Floss, Anyone?
One longwinded dream I had that just seemed to keep going ON and ON involved me getting things stuck between my teeth. I just seemed to be either walking around the house or lying on the couch or doing various things, and I felt pressure between my teeth so I was trying to extract what was caught between them. At first it was just a couple of my teeth, the most obvious spot for something to be caught. I finally pulled out the culprit--some sort of white fibrous stuff...like chicken meat or taffy or something. My teeth felt relief, but then I felt the pressure in ANOTHER part of my mouth. This went on and on as I kept extracting more and more of the odd white stuff. It seemed like it would never end. I'd pull out one little wad, only to find another between some other teeth. For some reason I think of the color orange while remembering this dream; the entire dream seemed to be in a shade of dark orange, as if it were late or early and there were heavy drapes over the windows, casting an odd muted orangish light. This dream was very annoying.
Inuyasha & The Mystery Of The Swamp Murders
In this dream I was with the characters from Inuyasha (an anime), which was a delight! I just wish we could have resolved the plot.
I think it started out with me being in the living room late at night. Ma had just gotten off the computer, I think, and I was going to go use it...only then I noticed somebody who seemed to be Ma already sitting out there. (Ma was wearing a towel on her head, and maybe a bathrobe; she does wear a towel after washing her hair, but never a bathrobe!) The woman at the computer was dressed likewise. At first I was very confused--hadn't Ma just come in HERE?--only I then noticed that Ma WAS in here with me--so who was this lady at the computer?? I grabbed Ma's arm before she could lie down on the couch and tried to hint to her to tell the other lady to get off the computer or go away because I wanted to use it. I was very shy and didn't want to confront whoever this was. I DID want to know who she was and why exactly she was in our house, but I was more interested in gaining access to the computer! Ma resisted answering me, pretending she didn't understand and trying to pull away. I gritted my teeth and murmured from the corner of my mouth that she should go out there and politely tell the lady that *I* wanted to use the computer, so would she please get off and go away! I felt threatened with this other woman being here.
Ma was being very stubborn. She may have finally said something to the woman, but the woman didn't leave. I think I finally went out to confront her, though I had no idea what I'd do or say.
I entered the dining room and the lady looked at me. She gave a huge smile. I saw now that she was younger than Ma, maybe in her twenties, possibly a college student. I think she had dark hair though I don't know how I could have known that, unless some was sticking out of the towel. She was very cheerful and perky which just irritated me more as all I wanted was my computer...I remembered I had been playing a game on it when I'd been interrupted, earlier, and I had saved it at this particular point so I could pick it up again later. It was a roleplaying game like Ultima VI or something; I remember grass the characters had to walk across, and maybe a roof or inside a building. It was a game I was greatly enjoying, but it was hard, which was why I had to save it. I noticed in horror that THIS LADY WAS PLAYING MY GAME!! She had even SAVED her results! I was so worried that she'd overwritten my own game--sure, she hadn't lost or anything, but *I* wanted to play the parts I'd have missed! How dare she mess with my game!
Somehow, I shooed her away from the computer and she left jovially. Perhaps she thought she was coming right back, but I took the seat before she could and checked out my game. I think I tried to "reopen" it to see if she'd in fact overwritten mine. In this game, you could save several different versions in case you wanted to pick up at different points, or in case somebody else was at a different stage in the game and wanted to save theirs too. Confusing, I know, but I eventually found out that she had not in fact overwritten my game, or else, she hadn't saved her results after all, so I could pick up where I had left off if I didn't save it now. I think I closed it so it wouldn't save, and then I went through and seemed to close or check out the other saved versions. I had no memory of saving other versions, but they seemed to be there. It's like I was checking out files in a file cabinet to the right on the screen as I did this. That was the form the other saved games took.
The dream grows VERY hazy here and shifts into the "Inuyasha" part, but I do believe they were the same dream as I think what I ended up in was the game itself. Only now it was real, and I was with various people, some of them from the cartoon Inuyasha. I know for certain that Inuyasha himself was there the whole time; later on I was trying to remember the name of the character Shippo, so I think he appeared, at least for a time; and Kagome (who I myself might have been for a while) and Miroku seemed to be present also. Sango MIGHT have been around...but she might also have been replaced by a character of my own, for I feel that my "Ameni Chronicles" character Ze'thet, a warrior female, was present, and she could have taken Sango's place.
