Gangs Of Elementary School
This dream had me very amused! Even though it made practically no sense. ^_^ Let's see what vague parts I can remember.
It picked up with me walking the hall in Black River, my old elementary school. This was the school where I felt happiest, but then again, it pops up often in dreams and usually then leaves me with an anxious feeling as I have grown, yet everything in the school is very small. I didn't feel that anxiety here, though I did wonder why I was present. I felt out of place at first as I passed by where the lunchline would usually be, past the bathrooms and toward the upper hall (where grades 4-6 were located). The layout and size of the school were slightly different, and the halls were populated (not crowded) by students as I had known them as teenagers, in high school. How strange. Even in my dream I think I thought this was weird.
I think first they were just normal and I didn't pay them much mind. One group passed me; I might have been with a group myself at first--with them, but not part of them. Unsure. Then a group of guys went walking by me and they were all wearing suits and such; dress suits. I briefly wondered what it would be like if...I'm not sure, it was either if EVERYONE in the school wore suits like this, or if NOBODY did. I somehow realized that in this school the guys were supposed to wear dress suits, though it wasn't mandatory. I thought they looked rather dapper like that, though one seemed disheveled; perhaps he was wearing a T-shirt instead or something. I recognized them as people I think I've known since elementary school, for the most part (there might have been some I knew only from high school). They walked on by; I'm not sure what direction they went in. I kept on walking. The hallways were light and airy.
Now came a second group of guys. I spotted them far ahead of me; the hall seemed longer than it should have been. They were near the corner where the bathrooms are, where it turns in...hm. My memory of the layout of the school is poor, so while I said upper hall above, I think in fact it was near the principal's office, if that wasn't really in upper hall. I can't remember where that was located in real life, but I feel that was the location in the dream. Anyway. I caught up with them and noticed that THESE ones were wearing dress sweaters or sweater vests. All of them in this group, just like the previous group had been wearing suitcoats. Slightly less formal, but still well dressed. I remember one in particular wearing a darkish red patterned vest as I approached him from behind, and I was almost certain it was Brian (Bryan?) C., somebody I knew in elementary school through high school who was kind of a class clown. He turned his head as I walked up and grinned at the other guys with him--even though he didn't look at me, probably didn't even know I was there, still I felt included, and smiled in return. For some reason it felt right that HE would be dressed in this manner; I remembered him dressing like this often in school. (In the dream, not in real life.) I think I passed by this group of guys too.
And then I came upon a THIRD group. I seemed to be entering the other hallway now, turning to the right. THESE guys all seemed to be taller than me, and they were dressed in white T-shirts and dark pants, maybe jeans. My humor picked up a lot. I think this group included both of the Jason C.'s (same last names, not related) I knew when I was young, even though only one is tall; the other is short, hence our names for them--Big Jason and Little Jason--but I think I remember seeing the short one too. Little Jason was a bully to me all throughout school, but I didn't fear him much in the dream. I think Tom B. was also here; I knew him only in high school, and didn't like him as he was a troublemaking doofus, but again, this didn't bother me much. I passed among them and they all towered over me!! Yet I didn't feel threatened. I grinned. I had the thought--what would it be like if our school had different gangs, of which this was one? By gangs, I didn't mean criminal gangs; just different competing groups; friendly rivals. These guys, in their T-shirts, definitely looked like some kind of James Dean-inspired gang. ^_^
The dream grows confused here now, and I think it was influenced by what was on TV. Which, I believe, was the biography of Jackie Kennedy, though on looking at this dream, I can't see how the two are related. o_O Anyway. I was still walking the hall and I remember coming up close to the right-hand wall, which was now brick. Not bright red, but kind of grayish-brownish. I think I also came near a corner and here were some guys standing around. I believe they were all supposed to be celebrities, but the only one I could name was Tom Cruise--and in my dream, he was somebody I think I knew from school. I felt I knew him personally. He was with another guy, and I think there was some kind of video being shot. A lot of guys were pairing off and in this corner, Tom Cruise KISSED this other guy with him!! He made these Tom Cruise eyes at the camera when he did so. It was SO hilarious. The other guys were kissing or embracing in a romantic gesture also; nothing really pornographic or adult, just passionate and romantic. I think there were also a few female couples doing the same. So the video (a music video, I think) probably had something to do with gays or gay equality, since it was being treated in such a positive manner. This is even funnier because in real life, Tom Cruise has had this big battle about being portrayed as gay by the tabloids; he's fought against that image very hard. So to see him now freely kissing another guy in a pro-gay video was very amusing to me, and I very much respected these people for shattering stereotypes this way.
