A Little Black Spot On The Moon Today
This dream is from my sleep of 3/17/03. These are the notes I have written down: "carvings?, woman under arrest; black spots on moon?, night, Apsiu?, telling someone about dream, ??" Unfortunately, I can hardly remember any of these by now! :( I vaguely remember looking up into the sky and seeing weird black spots on both "ends" of the moon, top and bottom or left and right, and this may have had something to do with one of my Ameni Chronicles characters like Nehef or some such; and in another part I was telling somebody about this dream; but I'm afraid I can't remember the rest. *sigh*
Stop Messing With The Antenna!
The dream I remember right before waking up from my nap on 3/17/03 is the clearest. I was in my room with my brother at night, and I was kind of lying on my stomach or side on my bed, listening to the radio. It must have been my new CD player. Eric (my brother) sat to my left and I faced my south window. We were listening to 108 (it's really 107.something but I can never remember what), a station which hardly comes in on my regular tape player/radio in real life, which is why this must have been my CD player/radio as it was coming in better. I can't remember what we were listening to, but I was kind of enjoying it; but then the reception fuzzed out all of a sudden. I was puzzled as to why. I tried not to let it bother me too much, though I was a bit disappointed.
Eric didn't take it as well. He started twirling the antenna on my player, just spinning it around. o_o I watched him do this for a moment and the reception cleared a bit, but not much, then it went out again. I was going to suggest just changing it to a better station, because I didn't want him to break my antenna spinning it like that! But he was still spinning it when I awoke.
The White Buffalo Whispers
I can't recall how this dream, from my nap of 3/17/03, started, but I do know that at one point I was in my room (it was nighttime), standing beside my bed, and looking at a greeting card of some sort. It had a painting of a Native American woman on it, kind of cartoony looking with big eyes. She was lying on her back with her head facing the viewer, and her head was tilted back so she was looking toward the viewer as well. She had wide eyes and at first I think it was just her, but then I noticed she had some blood on her. Then I noticed she was giving birth. She didn't seem to be in pain or anything, just looked wide eyed, and the baby was emerging between her legs. Kind of gross and embarrassing for me, but it wasn't supposed to be, for her...the dream shifted and got very strange right here, though unfortunately it's very foggy by now.
I was now in the kitchen of my house, and there were buffalo--bison--passing by me. A procession of them, from right to left. I was supposed to be someone else, I think, a young native boy. Maybe in my early teens. I have the feeling I had been a troublemaker, and this was some sort of vision that might set me straight. I stood watching these buffalo walk slowly by, ghostlike; I have written down "short horns & long horns," so I seem to remember that some had short horns, and then very long, almost steerlike horns on one; then a white one joined their number. A white buffalo! Even ignorant me knows that's important. Maybe it was the one with the very long horns. At first I think it was a real white buffalo, and it passed by with the others, having gotten my attention instantly...but then it returned, and now it was not a real white buffalo, but someone wearing the DISGUISE of a white buffalo. It was large and shaggy, and a real person, at least one, in real life would probably not be able to wear the costume; it would be like for two people. It had a mask also which represented the face, and a mouth which could open. It was taller than I was, and came toward me as I stood there in awe. The white buffalo (it was a sort of creamy offwhite color, not pure white) opened its mouth and brought its head down so my head was now in its mouth. The top of my head, that is. I could still see and breathe and such, but even in the dream I found this very weird.
And the buffalo whispered something to me. Just one sentence, short, and I know it had meaning. But...I didn't take note of it...and I've forgotten what it was. <:( Maybe it was something like, "You can see," or "You know who you are," or "You know what to do"--it was something short and meaningful like that, but I don't remember what it was! It may have been something that was whispered on TV as I slept, but by now, I just can't be sure. It bothers me greatly that I didn't write it down while I remembered; I really wish I could recall it.
