The Couch Of Lights
This is just a simple odd little dream I had while napping upright on the couch, following a regular nap while lying down.
Just before dozing off again, in real life, I think I made a few vague comments to my mom, who was now sleeping on the couch (or rather, getting ready to), though I can't remember what I was commenting on. I believe I mentioned how loud the wind was, as it was storming outside. I dozed off and in my dream this "conversation" continued, though the setting had changed, and I am no longer certain what we were talking about. Perhaps we were commenting on what was on TV (which in real life at the time was a biography of one of the Kennedy women; perhaps we remarked on how unlucky she was).
In the dream, it was nighttime; we both sat upon a couch, yet the room looked more like the den at my Grandma B.'s house (although it WAS different). Everything was in darker/earthtones with slightly dim lighting, but I found it cozy, considering what it was like outside. I don't know if there were any windows; if there were, they were either ahead of us or to the far right. I may have still been sitting with my blanket over me. I'm not sure if the TV was off to our right as it is in real life as I can't remember seeing it specifically. Before us, across the room, however, was another couch, similar in shape to our old one, but dark in color--perhaps dark green, as I later thought of trees in the forest when looking at it. In addition there may have been an identical chair to the left, or to the right, of this, though that may also have been an extension of the other couch (it may have bent at a 90-degree angle at the junction of the walls).
I think this part came first but I'm not sure. I had been dozing a little bit while Ma and myself talked, and I eventually came to, feeling something coarse and springy in my mouth. The feeling was very specific, yet hard to describe; kind of the feeling of chewing on coarse cloth, with how it saps the saliva from the tongue, yet elastic also. I bit down on it a few times in puzzlement, then turned to Ma, who was to my left. She looked at me and I bit down on the thing again (it was half in, half out of my mouth) with this dopey look on my face and she may have laughed. I took it out now and discovered that it was a ball--about the size of a regular rubber ball, or slightly larger; coarse and hairy in texture (like burlap fibers, sort of); and made of some springy substance which retained its shape. It was hollow inside, yet the outside was tough; perhaps it was rubber or canvas (the fibers and springy substance may have been made in such a way that a little bit of light filtered through it--see the part about the couch and the lights below). It was dark in color, probably midnight blue. I had a funny feeling in my mouth as of having slobbered all over this ball; my tongue felt a little dried out by its texture, and the corner of my mouth may have been wet from drooling (as it was wide open when I was chewing on the ball). I made a comment about this ball, which was meant to be joking, but I can't recall what it was. Basically it had to do with why I had a ball in my mouth and was chewing on it.
I think that part came before this next part, but I can't be sure. In any case I turned to look at the couch opposite us and was surprised to see its cushions LIGHT UP! That's right--the couch had some kind of little Christmas lights (soft white/yellowish in color) embedded inside it behind the fabric, and they would light up every so often, in succession--that is, they would do the "Wave," lighting up from left to right, then all going out; then maybe doing it again a few moments later. They showed up muted behind the fabric, but mottled also, little pricks of brighter light seeping through openings in the material. I was absolutely mystified by this phenomenon.
I may have turned to Ma, or else just exclaimed out loud about it; she agreed with how I liked it, and explained it a little. Apparently they now made certain furniture with lights built inside it, just for aesthetic reasons. I waited for the lights to come on again and it was a moment or so, but I really liked this concept. I turned to the side--left or right?--wherever the other part of the couch, or the chair, was, and watched it light up too. Somewhere along in here was where I thought of the dark green color and of the forest, and I really liked this furniture. It had an ambience to it (if that's the right word).
I don't think this couch (and possibly chair) was ours, as if maybe we were in somebody else's house, but I really wanted one of my own!
The part with the ball, if it did not come first, would have come now, right before my waking up. This was the only dream I remembered.
2003 Dreams