CSI: Miami: The Freaky Episode
Okay, if I had had this as a "real," first-person dream and not as an episode of a TV show, I bet I would have been REALLY freaked out. This dream I had right before waking up to my alarm clock, so it was very vivid.
Can't remember how it started, but it was nighttime and I was at home with Dad and maybe Eric, my brother. Don't know why he was there; his wife and baby weren't present. I have the feeling he was visiting. It was dark outside and we were in the living room getting ready to watch CSI: Miami, so it must have been around ten PM on a Monday. It was like 9:58 or 9:59 when I finally realized this and got a little upset. Dad asked me what was wrong (he was sitting on the couch; I feel Eric was behind me, not far from the TV--I was near the VCR--but I'm not sure).
"I was planning on taking a nap now," I said with dismay. I take naps around ten PM and record whatever's on TV, and in real life this has made me feel guilty that I'm keeping Dad from seeing the show. In the dream I had a videocassette that I quickly stuck in the VCR, and hoped that Dad took my hint.
"That's all right," he said. "Let's just watch the beginning, and then you can take your nap."
*whew* I very hurriedly put the TV on channel three and pushed the VCR button in the hopes of recording the show, but the beginning had already started and I wanted to check to make sure I had the right tape in there before starting it. So...I had to miss recording the opening scene because I didn't want to miss it by checking the tape. I HATE getting partial recordings. I decided I could just tell Ma what had happened in the beginning in the morning (I watch what I've recorded the previous night with Ma before work in the morning), but it still peeved me.
Anyway, this is how the beginning of the episode went.
It started out in some kind of big warehouse-thingie that had lines--I would say assembly lines but I'm not sure what they're called--conveyors?--for making food--pies or some kind of pastry. I remember there was a doofy guy making the crusts or something out of dough or whatever they use. It looked like stuff you use to make pizza crusts. He seemed to be up on a higher level--everything around him was silver and mechanical and very, very cluttered and noisy. He stood before this automated line checking or making the crusts as they went by. He seemed kind of like a doper or something, like he had a marijuana habit or something; stereotypical zoned-out look and dull voice. Blond spiky, messy hair and unkempt appearance; probably wearing an apron. I sense he was good at what he did, though, which was why he was here. On a lower level, almost exactly below him, there was a similar female worker--blondish unkempt hair in a pony tail, kind of drowsy look on her face and, like the guy, a zoned-out voice. Idon't know if she was a doper though, like I sensed the guy was. I also don't know what she was in charge of but she seemed at least somewhat smarter than he was. They might have been in their twenties. They seemed to be the only two working there.
Anyway, there were pie crusts or whatever passing by this guy and he was checking them, maybe molding them a bit as they went by. Somehow I knew what was going to happen in this scene before it did, and I might have mentioned something about it to the others. As one of the pie crusts went by, something beneath it moved, and the doper looked at it in curiosity. He started talking out loud to himself but I can't remember what he said. I think he was just making comments on the situation, joking about it maybe. This was the part I had to stop the tape at as I didn't want to miss it. The line seemed to stop moving and he pulled the pie crust up and aside to reveal...a baby!
The baby was all right. It wasn't dead or injured, just covered in flour and squirming around, somewhat upset at its situation. The doper was surprised to see it and picked it up out of the crusts, holding it awkwardly. He started yelling something down to the girl below him, but the machinery was so loud that she couldn't understand what he was saying.
The scene cut to the girl now, and she lifted her head and looked up in his direction. The guy was kind of freaking out now, hopping back and forth, because he had no clue how to take care of the baby nor of what to do. The girl couldn't see him properly or hear what he was yelling (he wasn't yelling in a frantic manner, just raising his voice, like "What do I doooooo, man?"--can't remember exact words), so she frowned in puzzlement and started making some kind of joking/confused remarks herself, maybe wondering aloud what he was doing up there or what had gotten him so excited. The way the two reacted would have been kind of funny if there wasn't the idea of an abandoned baby to deal with--much less one that had almost been made into a pie!
I think the girl got the "snarky finishing line" that usually goes to one of the main characters before the teaser (opening scene) ends. But then the scene cut again to the second case that would be covered. This was when I stopped dealing with the tape entirely and decided to wait until the theme song to start recording.
Well...if that case hadn't been weird enough, then THIS one WAS. Here the main characters--some of them, at least--I think Horatio and Speed were present--came walking into a dim room that also seemed kind of warehouse-like. I don't remember any furnishings, just a corner where two dingy walls met. The camera view was such that the characters seemed to come walking from the camera's location itself, their backs to the viewer, as they went toward the two victims huddled in the corner. They were talking with the resident officer on the scene; can't recall what they said, again. Maybe the cop was trying to prepare them for what they'd see. As soon as the victims--a young male and female, the male possibly Latino--lifted their heads, I saw why.
