getting all dirty and icky; this part felt very much like real life, as I have obsessive-compulsive disorder and HATE dirty spaces--they make me panic. However, somehow I sucked up my fear in the dream and started crawling--or more like squeezing--inside this hole. The other people with me (I have no clue who they were, though one might have been an older gentleman) were surprised by this and stood by to watch. I didn't think I'd make it at all, but I did, and managed to kneel upright inside the chimney stack. There was just barely room for me to do so.
It may have been while I was busy crawling inside; I saw a tiny window inside the chimney, and it overlooked this GORGEOUS view of...Mackinaw City. ??? I have no clue how I knew this or why THAT location would appear, but there it was. The odd thing is, I don't think we were in Mackinaw, so how we got this view of it, a location which is miles away, was very unusual. It didn't seem too weird in the dream. What I saw, I think, was a road or path leading down toward a huge lake--I'll assume it was Lake Huron. The sun was setting and it was winter, the trees all bare and snow and ice on the ground, and while it wasn't the most beautiful view I've ever seen, still, it was impressive--and it seemed to be from very high up, looking downwards, too. I was impressed that this chimney afforded such an excellent view.
This now gave me a motive for being inside the chimney. Somewhere along in here I realized I had the digital(?) camera with me, and decided I'd try to snatch some pictures of the view. This was easier said than done.
Firstly, the window was sort of above me now, and I had to get to it. I tried crawling upwards but I would not fit--the passageway was too narrow. Then I felt stupid when I realized that there was a sort of passage-within-a-passage that could be removed...I can't really describe this. Basically it would be like having one box inside another, and the inside box is, of course, smaller. Now imagine that both boxes have had their tops and bottoms removed to form square/rectangular tunnels. Inside this chimney was a sort of inner chimney, only it was much smaller--maybe two feet or so tall--and it was what I had been trying to squeeze myself up through, without success. Then I found all I had to do was pull it down and toss it aside (there was somehow room to do so). It too seemed to be white-painted brick like the rest, and was very thin like cardboard. I pulled it down and got it out of the way and proceeded toward the window.
Another obstacle appeared. I started to kneel upright again and my head nearly hit a metal grille right above. I brushed my hand against my hair and ducked, looking up at it. It was some sort of protective screen to keep animals from getting into the house or something, I guess. (There was no fireplace at the bottom of the chimney.) At first I considered it a minor inconvenience. Then I noticed it was laced with old cobwebs and dessicated insect corpses and droppings and such, and my anxiety came back. I'd jostled the grille, so I feared that some of the disgusting junk from it had drifted down onto me and had gotten into my hair. What if there were BUGS in that?--living BUGS? I rubbed my hair a bit more and nearly panicked, but again managed to suck back my fear and continue. The thing was, the grille seemed to be blocking further progress, and the window was still higher up. Drat!
I don't know exactly how this happened but I got around it, somehow. I feel there might have been an opening or a space below the window and I slipped up through there. There was still not much room. I think I looked out the window and instead of a winter landscape, I remember seeing at least one autumn tree with fiery leaves. Then I bobbed down, probably to get the camera. And when I tried to reach the window again the ceiling itself (there seemed to be no opening in the top of this chimney, either) was so low that I could not seem to fit my head up there in order to look through the lens and get a good shot! Damn it!
At first I think I resorted to holding the camera above me and hoping I could randomly shoot a good enough picture by shooting blindly, but then I squirmed a bit and again managed to fit myself up there to peer out the window. I was reminded vaguely of this spiraling tower I visited when I went to a Georgia or Tennessee Civil War battlefield. In real life it looks like a giant chess piece, the one that looks like a castle tower. That building was not cramped, but in my dream this made me think of that.
Anyway, I managed to see out the window now, and it's even like I leaned out of it slightly. There was a sloping roof before me, and like a little ledge like a sill that I leaned over, and I think the roof extended to my left; I never looked to my right. Maybe it was gabled. I was afraid of falling but held my ground and put the camera to my eye to start shooting pictures. It was still sunset, and now seemed wintry again; every time I moved the camera to take another shot, however, the scenery kept changing just slightly, so I was confused about how to get a good shot if I couldn't properly align the camera without the landscape changing! The road way down in the distance, leading away to the lake, seemed to pretty much stay the same. The sky was pale pinkish or something in the sunset and I started snapping pictures. There were birds flitting around me as they either nested on or just hung out on the roof, and I found that kind of pleasant. I held up the camera to take another picture.
Bam! Suddenly I had an EXCELLENT closeup view of a bird's head. It was a bright orange bird with a sort of crest, maybe like a jay of some kind. It faced the right, and its big black eye was facing me. What a GREAT view! I gasped in surprise that it had landed so close (maybe I had a zoom lens?), but only AFTER marveling at it did I decide to take its picture. But--it then flew away, and I missed my opportunity. :( I felt so disappointed for having missed out; it would have made the best picture ever. I sighed dejectedly and I think I started trying to get pictures of the other birds that were flitting around, though they weren't as pretty--they all seemed to be brown and such, like sparrows maybe--and they wouldn't stand still and pose like that orange bird had. *sigh*
I finished taking pictures and started on my way back down the chimney. I got a thought for some reason about Dennis the Menace, like maybe the group of people awaiting me thought I was him or was like him, doing something as odd as getting all dirty climbing up a chimney to take pictures. I didn't mind the comparison in the dream, even though in real life I hate Dennis the Menace. I believe I crawled out of the chimney, none the worse for wear, but rather dirty and wishing to get cleaned up. Ugh.
2003 Dreams