The Funny Fountain
I had some memorable dreams during my nap but didn't take note of them so they're almost all gone. :( All I can remember is one part right before I woke up...I was at a public fountain inside a building and it was set into this wall, this patterned wall...it looked like the floors at my high school, this smooth tile/broken rock-type stuff. I pressed the button to get a drink since I was very thirsty (I kept drinking things in my dream, I remember now), and the water SPRAYED all over the wall! I stood and watched it hit the wall and run to the floor. It made a mess, but I smiled because it was kind of funny. My mom was nearby and I carefully got a drink and was going to show her the flaw in how the fountain was built/situated but never got to; I think I woke up then.
For some strange reason this dream really stuck with me and still does. I can still see it in my head. Very odd.
Befriending The Pagan Girl
Oh, I finally remembered another dream! It may have been influenced by what was on TV, which was first The Dead Zone and then Law & Order: SVU. In DZ the main character got a blood transfusion and then spent the entire episode trying to locate which donor was going to die that day. I missed the ending, but in one part he went into a bookstore and got chummy with the clerk, who was an aspiring but suicidal writer facing yet another rejection slip. In my dream, I was in a class that seemed to be like my junior high art class and there was a girl there who I think I talked to somewhat; she was shy, which is saying a lot as I'm about as shy as they get! I believe she was a Wiccan or a pagan and in an attempt to be friendly I was asking her about her faith; I think she had a book that explained some of it, and she showed me that. Later on I was sitting on the couch with Ma and I had just received a book in the mail. Big sized, softcover, red, shiny. Something about the supernatural or witchcraft. I sheepishly admitted I had this book already, yet had forgotten I'd ordered it, so had ordered another copy, and here was the duplicate. I'd wasted some money, but oh well. What would I do with it?
"I wonder if I should send it to Mya (my old best friend)?" I said aloud (Ma was in Dad's usual seat, and busy doing something like beading). For some reason I had Mya's old snail mail address and I still had not written her in years, but I knew it would still be current. I thought of writing to her again under the pretense of sending the book...then perhaps she would ask me how I had been, I would write back, and we'd become friends again. Who knew, it might work.
Then a better idea struck me. "That girl!" I exclaimed. "The girl from my class. She'd love a book like this. I'll give it to her." And I proudly resolved to give my duplicate book to this pagan girl. It wasn't QUITE the kind of book she would best like, as it was written from a non-pagan perspective, but I knew she'd appreciate the gesture. I knew how it felt to be shy, and I knew how much I'd like somebody trying to get to know me through my own interests.
There was more but it's gone by now.
2003 Dreams