Is This Freudian Or Something?
I had a disturbing dream recently that I never described and now it's much faded. All I can remember is wandering around in the house in some kind of fantasy story, trying to escape bad guys or meet up with some good guys. At one point I think I was naked so I had to wrap something around myself, and Dad came to my door. I went to kiss him goodbye and instead of the cheek I accidentally kissed him on the mouth. That made me feel very uncomfortable. There was more to it but that's the part that bothered me.
No Safe Haven
Last night I napped during The Bone Collector (I've never seen it before so I have no clue what it was about), so maybe that had something to do with why in my dream I was a young girl frantically running away from numerous bad guys intent on killing me. It was winter for a change in my dream. I remember being in a schoolroom at one point...metal sinks...it must have been early elementary school then. I have the feeling it was slightly post-apocalyptic, a major epidemic like from The Stand; why did these people want me dead? I can't remember. All I know is I KNEW this was a game of some sort, and I was pretending, yet it felt real and at times my fear was genuine. I did NOT want to get caught as that meant I would die. I had to live. It was imperative.
I fled the school and ran across snowy ground; it looked like my yard. Ran to one neighbor's house and knocked frantically on the door. Ran away before the people could catch up. Ran to the other neighbor across the highway and had to scale a tall fence...barbed wire...electric shock...I fumbled but somehow made it and had to jump down the other side, difficult, with my acrophobia. Ran like mad to find this other neighbor...a woodsman, lumberjack, some such. Gruff and grizzly and not very friendly...but I knew he would protect me. Begged him for help, and he got ready to fight off these other people. And they had a shotgun and they blew off his head...somehow I grabbed Cosmas (where did he come from?--this sounds like my "Lost In The Charnel House" dream) and screamed and screamed and ran and ran and ran across the snow, but I could find no safe haven anywhere...
2003 Dreams