This dream is from a couple of nights ago. I came onto Stories.com (via a computer in the kitchen) to find that I had been demoted from Preferred Author to Registered User. !! What had happened! Panicking (the computer was stationed near the sink and it seemed to be nighttime, for some reason), I went looking around frantically for some clue, and finally discovered an e-mail or a message for me, stating very tersely that I hadn't signed up for some sort of Spam or something (they didn't use the word "Spam," of course) so my Preferred Author status had been revoked. I got the impression I would get it back if I signed up for this mail. It was like something I had overlooked doing before, or had forgotten to do before a deadline. (This dream may reflect my current mild anxiety over the pending end of my upgrade, which has nothing to do with my ranking on the site.) And so I needed to find the place to update my account and sign up for this mail, but now I had a great deal of difficulty finding THAT. I had to locate an actual, flesh-and-blood portfolio, perhaps a brochure, with membership information that I had been given on joining...so here I was in the kitchen looking around for a folder that I believe was red. I had a lot of trouble finding it amidst other papers, but then I wasn't sure where to look or what to do. I wasn't as worried anymore, I guess since I knew what had happened and I hadn't done anything TERRIBLY wrong; but at first I'd had a fear that all the contents of my portfolio were deleted, and at first it had looked that way, that most of them were gone. I'm not sure how that was resolved.
This dream then shifted into/continued in "The Mall In My Computer."
The Mall In My Computer
This dream shifted out of/was a continuation of "Demoted!"
For some reason I wandered over toward the microwave (I'm not sure if the kitchen lights were even on), and instead of that, here was another computer, a whole lot bigger and more advanced. I can't quite recall what happened...now there was somebody with me and on the screen was a virtual map of a store...a mall store...Toys 'R' Us? It was black with a glowing green I think. I also think you touched the screen and it would give you further information. I did so to find out where I was, and then whoever else this was--someone my age, I feel we were younger--and I turned toward where the doorway to the hallway in my house would be, and now we were walking just outside a store in a big strange mall.
Strange? Well, for one thing, the floors were carpeted. It vaguely made me think of my college building. Kind of brownish-taupe-colored carpeting, very short. Lots of windows rather than walls, where the stores were, and it was still nighttime since lights were on and it was dark and dim in other parts. We turned left and here was the store we wanted to enter. I left my "friend" behind and went toward the store. There was a sort of "lobby" or something before you got into the store proper, and I walked through that, only when I'd gotten partway through realizing that the place was closed and I wasn't supposed to be here, not even in the lobby (which was rather public--there seemed to be clothes on those circular racks around me). I had something with me that I may have been intending to put IN the store, and I knew this wasn't wrong, or maybe I just wanted to go in to look around. This was semi-important. Just then though I noticed a security guard, kind of tall, overweight guy, possibly balding and with a mustache--coming my way. *sigh* He was walking casually, not very concerned, but I knew he was coming for me. He reached me as I still tried to make my way into the store and I don't remember him speaking, but I may have tried to explain what I was doing. Only I lied about it, since I felt he wouldn't believe my real story. Can't remember what the lie was. He didn't buy it anyway. I don't think I was in serious trouble, but he led me away from the store, when I had really needed to get inside for some reason. Nuts.
Kristeva Gets Wet
This dream was from last night and concerns one of my characters. I can't recall how it started, but I ended up at this indoors pool with a group of other people. I was myself, I believe, a female, and most of the others with me were female also, and my age; again, I was younger, perhaps a teenager. So maybe this was gym class. (Note, here is a break in continuity as I am continuing this description much later, and remember even less of the dream, so some of this is guesswork.) I do remember I was fully clothed, which made the next part of the dream a bit strange.
Now I can't be certain if I really did change, or if I was only pretending, but for some reason I "became" my character Detective Kristeva. He's an abuse survivor who was nearly drowned when he was little, but now he has this sort of affinity for or else obsession with water, and sometimes swims himself to exhaustion. I was now him, or pretending to be him, standing next to this pool. The end was close to my left.
The pool area didn't look like a normal pool area; a lot of things were in wood tones and perhaps there was a sort of ledge or "fence" around the entire pool, all in wood, like a ledge you could sit on to rest. Warm colors and lighting. It was nice and modern, but not too modern. I seem to remember the other girls looking at me out of the corners of their eyes as if they were curious about who I was or what I was doing there. I may be wrong.
I can't remember how this happened either, but for some reason I plunged into the pool, fully clothed! I thought the water would drag me down, but it didn't. I immediately started swimming. I think it was the breaststroke! I swung my arms through the water and I could feel my muscles working and straining but I wasn't getting tired. The weird thing about this is, in real life, I CAN'T SWIM and I'm TERRIFIED of water! I can't even submerge my face in a bowl of it. Yet here I was, in Kristeva's persona, doing a pretty good job of getting myself around in this pool. Fully clothed to boot!
I can't recall what happened after this, though I remember climbing out and getting a towel and trying to dry myself off, which I suddenly realized was strange because I was drying off my clothes. I wasn't as wet as I should have been. Perhaps the other girls were still staring at me. I didn't feel too uncomfortable; I liked that they were wondering what I was about.
That is all that I can recall of that dream.
2001 Dreams