Tehuti Vs. The Creepy Knife Guy!
I just wanted to jot down a weird dream I had while napping. It made me end my nap a little early.
In it, I was at the computer and it must have been afternoon or early evening, as I was home alone and the light was overcast. Possibly coming on evening. I had at least two windows (on the computer!) open and had disconnected, I think, but wanted to reconnect. I brought the windows up and noticed that the screens were darkened...like, shadowy. I could still see what was on the page, but it was dark and hazy. That was strange. I kept trying to brighten them to normal, but couldn't. I noticed they seemed to brighten a bit, especially when overlapped by something else, so I thought maybe it was just screen problems, but they grew hazy again. Aarrggghh! I closed one window to see if it was a memory problem, but no luck. I think I was trying a control+alt+delete with no luck on the next one--frozen or something--when I heard the front door open and close.
I was the only one home. Ma was at work, and so was Dad, I think (or at the bar). Nobody else was supposed to be here!
At first my reaction was just, "Is that Ma?" Then, "That can't be Ma. Who can it be?" THEN, "I should be HIDING!" I turned to look into the living room, my body just frozen. I had every chance to run and I didn't!
A guy came walking into the room, scrawny teenage guy in army fatigues. I gaped at him. He wasn't very big--I probably weighed more than him--but as soon as he saw me I could tell he felt threatened. Perhaps he hadn't expected me, or perhaps *I* was the reason he was here!
He pulled out a knife and came toward me! I can't remember him saying anything, but I think he was talking, saying threatening things. I knew he was afraid and rattled; I'd tossed a wrench in his plans somehow, and any little mistake could set him off, I knew it. I held up my hands and started crying, "Please don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me!" in as pitiful a voice as I could muster. Truth was, I was TERRIFIED! I didn't HAVE to fake it! But I knew I had to do something--there was no way I would be able to keep him calm enough to keep him from stabbing me with that thing--or WORSE!
It was that WORSE that fueled my fear. I backed away from him, slowly, while he came forward, still muttering threats. He looked crazy-frightened. I kept my hands up and kept sobbing for him to not hurt me, so his guard went down--just a little bit. I backed toward the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room (the computer is across from this doorway) and when he turned his head, I snaked one of my hands behind the doorframe, up the wall to where the serrated knives rest in this wooden holder on the wall. I even had time to look them over, and selected the biggest one. It was bigger than his knife. I pulled it down, all the while with him not noticing; something on the dining room table had caught his attention, and he was bent over it, looking at it. For some reason, now he was wearing no shirt. :( Not sure how that happened or when; all I know is his back was bare, and it was exposed to me. I had to act NOW!
Hoisting the knife, I ran at him and jabbed it as hard as I could into his shoulderblade. I know, in real life it probably would've deflected, but I think it sank into him and he began reacting by thrashing out. Then--it's like the dream REWOUND.
I took a step back and thought, "WAIT! I should disarm him first, then hurt him. He could flail at me with that thing when he's wounded and STILL end up killing me. I need to get that knife out of his hand and disable him!"
So after this brief pause, the action resumed. He whirled toward me with the knife and instead of stabbing him in the back, I brought the blade down against his wrist, hoping to flay open skin and tendons and render the limb useless. I don't remember seeing blood, but I succeeded in wresting the knife from his hand. SUCCESS!
And then I woke up. And decided it wasn't worth going back to sleep again! o_O;
Well, that was certainly a weird dream. The parts that get to me are the fact that the dream rewound, almost as if I were practicing something (even though it FELT real!); the fact that there was no blood whatsoever, despite the violence; and the fact that the guy's shirt vanished. Where did it go and why? And who WAS this guy? Really weird for him to just come at me like that, when for all intents and purposes I was harmless.
Until I got my hands on that kitchen knife.
2002 Dreams