Trading Spaces
I had some awful dreams again last night but they've faded by now...I do remember that Ma had converted the dining room into a computer room, and it was a lot more spacious; it was like being in a big cabin at Camp Daggett, I think. All wood and windows etc. And there was space for both computers. Mine still sat where it is now, but hers was to the left. I sat at her computer space and the desk seemed high but I really liked that spot, and I told her that I wanted MY computer there, because "it's closer to the TV!" It just made me feel a lot homeyer...um...homier? Whatever.
If they were not the same dream, this then faded into "Rivers Of Filth."
Rivers Of Filth
If they were not the same dream, this then shifted out of "Trading Spaces."
I discovered that I had a pet hamster I'd been forgetting to feed... :( ...why do I keep having that dream? Just a few nights ago I dreamed that suddenly Katchoo was back and I had been forgetting to hold her for a few nights! Her cage appeared in front of the couch and out she jumped, just as spunky as ever. *sigh* Anyway, in THIS dream, I think it was a dwarf hamster...and I had not been feeding it, watering it, or anything for ages, it seemed...it still had some stale food, but it was the water I was worried about. I hastily pulled out its waterbottle and took it to the bathroom to dump out the contents. And...this foul, hideous blackish gooey water came SPEWING out. You seen the "human soup" episode of CSI? THAT was what it looked like. I was so horrified that my hamster could have been dehydrating, or worse yet, could have been DRINKING this filth! I was so ashamed of myself. I immediately started trying to clean out the bottle to refill it, but there was just so much filth coming from it... :(
This reminds me of two things: my "forgotten pet" dreams, of course, and once more, that "Lost In The Charnel House" dream. Perhaps I feel I'm forgetting an important responsibility, and I do feel I am, several, in fact. Like the corpses in the "Charnel House" dream, the filth coming from the waterbottle reminds me of something I should be confronting, can't help but confront, but it's so unpleasant that I really don't want to. I wish I knew why things keep popping up as they do. It must be important, as my dreams have been so weird and stressful lately.
There was more, but I'm too lazy to bother remembering it.
2003 Dreams