It was unbelievable what had been done to them! They were both young adults (twenties again?), kind of scrawny/lanky and sweaty, the girl with longish dark hair that was wet with sweat and hanging in cords around her face; the male was skinny and Latino, I think, with close-cropped dark hair and possibly a five o'clock shadow, though I'm not sure how I would have been able to see this, because of what had been done to them. Apparently...some psycho had removed some of the skin from other parts of their bodies and had sewn it over their faces. Let me try to describe what I saw. At least one of them had their arms sewn together by the skin so the mass seemed larger than it should have been in real life; I could see the stitches where the separation in their arms would have been. I think that was the male; I'm not sure what, if anything, was done to the female's body, nor what else specifically was done to mutilate the male's body, but there WAS more--very bizarre stitch jobs done to sew limbs and parts together in odd manners. Horrid! But what was worst was their faces.
BOTH of them had had skin taken and sewn over to cover the area of their noses to their chins--so instead of the nose and mouth, they had nothing but a blank flap of skin stitched over the whole. !!! The very first thing I specifically saw when the camera approached them thus was the female's face. All that was normal was her eyes, wide and terrified and pained. No nose, no mouth visible. Just this blankness of skin with stitching all around it. You couldn't see the bump of the nose and lips, either; the skin must have been thick. At first it looked as if that part of her face just didn't exist at all, the skin was so smooth and flat, not even rounded like a mouth mask. This isn't to say the skin was unmarred; it seemed thick and rough and possibly splotchy due to the roughness of the surgery involved, but despite that, whoever had done this had done a good job of mutilating the two.
At first it wasn't, but then the man's face was similarly butchered. He too looked terrified; he was to the right of the woman, on the viewers' left, and both of them were crouching in the corner as if they had been placed there. They were probably in too much pain to move.
Horatio, I think, started talking with them in a soothing voice. I sense that he and everyone else involved were horrified by this, yet they were good at showing no disgusted reactions. He told them everything would be all right, etc. etc., and for them to keep calm. He couldn't question them yet except for yes and no as they obviously could not speak. It was KIND of like I controlled this just a tiny bit, as I wanted them to talk, then remembered they couldn't, not with the skin covering their faces that way. I think I also grew worried about how they could breathe, but then I noticed that the sadist behind all this had left some kind of surgical "nostrils" in at least the woman's face flap so she could still breathe. They didn't look like holes that had just been cut in it; they looked like two natural holes, albeit tiny, at the top of the flap of skin. But still it was almost as if she didn't have a nose or mouth, period with how smooth that part of the face was--there wasn't even a nose bridge or anything, at least, not much of one. Almost like the face ended below the eyes. I never saw such nostrils on the guy, though I assume he could breathe in a similar manner.
For some reason I think of straws being placed in the holes to facilitate breathing, though that did not happen in the dream; maybe it was a thought about what Horatio and the others would do, or maybe my brain thought of it after I awoke. I felt these two had to get to the hospital immediately for emergency surgery, but it was important that pictures be taken of them to establish a record or some such. I don't know if Horatio told them this or not, but he managed to keep them calm, amazingly.
I think he stood up to turn and address the others crowding behind him. Then the Latino guy lifted his melded arms and murmured, trying to catch his attention. It was almost as if he spoke aloud, asking a question like, "What am I supposed to do with these?" He didn't say that, but I sensed it. Horatio turned around and looked down, and the Latino guy lifted his arms to reveal yet ANOTHER atrocity. Hanging over him or attached to him somehow was what had once been somebody's eyestalks, apparently tied together--with the eyeballs still attached. Like a little mini bola, possibly dangling over his arms, one on each side. I remember specifically seeing the eyeballs with their conjoined stalks lying on the floor right next to the guy. I think the eyes might have been blue. Startled, I tried to think of whose eyes these might be--at first I thought they were the guy's, but both of the victims' eyes were intact. Those were about the ONLY things that hadn't been messed with! From what I started to understand, I think these eyes might have belonged to a friend of the guy's. Despite this, neither he nor the girl acted overly concerned about it; Horatio had managed to calm them down so the guy was pretty much like, "What do I do with these? Do I just sit here and hold tight?" He wasn't even impatient, just wondering.
I think Horatio told him to sit tight while they processed the crime scene, took pics, and got the two of them ready to go to the hospital. I think he turned to the others with him and said something--perhaps the snarky finishing line, replacing what the doper girl in the other case had said, or else just comments on the situation/perpetrator--and then the theme song came on. I don't remember that part though, as I believe I awoke just then or seconds before.
I'm glad this happened in the form of a television show else I'd be really freaked out right now! I thought I should type this up immediately before it faded in my mind; it was very clear and detailed in many aspects.
2003 Dreams