Who's Driving The Hummer?
This dream is from my nap, 3/11/03.
I can't remember it very well. I think this one was influenced by Third Watch as it had cops and/or paramedics driving something around as a prank on someone else. I think it may have been a body part or something, and they were talking about it. I was sitting at home at night watching this and my parents were around. The characters on TV were driving some large vehicle, well lit inside--a bus or ambulance or some such. Wait, it may have been a Hummer. The thing they were transporting, I think they tried to convince somebody it was toxic and that was the joke--either that or it was supposed to be a body part. The joke I think was on another one of their guys. Sometime during this I moved over to the heater as I was cold. There was at least one, maybe two, ball-like things; I think they may have been Styrofoam balls covered with feathers, apple-green feathers on the one I held; it was bigger than a baseball. And it also had a neck and head with more feathers, and maybe wings and feet and a tail. It was supposed to be a bird, but then it's like it really WAS a bird. A live one. I remember holding this green feathered thing in my hands and its body was smooth and round. Like the little bird figures they sell in craft stores, just a plastic body or some such glued over with feathers. There may have been a smaller one somewhere nearby. I think these birds had something to do with what was on TV.
At one point, while I was watching the TV program, there was a voiceover and then I saw nobody in the front seat or front part of the vehicle, so I thought nobody was driving it. "Who's driving?" I exclaimed in surprise, maybe getting up to get a closer look. Both my parents laughed at this comment, and I think the characters returned, so my worries were over.
Random UFO Dream
This dream, from my nap of 3/11/03, was very detailed and involved UFOs or some sort of sci-fi scenario, but by the time I awoke it was very faded and I have forgotten most of it. Most of it seemed to take place in my bedroom, but at one point I think I went outside into the snow--it didn't feel very cold at all. It was nighttime and there may have been some sort of sci-fi or horror movie involved. Like it wasn't all SUPPOSED to be real, but it felt like it anyway. UFOs and lights in the sky kept appearing and I grew progressively more anxious the weirder events got. The action moved to my bedroom and I remember looking up at the ceiling--my lights were bright but my southwest window was uncovered, showing darkness outside--there were all sorts of bizarre, scary things going on but I can't remember them. The clearest scene in my head is the one from right before I woke up. I leaned toward my window and saw my reflection in the glass. Only my face was warped. It was squished looking, so it was oblong, wider than it was tall--very squished. I stared at it in surprise and fear. I may have seen another UFO then, and I was still afraid.
Ma's Trip To China
This dream is from yesterday's sleep. It was very stressful and involved my mom going on some inexplicable trip to either China or Japan. It was late evening or early night as it was dark out, and I don't think Dad was present, but Ma was very excited. She told me about how she was going to go to this country as if she were merely going out of state to Georgia or Texas or something. And I got very upset. I tried to keep calm at first. I was wondering, why hadn't she asked if I wanted to go along? It's like she hadn't even considered me, so now I was unable to go. Plus I just didn't want her to go as I depend on her. I was very depressed.
I started trying to tell her all of this, to ask her what exactly was going on and why hadn't I been invited, but it's like she couldn't hear me. She just kept talking about her upcoming trip--I think she was leaving that night, or the next day. So suddenly! My voice kept rising but she couldn't hear me at all. It's like she was deaf or something. I believe there was some more to the dream but I can't remember it.
New Uses For Hyperlinks
This dream is from my regular sleep. I was in some weird room, maybe underground or in a basement, warmly lit but kind of dingy looking and with a low ceiling, maybe like an arcade; I was looking at some sort of odd color-changing dictionary. It was like on a computer, though I just remember looking at it; I don't remember an actual computer. A section of the "screen" was black and rectangular, wide, and in this was some text like part of a story. I think that I had typed it up at some site, kind of like my dream entries at Dreamjournal.com. It was only a short paragraph but at least two words were highlighted and you could click on them. I can't remember by now where the color changing part came in, but it's like certain words you defined would be turned into hyperlinks. You chose what words ahead of time you wanted to define and whenever they appeared in the text, they would automatically link to definitions that you provided. Neat, eh? I can't remember what THIS text was about, but I thought that it would be neat if I could do this for my Ameni Chronicles stories. I don't know why I would WANT to do that...oh yes, now I remember. I wanted to hyperlink all the Apsiu words to definitions of them so if the reader wondered what a foreign word meant, all they had to do was click. Maybe the text or something changed colors along the way? I can't remember.
This dream may have been continued in "Back Room Rebels."
Back Room Rebels
This dream may have been continued from "New Uses For Hyperlinks."
This one is from my regular sleep and is very confused. I think it picked up with myself and some other people eating in some room far back in a house in the city. (What city, I do not know.) I sat facing the back right corner; somebody sat to my left, facing my right, and somebody sat to my right, facing my left, only they were slightly further away like I sat closer to the left person. One MIGHT have been my mom. The other, probably the one to my left, was a black actress--maybe Whoopi Goldberg, but I'm not sure. I know that she was famous and very congenial. The room we sat in was nicely and warmly furnished like a country farmhouse or something, warm tones, nice drapes, a light wooden table and such. We were sitting here eating something--I can't remember what--and chatting with each other. As we spoke, I suddenly noticed that our voices didn't echo. For some reason, this was significant to me.
