Rooms Upon Rooms Upon Rooms, Oh My
I had this dream the other night I meant to describe and forgot so now it's FADED. Grr. It left a weird impression on me though, similar to those tunnel dreams and such. In fact I guess this would count as something similar.
In it I went upstairs to what we call the "other room" to look for some books of mine. In real life our upstairs is SO messy, full of boxes of junk that we have no room to store anyplace else. You can barely even walk and it's a wonder the ceiling doesn't cave in. In my dream, though, I stepped into the other room and found a clear pathway. The room was bigger than in real life, with a nice rug (brown and braided?), and the boxes were off to the sides, neatly. I was impressed! The further I moved into the room, the clearer it got until it was just about free of obstacles. Wow! I started poking around for my books but I lost interest in that when I saw another room off to my left, where in real life the attic would be. (Our attic is just planks and insulation--not fit to walk in nor store things without falling through. *sigh*) Instead of the little door of the attic, though, this was a big open doorway. I think I was surprised at first, then not; this room was somehow supposed to be here. I went into it and found it led to OTHER rooms (a la my tunnel dreams of yore), and NOW I was surprised. There may have been a room to my right but I don't remember it. In front of me was a storage room similar to the jar room in the basement, but much cleaner and not cluttered; I remember shelves and a cement floor and a bare lightbulb. I considered going in there as it interested me, though I knew it belonged. It was the hallway to the left that surprised me most--I didn't remember that ever having been there! It wasn't very long, but it was VERY narrow, carpeted (or "rug"ged?), leading to a dead end. And when I turned even more to my left, to face what would have been the wall partitioning this from the other room, I found ANOTHER area. At first all I saw was a toilet partly hidden in a corner, with a curving, warped cement floor beneath it; but then this led off to the right into a boiler room of some sort, more like something you'd see in a basement. COOL! It looked like it went on for quite a ways, well lit, but certainly not something I'd expected to find up here. I was going to go investigate the toilet and the rest of that room, but never got the chance...somehow the dream switched to have something to do with my "Ameni Chronicles" character Djuta, and it started to get kind of weird, so I woke up before I'd have anything too embarrassing to write in here about. o_O;
I Am Columbo, Goo-Goo-Gajoob
Last night I think I dreamed I was Columbo and I showed up with a group of British people (Columbo in a BRITISH mystery??) at this sort of castle or cottage room--stone walls, stone floors, old-fashioned kitchen with wooden chopping board etc., SO QUAINT and awesome! Everybody was atitter about some crime but I can't remember it, I was just being all Columbo-y about the nice furnishings.
2002 Dreams