Corpses Hang From The Trees
This dream is from my regular sleep of 3/13/03. I can't remember it very well, but it was nightmarish when I had it. There was a part about a train brake--a train having to stop--or else it might have been one of those little platform thingies that go along railroad tracks, they have the handle in the middle and two people stand on it and push on the lever one at a time to make the cart move. I don't know what it's called. I can't remember this well; I have written down "train brake?, me questioning, woods, wounded horse, corpses in treetops, screaming girl?, Ma?, ??"
I seem to remember walking up beside the train maybe, but I know that eventually I ended up near some woods. Pine and deciduous mix, and it was heavily forested and overcast, looking like it was going to rain. There was a dirt trail or it might have been the track bed. I can't really remember the part about me questioning. :/ I know there were other people with me, one of them maybe my mom. I think I was asking somebody questions. A wounded horse (maybe with somebody walking it?) came by, and I looked at it in puzzlement. It was brownish and maybe a little shaggy and unkempt, head hanging, and had some partially healed sores on its side, maybe its shoulder. I was puzzled about this, why it was hurt. We went into the woods, perhaps to learn why. I can't remember what happened next but what I do remember is I ended up under some trees; light still got through, but there were all these low, thin, twisting branches, and I had to duck low to the ground just to get through. When I looked up, I noticed rotting corpses--or parts of corpses--hanging from and/or impaled on the branches. And of course, I started to freak out and try to get away from them. Ma was nearby and seemed flustered, but nowhere NEAR as upset as I was! It was so cramped in here that I couldn't seem to get away. (There didn't seem to be undergrowth as the ground was clear; it was just low branches that were easy to get caught on.)
I may have screamed, but then I think there was another girl who was screaming. This part was kind of melodramatic. And there was more to it, at least a bit more, but I can't remember it. I never did find out what was going on with the train (I may have been on it at one point, an old-fashioned train), or with the wounded horse or the body parts.
Thank God For The Pet Place
This dream was from my nap of 3/13/03. I kept having disturbing dreams. This one was relatively tame in comparison; in it, Cosmas, the cat, was on the couch, and I felt happy that we had had a pet place to buy him from; it was like Petco or something, and we had adopted him there. (In real life we adopted him from the Humane Society.) As I stood and looked at the back of the couch I began to wonder. In real life I have been annoyed that we have no pet stores in my hometown and I have to travel an hour's distance if I want to buy a rodent or other unusual pet besides a dog or cat. We have like three Chinese restaurants--why not any pet stores? In the dream, I was wondering, why hadn't I just gone to this special pet store in the first place, whenever I wanted something I had to travel a long distance to buy? It didn't make sense to me. I don't remember any more of the dream so it may have shifted before I could grow too suspicious and realize it was a dream after all.
Leave It ON!
This is from my nap of 3/13/03. In this dream, more like a nightmare although it was pretty tame...I was dozing on the couch at night after I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and laid down again. Dad came out of his room as I was listening to the TV and turned it off! Right in the middle of things! This annoyed me no end as I LISTEN to the TV when I nap and it influences my dreams; I have some pretty wacky ones then. (Keep reading!) This dream seemed very real as everything looked normal, even though Dad probably wouldn't have come out and done that. Irritated, I turned it back on, insisting that I liked to listen to it. He returned with ANOTHER remote and turned it off again! I turned it back on, and with another remote--he had like two or three--he turned it back off. We engaged in a sort of "remote war" for control over the TV and I was afraid that so much turning it on and off would break it, and naturally he would then blame ME for that. I was getting very upset. I was afraid that I'd get him mad but I was also very bothered by his actions! I always listen to the TV while napping--why was he mad about it now?
I STILL Can't Get Any Privacy!
In one dream I do not wish to go into detail on, from my nap of 3/13/03, I was going to the bathroom--only it seemed to be on the couch--and I had to number two. o_o; I went, but them more came, and more and more...it wasn't diarrhea, it was regular, but it just kept coming! My mom suddenly came into the room and I was so embarrassed that she had seen me; I threw my blanket over myself (over my legs) in the hopes she wouldn't notice that I was going to the bathroom, and I think she didn't, but I was still anxious and humiliated. I wished I would just get done already. I think she started talking to me then and I tried to act normal; so embarrassing!
