An X-Rated Dream
Holy CRAP. I can barely even begin to describe the dream I had while napping last night...that's how graphic it gets. Holy crap. I'll tell what I can, and then you can...guess the rest...if you even want to. *eegh*
It started out with me and I was supposed to be on Manitou Island. I think I was pretending to be Silver Eagle Feather, a character of mine, taking on a persona. I was walking through this beautiful landscape. It reminds me of the playground at the elementary school. It really didn't look a thing like that, except for the trail I wandered. The grass was very, very green and lush. The trail was for the most part straight, but slightly hilly--bumpy, I should say. I don't remember actual trees being alongside it, but it had the feeling almost of being enclosed, even if only by something invisible. Rocks around it too. Really beautiful; I liked it here. I was being followed by somebody who was supposed to be a man, maybe a halfling like I was (part human, part Ocryx (a wolflike demon creature) or some such). I cast a coy look over my shoulder. Eventually I came to a stop and now I was somebody else, just some native woman, I guess. And now the one following me was supposed to be Tal Natha, only his fur was gray, not black. He came toward me and I rubbed my face against his, sort of the way a cat rubs its head against your leg. I liked that he let me do that. Then...well...that's rather where I can't describe the rest of the dream. o_o;; Suffice it to say that it's something I've never done in real life, never done in a dream, and probably WILL never do again. Holy crap.
Afterwards, when I awoke and remembered it, I had the creepy feeling of, what if it WASN'T a dream? Isn't Tal Natha the Dreamspinner? Can't he do whatever he wants in the realm of dreams? What if I DIDN'T just make him up, and so that was...well...real? And that just got TOO freaky so I told myself to forget about it. He's got Red Bird! He's just a scribble on the page!!
Anyway...*COUGH*...did I have anything else to talk about? Seriously, I HATE ending the entry on that note!!
[Note: The act alluded to was oral sex performed by me upon the demon character. This is VERY embarrassing for me to own up to and is the most graphic that any of my dreams have ever gotten.]
2002 Dreams