I can't remember exactly how it started, but somehow I ended up walking through the wilderness with these characters. (There may have been one or two other people as well.) We were being very quiet as we sensed bad guys could be nearby. I think Inuyasha was leading us. I was either myself or Kagome, or somebody similar. I think Ze'thet was off to my left, if she was in fact here at first. When she did show up she was dressed very sparely--perhaps a small top or "bikini"-type thing just to cover her breasts, something small to cover her hip region (a loincloth?), and some kind of leather harness criss-crossing over her shoulders and back, maybe to carry a weapon or something. She was very lean and I sensed her strength, just like in my writing. I'm getting ahead of myself, so...first we wandered through what seemed similar to the tree-lined path on the elementary school playground (I just noticed the other day that this is no longer there--the trees have been cut down and replaced by saplings or bushes), only with considerably more trees...we seemed to pass through a slightly civilized area at one point, but it had been abandoned. I seem to remember rusted metal bars, perhaps a trellis of sorts, over our heads, and we emerged from underneath this. We were very wary. It was hot out, sunny, and summer. We eventually ended up in a swampy area, and I remember walking through the greenish muck, past dying trees (there was little leaf cover so the sun got through), and into another area that had been inhabited.
Perhaps it had been a village of sorts. This is where Ze'thet definitely entered the dream, as when we were checking the area out I saw her way off to my side, looking around. She's very difficult to frighten so I was glad to have her on board, considering what we found.
I think this had been an eating area, as there was a long table, or else tables--wooden and rectangular, like long picnic tables--and I think there was lots of food around, just sitting on the tables under the sun. There may have been a sort of low building nearby but everything was in great disrepair. And there were bodies here. Lots and lots of human bodies.
They seemed to have died while in the midst of eating, as they were at the tables, only then they were all lined up on the ground in kind of haphazard rows. I think they were on their stomachs. (This is reminiscent of a scene in an episode of Inuyasha when the characters come across a village of demon slayers who have all been massacred, and line them up on sheets to give them a proper burial.) We all stood around and stared at them while Inuyasha sniffed at the air and checked the surroundings. We knew they'd been murdered somehow, but weren't sure how. They had been lying here a little while; they weren't puffing up or showing signs of discoloration, but it was very hot and humid outside, so we knew they should be decomposing by now.
I think this was the part where I tried to remember the name of one character who I wanted to call to me for some reason. It was Shippo, the kitsune (fox demon), but I could not remember how to say his name! (His name can be spelled either "Shippo" or "Shippou," and in my dream this was giving me pronunciation problems, plus I was just having a bad time remembering it.) I kept saying it over and over, trying to get it right; I was roleplaying here, and repeating the action until I'd get it down. I didn't want to mess it up. I finally got the name right and called Shippo to me, though I don't remember seeing him. I think I wanted him to do something. I believe I also tried to call another character--Miroku?--but I'm not sure who or why. I was trying to be helpful. Meanwhile Ze'thet walked around the perimeter, keeping her eyes open for enemies.
Who had killed all these people in the swamp and why? I sensed they were barbarians or something--they were dressed very shabbily, maybe in furs and primitive clothing--not like cavemen, but like early villagers. They may have been Asian but I'm not sure. I get the feeling they weren't "good" guys, but then again, nobody had deserved this.
I started talking--perhaps I was Kagome now--kind of commenting on the general situation, as characters tend to do. I remarked on the dead bodies and tried to hold my breath, breathing only through my mouth, but then realized that the bodies didn't smell. I think I kind of willed this to happen as I didn't want to deal with the awful rotting smell. In any event, I now made this a part of the plot and exclaimed, "The bodies have no smell!" The other characters, Inuyasha included (he has a very acute sense of smell), now noticed this as well. We realized that something strange was afoot, if this was so. Perhaps magic? Or a demon?
I think we were gathering together again to head out and see what was going on, to try to solve this mystery. That was when the dream faded and I can't remember any more of it, unfortunately. :/ I barely mentioned it above, but the part with us walking through the swamp was very vivid, and reminds me vaguely of my "The Courtyard In The Swamp" dream. It was hot and wet and sunny and the "ground" was green and slimy but not disgusting, just swampy.
Royal Biographies
Oh yes, I remember this dream now. While I was sleeping A&E kept showing biographies of Prince William and Camilla Parker Bowles over and over again, so I kept dreaming about the royal family. I think one part had to do with Princess Diana being killed, and Prince William's reaction to it. Of course it was sad, for him.
2003 Dreams