The Death Of James Dean
This was the most detailed and weirdest dream of the night, from my nap of 3/13/03. It was influenced by the biography of James Dean, which was airing on TV as I slept. All of this was in the last part of the bio, so it was only a few moments before I awoke. In my dream there were different narrators--the regular one, and different interviewees--and I kept seeing on TV what was being referred to. They spoke of Dean's car crash, and as they did I saw images--both black and white and color, and still and motion pictures--of this just after it had happened. I saw a silver sports car, what I assume was supposed to be Dean's. (I looked up information on his crash yesterday and found out that he was driving a Porsche, but I don't know what color it was, nor what kind of car I dreamt of.) Somebody in my dream spoke of seeing a silver car and I think it was his. All of this was taking place out on some desert road. I then saw different images of Dean himself being lifted up on a stretcher and carried off. There was a still shot, I think, of him lying on the stretcher, all bloody; then there was motion footage of the paramedics carrying him up a scrubby slope, and they gave the camera an odd look--almost like a wide-eyed knowing look--as they went. They didn't really look like paramedics. In one of these shots, Dean was sitting UPRIGHT on the stretcher (they were carrying him from the left side of the screen to the right, and he was facing left, legs out in front of him), and a clear plastic tube had been inserted into his nose or mouth, and it had blood in it--he had been alive at first, I think, but now I knew he was dead, even though they had given him the tube and he still SEEMED to be alive. Then there was footage of more (or the same?) medics carrying another stretcher upon which were bunched wads of white bloodstained cloth(s). I think these had either been used to clean Dean up before transport, or they had been part of his clothing. Very messy, all wadded up and bloodstained like that. I got a morbid feeling on watching this; I hadn't known there was so much real footage of the incident.
Then the dream got REALLY weird. The narrator said something about different small parts of Dean's body being placed on a table in some room; I'm not sure what for. An investigation of some sort? Anyway I saw the table, a big wooden rectangular one in some icky-looking room--ugly utilitarian look, maybe blinds on the windows, sickly green walls--and part of Dean's hand, his fingers, an eyeball, and something(s) else had been laid out neatly on the tabletop. I seem to remember the narrator saying something about the "deep part" of his hand--maybe the heel? All I know is what I saw, and it was pretty bizarre. Just like these body parts had been cut off and removed and placed here for inspection or discussion. o_O I think there was at least one, maybe two people present, but I don't know who they were.
The narration shifted a bit again and now they were interviewing a woman. She had been a sort of James Dean groupie way back when and of course had aged, but not nearly as much as she would have in real life. She seemed to be in her forties. Long straight brown hair. She was wiping at her eyes and trying not to cry. As she spoke, I knew that earlier in the program they had referred to different sets of Dean groupies and they all had different names. I think they went to different nightclubs (like Studio 54, something like that), and that was how they were named, or the clubs were named after them. The only specific part of a name I remember is the letter "B." Like B Club or something. And there were others like C Club and such, but the letter "B" is the only SPECIFIC thing I remember; the rest of the details may be way off. Well, in this part of the show, the woman was reminiscing about Dean's death and funeral(?) and she said something like, "They put the B Club folks in a bunk called B." Meaning, at Dean's funeral or wake or whatever, the different sets of groupies had been housed in different bunks(?) each named after their particular group/club/whatever. She seemed to smile wistfully as she recalled this; it had been a kind gesture on the part of Dean's representatives. (Or whoever had organized the funeral.) They showed one of these bunks now--it seemed to be in the same room as the table with the body parts, along the right-hand wall--and it looked like a big kennel cage or children's playpen with tall chainlink walls. Similar to those playpens you see in restaurants; they're filled with plastic balls and little kids play in them. The walls were see-through and reached almost to the ceiling. I had the feeling this was the "bunk" or "club" or whatever for the B folks; perhaps the other groupies were housed in similar quarters. Very odd, but it made sense in my dream.
