The Wannabe Witch King
I had another dream last night. The Witch King from "Eyes For The Witch King" wasn't in it :( , but another threatening guy was. This is really weird. I think he was supposed to be Chakenapok from the Manitou Island sequel. It's like I was playacting this and controlling it, and I was both characters involved--him, and the woman. The woman was some kind of strange lycanthropic race...I was coming up with a name for them and it started with a P or a W, I think, but then I might have changed it to L. It was reminiscent of the word "werewolf," but not quite. (Another character showed up before the end of the dream, a friendly GeeBee tending after a family of kids!! I wrote down his name and it was Patiguas, pronounced "Pah-TEE-gahs," no U sound...strange.) Anyway, this evil guy pinned the woman down and she bared her fangs at him in a threatening manner. At which he bared HIS fangs back at her! This startled her and she said, "You're a _____?" (the shapeshifting race).
"No," the man replied, "this is only the form I take." And he ran his finger along her jaw with this weird smile on his face. "And it seems to me it's a form that you rather prefer."
I was putting all the words into their mouths, and performing all the actions. But it was still a dream, so I didn't KNOW I had total control over it. I guess I have to say that AGAIN, even while it was threatening, I liked this situation. o_O; People are going to start thinking I'm nuts.
I playacted this scene a few times, each time trying to refine it, their actions, their words, etc. The woman was genuinely surprised that this man at first seemed to be one of her own kind, and that attracted her to him. He wasn't her kind though; he was powerful, and just assuming the shape of what she preferred. That didn't immediately turn her off though.
Like I said above, I think this guy was supposed to be Chakenapok, an evil figure I took from native mythology. I've found only one brief mention of him online, so I came up with the rest on my own. I can't go into great detail on him without spoiling some potential story ideas, but he's a VERY powerful half-human, half-spirit, symbolized by flint and fire, and very destructive yet coolheaded and even charming as well. In one part of the story, he is supposed to try to win Charmian over into believing he's a good guy (sorry for the spoiler!), and he's so alluring and convincing that she begins to fall for it. He's ageless, much older than she is (in the story she is fifteen), but there's a quality about him that, at least in that scene, draws her to him.
Anyway, this dream led to another possible idea for the story (who is this fanged, shapeshifting woman he's so drawn to?--if it makes its way into the story, you'll have to wait and see), but I'm puzzled yet again. Does it have anything to do with my Witch King? The character seemed similar to him--a powerful, threatening male figure with supernatural forces at his command, who I'm (the woman) both afraid of and attracted to--so I don't know if it's coincidence or not. Weird to dream about such a figure twice so soon one after the other, though.
2002 Dreams