I wish I could remember who all the other people were--there were more men than women--but I can't.
I think I walked past them and now the dream grows even hazier and weirder. I remember seeing somebody wearing a Miss Piggy mask, and somebody wearing another Muppet mask--maybe Kermit?--even though I felt it was supposed to be female also. The masks were strange; there was the eye part of the face and top of the head, and maybe the nose, but beneath that there was an oval hole--wider than it was tall--and perhaps this was where the person's face was supposed to be--their eyes, at least. And then there was a band of the mask beneath that. In other words, the entire mask, with an oval hole closer to the bottom. However, I think the people were just wearing them atop their heads, where the hair would be; but I can't remember seeing their real faces, which should have been visible. *shrug* The hallway changed a lot from the way the other hallway had been; instead of light and airy, it was brick now, and dimmer, but still comfortable; it more resembled the high school. The Miss Piggy person (they were also wearing a costume) and the other Muppet person were standing side by side, ahead, as if awaiting me. Again, there was something going on...I'm not sure what. Maybe another video. For some reason I liked the Miss Piggy character. The mask looked more like Baby Miss Piggy of the Muppet Babies. The woman(?) playing her feigned her snooty attitude, but still I liked her; it was amusing.
I think they turned and started walking along the hallway, only then they were riding some kind of odd vehicles, or bouncing on something down the hallway. A voiceover entered the dream now, talking about some sort of art display or somebody's belongings, maybe an auction, etc.--not sure. (About a half hour after I'd awoken, Biography mentioned some of Jackie's things being auctioned off, though I don't know how that could have entered the dream as it was after I woke up. It still seemed to say something about celebrity auctions or something in my dream.) This had something to do with why these people were dressed like Muppets. I can't remember what they were riding or whatever down the hallway, but now *I* was in a special vehicle, myself.
I can't adequately describe it but at least I have something to go on. It was kind of like a bike or trike or some such, but may have had ski-like things rather than wheels. One to the left and one to the right? They were metallic gray, frosted maybe, and springy. Long and narrow, like skis. (I THINK this is what the machine looked like. I can't be positive.) It was bulkier than a bike, with parts around it that I can't describe. I think one rode it almost like a snowmobile or something. And it had a partial plastic bubble surrounding it. By "partial," I mean it wasn't an entire bubble; there were breaks in it. Like a big part of bubble on the left, and one on the right, maybe connected somehow. I remember that my sides were protected but there was a space in front of me that was open, all down the front in a vertical parting, I think, and I don't know about the back. Plus the...skis, treads, whatever...didn't SEEM to be encased, but I can't be sure. Anything else, I can't describe. This contraption moved by bouncing.
And so here I was, bouncing this thing down the hallway. I think I had to push off with my feet, then it would go slightly into the air, then it would bounce on its...skis, treads, whatever...and then I would have to push off again, or something. I know it didn't work itself, yet I didn't have to do all the work, either. It kept bouncing on these springy ski-like things so I was bouncing down the hallway like a big bubble or beachball.
The hallway changed again to once more become lighter and airier, like the hallways at Black River. And it seemed to be a different part of the school; perhaps the hallway leading past the courtyard (that being on the right?), going toward lower hall (which housed grades K-3). (This would have been the way I'd have gone, I think, if I had gone straight in the earlier part of the dream rather than turning right when walking with the "gangs.") "Miss Piggy" and whoever else (Kermit?) were walking ahead here--or riding their own things, whatever. I came bouncing up behind them; it was slow going, but kind of fun. I think they turned and saw me and they were impressed by my own riding contraption. I guess it was one of a kind. I felt very proud of myself now, being the center of attention; I felt I was performing some important service. Perhaps I had been asked to ride the bouncy thing as part of the video or whatever was going on in this school. Because it was the only one of its kind, I felt very unique.
2003 Dreams