My alarm went off and I awoke just as they were talking about people chipping bits off of Dean's headstone on the REAL program. I asked my mom if they had said anything about putting any of Dean's body parts on a table, but she didn't think so, and I think my brain just made that gruesome part up for some reason.
Katharine Hepburn, The Chimp Woman
This dream, from my nap of 3/14/03, was influenced by Biography, which was about Katharine Hepburn. In my dream she was participating in a Saturday Night Live skit, which was lame and absurd as they often are. In it, there was a guy who wanted to have sex with a chimp woman. o_o; I think Hepburn might have been playing the part of the chimp woman, but I'm not sure. I remember there was a woman dressed like a chimp, or more like an anthro-chimp, humanized, kind of like the ones from Planet Of The Apes. I remember in particular seeing the legs of the people involved; those of the chimp woman were, of course, very hairy. And I thought that this was very mature and inappropriate for network television, what they were showing, even though it was nighttime.
Can I Have A Cake, Please?
In one tiny dream snippet from my nap of 3/14/03, which may have been part of a bigger dream, I wanted something sweet to eat. I looked about and sat down on the couch, seeing some cookie or cupcake-type items nearby. I then saw that Dad had some weird-looking little cake items with frosting and candy hearts(?) atop them, and I wanted to ask him for one. I had a real sweet tooth going on.
Where's My Shonen Jump?!
The clearest dream I can remember from my nap of 3/14/03 concerned a magazine I have grown to like recently, Shonen Jump, which is a manga magazine. In real life not too long ago our supermarket, where I had bought the first three issues, really changed their floor layout and stocking and I cannot find a place where they might still carry the magazine, so I told my mom she might have to pick it up elsewhere. She came home from Carter's, another supermarket, with a copy and asked me if it was what I had wanted. I said yes--but it was the current issue, one I already had, so she had to take it back, annoyed. In my dream, she returned home one night with a copy of the magazine and I was happy to see it, but then I was startled when I noticed it was the fifth issue--I had MISSED Issue #4! (I don't remember the exact numbers in my dream; all I know is I had missed ONE issue, so in real life it would have to be the fourth one.) I started to get really upset that I'd missed one. I wanted to make REALLY sure that I had, so I started looking around the house for my past issues. I managed to find all of them but the most recent one, Issue #3 with Goku from Dragon Ball Z on the cover.
I knew I had seen it not too long ago. I looked on the end table where Issue #2 had been, but it wasn't there. I looked in my room where it is currently in real life, but it wasn't there, in my dream. I started to get BEYOND upset by now--I HAD to find that issue to make sure I had all the issues but the one I'd missed, for some reason. And because I couldn't find it, I got very frustrated and started yelling and crying. I tore the house apart in a frenzy just trying to find the damn thing, with no luck whatsoever. There was no resolution to the dream, though I feel that in a different part I may have been in the store myself, looking at the magazines.
I recall absolutely nothing of my dreams from my nap of 3/15/03 except that in one part I was watching some kind of cartoon on TV, maybe on Cartoon Network. I think the characters were all dogs, slightly humanized like those from All Dogs Go To Heaven. It seemed to be set in the inner city. In one scene that was supposed to be comedic, some of them paired off and they were obviously HAVING SEX right there onscreen while they casually talked to each other! I remember one male dog and female dog in particular; they were married or something and seemed to be kind of plump and unattractive in a funny way. They seemed almost unconcerned about what they were doing, but I was appalled. How could they be showing something so obviously adult on this program? It felt like nighttime, but it was on a channel that didn't show adult entertainment, so I was shocked. Maybe it was CN's Adult Swim, but they don't go THAT far in their programming, even with a parental advisory! I was beginning to grow angry about this, even though I couldn't help but steal a peek at the screen every so often, which made me feel guilty.
2003 Dreams