The Red River
Granted, I can't remember if it was a river or a lake that I dreamed about. The dream is in more fragments than anything. I just remember I was going to be going somewhere with some people, and it involved a body of water. I was thinking of the city of Minot, North Dakota, as it appears in my fiction since I've never been there; I associated this body of water with that. It's like I was thinking about it, then I was there, on this motorboat with some other people. (One of those boats that has a cabin you can go into to escape the outside.) I was sitting on the deck and kind of confused. It was hazy and darkening outside, a deep purplish red. Just this strange ominous color, all flat and one shade, with no clouds but this red overcast. It started out with us seeming to be on the shore of a lake, or else on the bank of a wide river; I don't remember seeing the other side; then we were on it. I looked at the water and it was choppy and slaty but somehow it also matched the deep red sky. (It wasn't a bright red, but a washed-out, dark red...hard to describe.) It seemed as if it should be cold, but it was balmy. Shades of my "darkness falling" dreams, only it was almost dark already.
Though I was confused, I somehow ended up on this boat and I wasn't upset about it, just puzzled. There were others with me, I can't remember how many...but the dream seemed to have something to do, again, with Dragon Ball Z. (I keep falling asleep with the program on and it makes its way into my dreams!) I may have been Bulma, and Krillin, Gohan, Vegeta, and maybe later Goku and possibly Chi-Chi may have been there. We were just on this boat searching for something...I don't know...maybe a Dragon Ball?
There was more to the dream but I'm hazy on it. I just remember looking out over the dark water, then walking around inside the boat. It was like being inside a house with pleasant warm lighting and narrow halls. I think I was still Bulma, and still puzzled. I think Goku's training may have figured into it, and I remember some of the characters talking or arguing; Vegeta was on our side, and it may have been when we were just teaming up. And we just continued sailing this boat on this water, for whatever reason.
This is rather distressing, as I KNOW there was at least one other small part to the dream that had as much of an effect on me as the sight of that eerie water and sky and the feel of that breeze (they gave me a slightly anxious, yet curious feeling)...but I can't remember it at all anymore. If I should remember it sometime before my next post in here, I'll include it also. :(
2002 Dreams