I looked up and pointed this out. "It's nice how we don't echo back here," I said. I knew that the last room we had been in had had this tinny echo whenever we spoke, and we liked this room because it didn't have that!
"Do you know what we should do?" the black actress said (at least I think she is the one who said it). "We should go to the back of the house!"
Now, again, this was significant for some reason. Apparently we had been stuck back in this little dining room by somebody who deemed it a lesser part of the house, not as desirable. You know how servants stick to the back kitchens and such; it was like that. I can't recall what significance the REAL back of the house had--if it was an important area and supposedly off limits to us, or if it was even less important than the area we were already in. (There was a sort of irony here in that the little dining area was inferior but we liked it more.) But we intended to make a point of going back there. Whether that point was that we would go into an important part of the house whenever we damn well liked, OR that we would find our OWN way back to the unimportant part of the house, thank you very much, I'm not sure, but it was one of those reasons. We agreed to this and picked up and made our way out of the room, to the back of the house--or should I say, building, as it was suddenly VERY large, like a warehouse or something.
We ended up in back, of course, and there was a very big, wide stairway leading DOWN into a parking lot. It was open to the outside, at least down there. I went over to the big stairway--it might have bent at a right angle somewhere, and was very wide, but the steps were small--and looked down over it. I think I remember carpeting--red or gray. I peered down and forward and saw that underneath an overhang which may have been the floor of the room we were in (or the level we were on), there was asphalt outside--these steps led right down into the building's parking lot! I hadn't even known it was open to the outside like that! I kind of wanted to go wandering around this big place as it was so interesting, but decided not to, especially when another guy showed up. I THINK he came walking up the steps from the lot, but he might have been with us originally. He acted a little goofy and started talking about where the steps led to, in a silly manner. I have the feeling he was on our side though he may have been dressed like he worked there, maybe as a parking lot attendant or something. (In a casual jacket. But I might just be filling this in.) That's about all of the dream that I can recall.
A GOOD Tooth Loss Dream!
This is from my regular sleep.
Here is a tooth loss dream that was POSITIVE for a change! In it, I was in my bedroom, I believe, and for some reason I thought of that weird music theme from the Hummer commercial. It plays while a blond woman is driving around in her Hummer, and toward the end that's just what it sounds like, someone humming: "Mmm-mmm-mmm, mm-mmm-mmm-mmm..." Very weird, kind of a dance theme. As soon as I thought of this, for some reason I wanted to hear the entire song--then I suddenly remembered that I had it on tape! It was some weird '80's song like by Herbie Hancock. (In my dream; I have no idea who really performed it.) So I dug around in my tapes until I found it and I think I stuck it in to play it.
While I was listening to this (my lights were on but not as bright as they really are; I think it was night or early morning), my tongue felt around at the crooked tooth I have protruding from my upper jaw. It's way above the gumline in real life and while I don't really care that my teeth are crooked, it has rotted, and I keep fearing an abscess as I have no insurance. I rather wish that now I could get it removed and get some decent dental work done. :( Anyway, in my dream I poked at it with my tongue and it felt kind of funny, and I sighed, wishing I could get rid of it. I think I picked up my mirror and gave the tooth a sad look. I reached into my mouth to wiggle it, just because, and...the tooth SLID RIGHT OUT!
I noticed that underneath it, before it came out, was the start of a NEW tooth, which is impossible in real life as this is the new tooth. I thought that maybe with a new tooth on the way it would be looser, but I had no clue it would REALLY slide right out! I didn't even have to pull, just wiggle a bit and slip, out it came! Like a piece of paper from an envelope! I was so completely thrilled by this. I noticed now that there was ANOTHER section of tooth or something above where it had been, like a little plate of bone or something, wider than it was tall and kind of serrated on the bottom edge, like new teeth often are. I pulled on it too and it came out as well, as easily as could be. So now I had my old rotten tooth out, and a fresh new one on the way! (Sure, it was still way up out of place, but I was just so glad to have the bad one out! And as a new one was taking the old one's place, I didn't have to worry about an exposed section of my jaw where the old tooth would have been!)
I was so thrilled about this that I just had to go tell my mom.
She was sleeping on the couch; it felt like very early morning now, maybe right after Dad has gone to work. I leaned down to try to wake her up--but she popped up abruptly on her own, as if startled. I started talking to her about my tooth, but she jumped up from the couch with a mission. She said she had to go to the bathroom, but the way she acted, it was like she was late for work or something.
For some reason she couldn't use the regular bathroom, so she marched out to the back one. I followed along behind, still futilely pointing out my tooth. By the time I caught up with her, she was standing near where the bucket used to be, to catch water from the washing machine; there was some sort of fluid in it and she was washing something with a determined look. I get the feeling the liquid was golden in color, and Ma looked at me over her shoulder and sort of explained why she needed to wash whatever she was washing, but I can't remember that part by now. I was rather disappointed that she was so busy with other things, even when she had not been busy before, that she couldn't take the time to hear about my triumph over my bad tooth.
Kitty Litter Worries
I had some bad dreams regarding cat litter and arguing with my mom and dad during my nap, but these were directly influenced by Ma having to go back to town to buy cat litter at night, and Dad making a rude comment to me regarding this as I dozed. His comment bothered me, and so I did not sleep easily afterwards and the dreams kept recurring.
2003 Dreams