Seventh Day Adventist Service!
I didn't have to record my TV shows so I napped longer than usual on the couch, about two and a half hours. The first time I woke up from my left side, ear plugged, and went to the bathroom to look at myself. My face was WHITE with GRAY rings under my eyes. I looked so awful, like I belonged on a slab. Plus I was all sweaty. I went back to nap again, on my right side...I remember Gohan's voice waking me up and I looked at the clock, a little after midnight; I was thinking, "What is Dragon Ball doing on now?--shouldn't it be Dragon Ball Z?"--then realized that this WAS DBZ, they've just gone back to the really old episodes (as Tom says, "If you really squint, they ALMOST look new"--*LMAO!*...Raditz worked his way into my dream when I dozed off during DBZ the other night...as if I've ever wanted to dream about Raditz...blagh), then dozed off again and woke up when my alarm went off, but didn't feel like getting up yet, and Ma wasn't home yet, so I dozed for another half hour until about one o'clock. *sigh* What a waste. And I had bad dreams all throughout it, too. First I dreamed that Ma and Dad were getting a divorce. Then I dreamed that they'd had some Seventh-Day Adventists (???) clean up my room so all the graffiti on my walls was gone--my quotes, my scribbles, my beloved Eye of Horus, almost EVERYTHING--all gone! I hate that couch. I really hate that awful couch.
2002 Dreams