Eyes For The Witch King
I had this incredibly strange dream last night...can't remember all the details. I'll set down what I can. I remember one part consisted of me running away from somewhere. I can't remember where, but I was in a hurry. I ended up running down the hallway of my elementary school past a bunch of students, but some were walking slowly. There was a little problem girl who was spitting on me or something so I tried to think of a way to get her to stop, without being a bitch. (I'm awful with kids.) I walked beside her and offered to tell her the story of Manabozho! Weird, huh? She was puzzled so I started telling her stories from Ojibwa mythology, hoping they would distract her from her bad behavior. We ended up in a classroom and I was searching a map looking for the Ojibwa region, I think. The girl was impressed by my stories, but I didn't get to tell her nearly as much as I wanted to. For example I barely even got to Manabozho.
I looked at one location on the map--I remember seeing an earthen ledge, and talking to a native guy who was in the class with us--and then the dream switched as I somehow went really looking for this place, and ended up outside this house at night. I think that's where I was. I was with a bunch of other people and there was this evil person trying to take over the world or some such. We were all his hostages and we were desperate to find a way to escape and to stop him. I think he may have been inside this house, and he was a powerful sorcerer, a "witch king" or some such. I got the idea, somehow, to pretend to be on his side and to hopefully trick him into letting us go. This took a lot of guts on my part.
I can't recall exactly where we were or how it all happened, but he did something in this room, and we had been trying to hide from his view by staying away from windows or something. But now I went into the open to show my trust for him--or else to appear crazy. I really can't remember what was inside and what was outside; all I know is it was nighttime and there were lights on inside, and this was a big strange house. Anyway this witch king guy did something in some room and somebody may have been tortured in there or something. He finished what he was doing and I suddenly popped up. There were wooden slats in this wall so you could peer through them, but you could see only a bit at a time. So, I started running back and forth along this wall like some weird puppy or something, trying to see all that was going on within. The witch king paused and watched me doing this, mildly puzzled at my brash behavior; the others were confused too. I hadn't filled them in on my plan, but I think they understood what I was doing. The only one completely in the dark was the witch king.
My behavior attracted his attention, which was what I had been hoping for. He came to me and started talking. He wasn't ignorant, so my act must have been a good one. I was acting just like a dog or a complete idiot! I kind of rolled over onto my side and made these strange noises, not talking, just murmuring or whimpering or something. That in itself wasn't too weird; I was showing trust for him, which meant he could trust me. (It's a known fact that a dog, in order to show its trust, will roll over onto its back and expose its belly.)
It was all part of my act...but on the other hand, well, there was another angle to it all. More in a sec if possible. The witch king reached out his hand to me and I pressed my head against his palm. He seemed to be wearing some kind of strange gloves, coarse and brown like burlap or something. I rubbed my head against his hand and for some reason I liked it when he touched my face. o_o I was ATTRACTED to this evil guy! I knew I was supposed to just be PRETENDING to trust him, but I really DID want him to make some sort of effort to obtain me. I wasn't afraid of him anymore, or at least, I wasn't TERRIFIED of him anymore. Needless to say, I wouldn't have been entirely unwilling if he'd made any sort of move. VERY weird!
Unfortunately, he pulled his hand away, disappointing me severely. I'd truly hoped he would take it further...creepy!! Instead he had something in his hand and while I was still acting weird, cooing and such, he dropped it in my throat so I nearly choked. I spat it up before I could swallow it and found it was a smooth, faceless coin of some kind. This confused me greatly and I looked up at him as if to ask why he had done that. I don't remember ever seeing his face, but I know he gave me a look...I can't describe it. A stern look, but not angry. A sort of "You have to do this if you want me to trust you"-type look. As if I had to learn a lesson. He wanted me to swallow and then choke up this coin for some reason, and then he would believe I was sincere--I think!
I wanted very much to please him, so I took the coin again, even though I wasn't certain if I could do it, and put it back in my mouth, attempting to swallow it. I think I did manage to choke it back up, but I'm not sure. This all took place either in or by that room where he had done something earlier. I believe that the whole time, these other hostages were watching the entire thing unfold. They were probably worried for my safety, but by now I didn't really care that I myself was a prisoner too. I was more upset that this witch king guy hadn't made a move on me yet!
Well...I can't remember all that happened next. I just remember looking up and seeing fireworks exploding in the sky right before I woke up. I get the feeling that the witch king somehow caught on to my scheme and felt furious and betrayed. And I felt bad that he felt betrayed, because I really HAD had feelings for him, I just wanted to save the others. I think I would have stayed with him if he hadn't been so intent on taking over the world. I don't know how the fireworks figured in to things, nor what eventually happened to all of us.
*whew* What a strange dream! I got a lot of weird feelings from it, not least of all how I felt about that witch king. I never even saw his face, nor, for that matter, really felt his hand (he was wearing gloves). I could never even describe him, though I get the feeling he wasn't particularly handsome. (I want to say he was wearing horns, like little deer horns, but I can't be sure.) And he was evil, and obviously cruel to have us all prisoner. (Not to mention whatever it was that he did to whoever was in that room behind the wooden slats.) But I don't know...I was really disappointed when he pulled away from me. Creepily enough I'm STILL disappointed. o_o;
2002 Dreams