Cartoon Incest! Horrors!!
I had some truly, TRULY strange dreams after falling asleep during DBZ! o_O Usually my dreams basically follow what's going on onscreen since I can, at least unconsciously, hear some of the dialogue; my brain just happens to fill in new images. Yet this dream, I have NO idea where it came from. Here go the basics. It included the character Vegeta, back when he was a prince serving under his father, involved in an incestuous relationship with him!! O_O They even showed the two in BED together!! HOLDING each other! They were NAKED!!! :O Nothing frontal, but a bit of the back; you could plainly see their sides. Vegeta's dad (his name is also Vegeta, confusing) was holding him and talking and you could tell that Vegeta (junior, heh) wasn't happy about it, though he said nothing. I remember their skins were different colors--one was more yellowish, one more pinkish. Ew. I knew Vegeta was planning something against his dad because sometimes he was cruel to him, treated him like a servant or a slave--but it wasn't like a master-slave relationship, just a strict dad. And there was also, uh, this sex thing. >_<;; He was being friendly to him in this scene. Then Vegeta's plan was made clear. There was a THIRD guy in the bed with them!! AAAIIIEEEEE!! It was this huge guy, probably also Saiyan, but his skin had a yellowish tint. He too was naked but covered with a sheet, and ugly. While Vegeta and his dad talked Vegeta kind of shifted so that his dad ended up next to this really BIG guy, and the big guy put his arms around him. I think what ended up happening was the big guy squeezed Vegeta's dad to death! What a WEIRD way to die! Embarrassing, too.
My own reactions during all this? I remember watching an earlier scene of Vegeta's dad punching him and blood flying, and then this scene, and thinking, "I don't remember this episode...this must be the unedited version!"
A slightly later part involved Goku showing up at some sort of rest home or something for crazy people, and there was a fat naked guy, balding, in thick glasses, who came to the door. Yes--another naked guy. And there WAS frontal this time, but Ma was watching it with me, and I didn't react because I was too busy talking about the scene. Apparently this was a tape I had bought (or rather had selected, and had Ma pay for) to replace the old one I'd had. And this one was like the collector's edition, with extra footage. So while this bald naked guy was going to the door--he had newsprint on his skin, from tabloids--and Goku was arriving (Goku said something that I knew appeared in the series, so that must have been when a bit of dialogue finally made its way into my dream--God knows where that whole Vegeta thing came from!!), I was yapping to Ma, "This isn't how it happened in the edited version. In that version, they just show this scene right here--this shot of the guy looking at the door--then Goku shows up--and he says that line right there. It's a voiceover in here. Wow, this has a lot of extra footage. I'm really glad I bought this."
All the while thinking, "Ma's going to grouse, 'I'M the one who bought it!'"
Which Way To The Pool?
There was a dream with Ma and myself and maybe someone else...Mya?...arriving at an "apartment" which was a kiddie "apartment" complete with big shelves over the bed lined with toys, bright painted colors, walls at every weird angle, and a big section of the room devoted to a strange pool. "I wish the shelves didn't have all this stuff on them. It's too cluttered," I lamented in the one section of the room, before venturing to the other. "Do they have that pool like the last time...?" I knew we had been here once before! Strange, I never remember dreaming of this place, but I knew it in my dream. "I bet they don't...oh--look! There it is!" I was so happy. This part of the room was all aqua blue, with weird artificial streams and falls and pools and holes all over the place--very strange! I looked at one hole in the floor which led way out over the water below. Didn't seem safe, but that was the way it was built. I nearly plunged into a little stream (must've been an inch or two deep!) before wondering, am I supposed to shower first?--because this water was all chlorinated. Nobody else was showering; I decided to wait and see. The pool section itself seemed to be on a lower level near the back of the room, and I was on the floor overhanging it above. Like a balcony. There were lots of kids around now, in bathing suits and with floaties and such, but I didn't mind them. I just knew I liked this room...even though in real life it would have been everything I hate. (Well, except for the weird, almost "natural" formation of the place...which would have intrigued me.) Very weird, that I knew the place so well.
The Ford Gnorra
There was another dream from this night involving Vegeta, after "Cartoon Incest! Horrors!!", but it was kind of goony and involved him and some others wandering around getting something to eat, and somebody (Goku?) wanted sugar very badly. The dream ended with me thinking of the name of a kind of car, like a Ford...something. I was repeating it, but forgot it. Gnorra, maybe? Ford Gnorra? Who knows. It isn't a real car name though. I don't remember a car in the dream.
2002 Dreams