Collapse, Times Two
Vague, because it's from a day ago.
I'm not sure how this dream started out, but one part concerned a collapsing house. I was inside a building, a large room perhaps like a gymnasium, looking outside at this big earth-tone Victorian-type house. I stood and watched it collapse in on itself like the flimsiest wood. Then I thought to myself, "No, that wasn't right; I have to do it again, maybe from back here!" And I backed up a ways, I believe, and watched the house collapse again. It was like I was sort of controlling it. I felt anxious during this part of the dream, almost fearful, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I knew this house was going to collapse?
If they were not the same dream, this then shifted into "Mimikitty."
If they were not the same dream, this then shifted out of "Collapse, Times Two."
I was in a large gymnasium-like room (again, like in "Collapse, Times Two"?) trying to find Cosmas. I'm not sure how I lost him; that detail is gone by now. But there were lots of people around, and what's more, there were lots of CATS. All of them seemed to be black and white, like Coz. I was anxious and upset because I didn't want to lose him! I crouched and made kissy noises to attract his attention and a cat came walking toward me. I checked it out but the pattern of spots on its head told me it wasn't him. Sadly I sent it away and made the noise again; another cat approached. Still not Cosmas; this one had too much white on its head. (In my dream Coz had a black patch over his left eye, I believe, though in real life he doesn't have any patches over his eyes.) I was getting desperate to find him--I feel it was urgent for some reason--but I'm not sure if I ever did. I think I did, and the dream shifted again.
If they were not the same dream, this then shifted into "Gone To Camp."
Gone To Camp
If they were not the same dream, this then shifted out of "Mimikitty."
This dream involved a sort of bunkbed, in my room, that I was getting ready for something. It was a weird bed; it was set in the middle of the room and wasn't a bunkbed, but that's what it was called. The mattress was set deep into a big wooden frame and it was like it had shelves around the sides, or else just two sides. And my room was bigger, too, and others were with me; perhaps the girl with me was Mya, an old friend. I have the feeling we were students or at least younger. I also believe we were at some sort of camp, which was the reason for the beds.
I was trying to get the blanket straight, then to sort out some stuff on the shelves around this bed. At the foot (head?) of the bed on one shelf I kind of removed some stuff as there was too much, and some started to fall over. So I moved that also, and...MORE fell over! This repeated itself a few times, the stuff sliding to the left and me catching it. I finally got frustrated and may have tossed all the stuff onto the floor, or some such; it was very annoying, and I felt stupid afterwards.
I think then I started looking for a toy to sleep with. I don't know where this other girl was sleeping, but she was hanging around a lot, and I liked her company. I think first I found Fireplug, an old toy Dalmatian of mine; then I walked over to the side of the room where a net hammock used to hang, and there it was again, in my dream. Clipped to it was one of those little animals that had the clipping arms, do you remember when those were all the rage? This one was a reindeer, and I pulled it off and clipped it a few times to see how it would work. I didn't want a weak one that would fall off if I tried to clip it to something.
I can't remember what I did after that. I have written down "Ma gone." I'm not sure...I think she was dead. She, or somebody like her; perhaps a grandmother. I know it was someone I had cared for, and who had cared for me, but now it was over. I think I wanted to scream with grief, but I was numb. This part of the dream is really hazy, so who knows.
Back near the bunkbed, I looked at the floor beside it to find there was something smeared on it, maybe like honey. I remember thinking of a grasshopper, distinctly, for some reason. I started to look around for anything interesting and found some pinecones, picking one up. I decided to keep it as a souvenir. It was very strange looking though; the "petals" were VERY long, and it was all sort of cream colored, maybe with dark brown edging. I remember pulling on one of these "petals" and watching it keep getting longer and longer and wondered if I should even be taking this.
The camp counselor was talking all this while and I turned away toward a...tree? There was a small shrub or tree here, I think. I had my pinecone but now I started wondering if it had ants on it, so I lifted it and did see a few come crawling out. EEWWW!! I don't remember if I threw it away or not. For some reason I was thinking of Manabozho (a character from Ojibwa mythology). The counselor may have been part Indian, as he started telling stories about their mythological characters. The grasshopper I had thought of earlier made me think of Peepaukawiss (the brother of Manabozho, represented by a grasshopper), and now there was mention of a being(s?) called something like "Hanido." I know it was supposed to be similar to "Manitou" but I can't remember it specifically. The counselor started telling us about this Hanido, and perhaps the things I had seen and gathered had a hand in something to come, but I never did find out what.
2002 Dreams