Me & My Shadow
Wanted to put this down before it fades away much more. Napping last night I had an odd dream, which rather unnerved me while I was having it. I'm sure there was more to it, but this is all I can remember.
In it, I appeared to be in the basement with my cat, Cosmas. He was over at the far (south) side of the room and I stood at the near (north) end. The room was a LOT cleaner than it is in real life, and sunlight was coming through the windows behind me...weird, because that's the NORTH (the sun is in the SOUTHWEST when it sets at this time of year--I feel it was sunset in the dream), and also because while there is a window in that wall, it's not in that position, right behind me, as this one was. I was almost in line with the old wood furnace. Plus the room seemed a lot LONGER for some reason. There was a coating of dust on the floor, but not much. There were also few obstacles. The sunlight fell in yellow patterns upon the floor, making my shadow stretch out way before me.
I started to make shadow puppets to get Coz's attention. You know how cats like to chase things. Well, he saw what I was doing, I believe, and crouched low to get a good look. I had my hands up to my left, arms outstretched, and was doing some kind of funny animal impression or something. But Coz's attention started to wander, so I started almost flailing my hands to regain it.
And my shadow DISOBEYED me!
This is what creeped me out, and what still makes me wonder. I don't know if I've ever encountered my Shadow in a dream...but in this case...I literally DID encounter my shadow! I don't know if I've ever taken notice of my physical shadow in a dream, but I did here, and it acted with a will of its own.
What happened was I was standing here waving my hands, and my shadow was not doing anything at all. I couldn't get the cat's attention because my shadow wouldn't obey! At first I found this frustrating, but as soon as I realized what was going on, I nearly freaked out. Shadows should mimic their masters! I flailed my hands all the harder, and I think the shadow finally moved, but just a bit, not nearly as much as my body was. EEEGGH!! No matter how hard I tried, the dumb thing wouldn't operate properly. I got the feeling it was MOCKING me!
The dream shifted after a bit and I remember Coz running along some sort of sloping surface parallel to a wall, probably still in the basement (the south wall or close to it, I think), and I had to hurry to catch up with him and stop him before he ran too far. I seemed to have forgotten about my disobedient shadow in this part. The basement was all very strange and deja vu-inducing but I can't describe how.
I've never even heard of something like this. Can a shadow represent the Shadow? o_O
2002 Dreams