The dream shifted once more and again I was in my room intently looking at the image of the Indian woman giving birth. (At least I think this is the order of the dream.) For some reason, what was going on in this picture had some bearing on what was going on in the dream. She was still lying on her back, and I sought the newborn. I think she was holding it now. I think there was still also some blood present. But the longer I looked the odder it got. Firstly I noticed ANOTHER baby near her...but I think it was dead. And then another, and another. I think I counted a total of about five children, and I think all (with the possible exception of the newborn--I'm not sure if it was five plus the newborn, or five including the newborn) were dead. They were all young, maybe toddlers or infants. And the woman still had the wide-eyed, innocent look. I don't believe she had killed them, as I sensed no malice from her, but I didn't know WHAT had caused their death, and I couldn't figure out what this had to do with things.
Noir Love
This dream from my nap of 3/17/03 is difficult to remember. I know there was some sort of store on a rain-slick street at night. I was in the city, but I don't know what city it was; it was dark but there was light coming from streetlamps and such, glinting off the water. Lots of black. I get the feeling I was a man, like a noirish detective or something. Something illegal was going on in this area, but I don't know what it was. There was a feeling of suspense and tension. Maybe mobsters were involved, and I knew that the owner of this one store I came out of was in on it too.
As I stepped out onto the curb, I noticed that a package of some sort had been placed not too far away by the owner of the store. (He might have been a greasy-looking guy in an apron; maybe it was a deli?) I had this sudden, overwhelming desire to snatch up the package, make off with it, and see what it was. I had the feeling there were similar packages being left out in other parts of the city. But the owner was nearby, and I knew I could not make off with it unnoticed. He was already suspicious of me though I tried to be nonchalant, so before he could come out again I walked briskly away in the other direction, toward a street.
This street was very high and steep. Maybe like something you'd find in San Francisco, though I don't feel this was near there. In fact this suddenly seemed like a different country entirely. The street had some trees along it so it was sort of suburban here now, not inner city(?) like before. Almost like a residential area, in fact. It sloped way, way up and everything was black still but I could see from the dim light of a few lamps or some such. I started walking this way with a purpose--not afraid, but knowing I had to hurry to get out of here. I think there might have been some horses about, but then there was an elephant in the road. o_o Yes, an elephant. It was standing on the hill, facing left, rather in the way. There may have been some Indians (people from India) around, so maybe that was where I was? I can't be sure, but somebody said something about the elephant and about going around it or getting it out of the way. I tried to wait patiently until I could pass, though it seems I went more to the right than further up the hill.
In any case, I ended up high, high atop another hill or rise or slope of some sort. It was grassy and way above the city, and up here on this steep slope was a tree stump. I remember there might have been a part growing, but I KNOW there was a wide cutoff section, as I sat on it at one point while I talked; I remember straddling it and I liked sitting there on it. Its texture might have been funny, like mossy or furry or something. There was a woman with me now and I felt like a noirish guy again, maybe with a New York accent, you know, the detective/gumshoe stereotype. We were wooing each other or something; I'd flirt with her, and she'd act coy, but we really did like each other. (Remember, I was a man in this dream, or I was at least roleplaying.) I might have this a bit out of order as I have written down "take woman with me, go high up," so maybe I met her lower down and brought her up the rise with me. (I can't stress how HIGH and narrow this point was!) While we were up here, I think the dream was influenced by what was airing on TV, the biography of Elizabeth Taylor, I think it was. Because while we were sitting here, there was an odd voiceover that said something including the word "sexual." It was about sexual appeal or something and in my dream it was referring to the woman with me, but it sounded all biographicy and pompous and when we heard it we laughed because it was so silly and stilted. I think this is the part where I was sitting on the tree stump, and I was higher up than she was; BUT in this part we might have briefly changed places, as I might have been HER instead, sitting up here. Anyway, I think I promised her I'd look after her and she was grateful for that; maybe this had some relation to what was going on with the criminals below? In any case, I liked the feeling of loving somebody and being loved in return, even if we didn't know each other very well yet.
And no, there was no sort of same-sex or lesbian thing going on, because as I said I was a male in the dream and I identified with the male character, even if I was only roleplaying (which I might have been doing). It was more the feeling of KNOWING I was loved that felt better than loving someone else. Hard to explain, so I hope it's understandable.
2003 Dreams