Don't I Have Enough To Read Already?
I remembered only a few tiny bits when I awoke, but they were VERY vivid in my mind. Not as vivid now, but they still leave an impact on me, as mundane as they were.
This particular dream concerned me shopping with Ma and possibly with my brother. I was in Glen's at night; all the lights in the store didn't seem to be on, as parts of it were pretty dim. Perhaps they'd shut off those in back. I was near the milk and went forward toward the books section. Things looked mildly different, though I can't explain it completely. On the shelf facing the milk at the back were some paperbacks, like in real life, though displayed a bit differently. I approached this shelf and on the top part were lined up some fantasy paperbacks that looked pretty interesting. I can't remember the exact themes but one at least seemed to have something to do with a cavewoman or wild woman of the jungles or something, kind of hokey; then I noticed there were three that were a trilogy. I looked at the prices and they were cheaper than usual. I took down a copy of one of each, excited about reading something new. I didn't want to spend all of my money on them (I didn't have much money in the dream, probably around $20), but I wanted the books, so I was going to pay for them. I think this is when my brother showed up. He seemed to be hinting that I might not want to spend my money so unwisely, but I was like, "Yeah, yeah, whatever," and proceeded to the checkout, where Ma already was, unloading the groceries to pay for them. I stood beside her, though I seem to remember going to the very end--perhaps I was doing the bagging? (I have to do that often in real life, as there usually aren't many people working when we shop)--and I was also wondering why it was so dark in there.
If they were not the same dream, this then shifted into "Kincaid's Quest."
Kincaid's Quest
If they were not the same dream, this then shifted out of "Don't I Have Enough To Read
It was daytime now and I was on a boat on a river, probably the Cheboygan river. I have the feeling I was near the inn, not too far from Big Boy, headed further downtown (north, I believe, toward Mackinaw). It was summer, warm out, but possibly overcast; the water was dark bluish-gray and slatey, not choppy, but not calm either. I was in a motorboat with at least one other person beside me; and now I was either my character Lt. Kincaid, or else in his persona. I just suddenly decided for some reason that I wanted to be him. I bobbed a bit to the side, mimicking the motions of someone seated on a boat that was moving at a good speed. I think I was wearing, or pretending to wear, shades. I don't remember who else was with me but I seemed to be seated on the right, and I kept a blank face. I don't remember where we were headed or why I was even on this boat. It didn't matter, if I was Kincaid. And then the song "The Power Of Goodbye" by Madonna was playing loudly. I started singing it quietly to myself. There's just something strange and sad and ominous about that song that gets to me every time I hear it in real life. I found myself thinking that I should buy the album it was on, as well as every other Madonna album. :) I don't like her work THAT much; I prefer her Eighties songs. Though I wouldn't mind having "The Power Of Goodbye" on tape, either.
When I woke up this song was still ringing through my head as if I had still been hearing it right before I awoke, though I'm not sure about that. It may only have been playing while I was on the boat, or it may also have been playing in the last part of the dream.
Now I was no longer on the boat, but walking out in the wilderness, in tall weeds and grass. No idea how I got there, but I was still Kincaid, and I think I was headed out for somebody's house to question them (Kinnie's a cop). I was still feeling pretty "intense" and dramatic. I don't remember actually seeing the land rise but I came to a VERY steep hill and started up. I remember walking a trail for a while, perhaps on high yet level ground, trees to my left and right; just a weedy rut in the ground, and I had to swipe at grass and wipe my brow. It was sunny now, and muggy, with bugs about, way out here in the trees and weeds like this. It was probably mid- to late afternoon. Everything seemed browned by the heat.
The land rose again, and again, I went uphill. The trail was very narrow and constricted and the way was rough and bumpy. I had to swipe at or grab onto saplings and such on my way up; even the trail vanished into grass. There was a mixture of pines and deciduous trees here. They weren't very thick; there were small spaces and clearings between them, so the sun got through to the ground. As I went up the now nonexistent trail I noticed a tiny, itty-bitty furry creature leaping ahead of me. It had the tail of a chipmunk, striped; but it was VERY tiny, mouselike, and I never did see a head. Like a fuzzy ball with a tail. :) It just kept bouncing along ahead of me, and I leaned down to look at it more closely, wondering if it was a chipmunk. At first, I discovered it wasn't; it was more like a bird or maybe a lizard of some kind, not even a mammal. o_O Strange. I noticed another creature a bit to the right, which I think was a butterfly or insect; this attracted my attention for a moment, and when I looked at the first furry creature a moment later, I believe by then it had become a chipmunk after all, albeit a small one. I thought it was very cute, how it acted, bouncing along ahead of me, only a few feet away, and so teeny; at one point I seemed to even pick one of them up in my hands, but I believe that was when the dream ended.
On awakening, ALL of this was still clear in my mind, even immediately. I didn't have to sit and think about it to remember. The song still rang in my ears, and I still remembered the mugginess and heat and the weeds and all. I felt a little anxious, too; I think maybe this was because I didn't get to complete the dream, rather than because of any impending sense of doom. It would have been interesting to see exactly what Kinnie was up to.
2002 Dreams