Changing Rooms
I had a lengthy, "big" dream during my nap, but have forgotten most of it. :*( Can't remember much of dreams lately. I remember a black cat that talked to me...I was surprised...I was down in a lower-level room filled with clothes and such...I got a feeling Harry Potter was involved somewhere...then I was pleased the cat had talked to me...it was a magical cat. I think CSI was involved somehow, or that may have been a dream the other night when it snowed in Las Vegas and then melted down the slopes. Anyway. American Justice about an abusive grandfather was airing while I napped and that worked into the dream; there was an abuse angle in there somewhere. Then I was running away from somebody threatening and powerful. I ran down a corridor past many, many rooms, each one different. I looked into each, seeking a means of escape. I remember sunlight hitting the floor in one...reminded me of something...but what? The sewing room at my great-grandma's? (For some reason I think often lately of that little sewing room, but all I remember of it is the way the sunlight hit the floor.) Just passing more and more and more rooms. Finally reaching safety somewhere...can't remember where. Wanting to duck and hide under something, but somehow getting away. I wasn't alone; maybe the cat was with me? Then waking up with my hair a horrible mess, but I thought it might look good. Then REALLY waking up.
Looked in the dictionary to see that a dream of traveling through rooms has a particular meaning...I've looked it up before I had the dream...don't have the dictionary with me now, but it was something about changing perspectives as you go through each room. Passing from one room to the next is a change of perspective. The rooms can also represent a progress of sorts. What was I progressing through? I feel it was a "big" (important) dream but unfortunately most of it has faded now...the cat and the rooms were important, I know...
2002 Dreams